Hyundai Elantra (2023 year). Manual in english - page 6


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Hyundai Elantra (2023 year). Manual in english - page 6




Convenience Features
Remote Control with Digital Key
To use the remote control function with
After reconnecting the vehicle battery
your android smartphone, Bluetooth
power supply or charging the battery, it
must be turned on.
may take time to operate due to remote
renewal of security information. When you
Remote Control Connection with Digital
lock or unlock the door with NFC, please
touch and hold your smartphone on the
door handle until it works.
1. Open Hyundai digital key application
on the smartphone. Select the
When the mobile data connection of the
vehicle to activate the remote control
smartphone is weak, the remote renewal
function as a main vehicle.
of security information may fail. In this
case, you should lock, unlock or turn on
2. Approach with the activated
the vehicle with the card key. When you
smartphone app to your vehicle
are in the place where the mobile data
and you can check whether the
connection of your smartphone is available
connection is available. If it enables
and place your smartphone on the interior
your smartphone to connect, connect
authentication pad (wireless charger) and
with your vehicle by pressing the
start up your vehicle or touch the digital
connect button. The remote control
key on the door handle to lock or unlock
function is activated after completing
the door, the remote renewal of security
the process.
information starts automatically. Even
though the engine is turned on, please
Remote Control Operation with Digital
wait until the remote renewal process
is completed and wireless charger is
You can execute the remote control
converted to charging mode.
operation including door lock/unlock,
panic on/off, remote start / remote
stop and trunk opening. The icon for
each function will be highlighted and
The engine can be turned on if the
alarm/vibration also provided when the
registered smartphone or card key is
operation is performed.
placed on the interior authentication
Note that you cannot lock your vehicle
pad (wireless charger). Do not leave
using the Hyundai digital key app if any
unsupervised children or people who
of the following occurs:
are not aware of the system since it
can result in serious injury or death.
ś The POWER button is in ACC or ON
Always have the registered digital key
(smartphone) or card key with you to
ś Any doors are open.
prevent vehicle theft when leaving the
When the smartphone and the vehicle
are connected by the Bluetooth function
For more information, refer to the
but the remote control command
Engine Start/Stop button in chapter 6.
cannot be received over 5 minutes, the
remote control connection is canceled


Remote Start with Digital Key
ś When the shift lever of your vehicle
If metallic window tint was applied
is in P (Park) and all of the doors
to your vehicle, it may cause
including trunk and hood is locked
bad Bluetooth connection or
and the vehicle is off, press the Door
performance degradation of the
Lock button in the Hyundai Digital
digital key.
Key app then press the Remote Start
If multiple users operate the remote
button within 4 seconds.
control function simultaneously, the
You can confirm the engine is on if the
connection between the digital key
hazard warning lights blinks two times
and the vehicle might result in failed
and the chime sounds.
commands. Please connect and
ś If you want to turn off the engine,
operate the remote control function
press Remote Engine Stop. Air
only with the necessary user.
Conditioner / Heating system
When using the remote control
maintains the same status as when
operation, the driver (the remote
you last used the vehicle.
control user) should leave the vehicle
ś Unless you put the registered digital
after confirming the door lock (the
key(smartphone) on the interior
chime sounds once and the hazard
authentication pad (wireless charger)
warning lights blink).
when the remote start function is on,
The remote functions of the Digital
the engine will turn off.
Key app enable the vehicle to be
ś If you do not get into the vehicle
controlled from a set distance. If
within 10 minutes after the engine
the digital key or the vehicle goes
turns on, the vehicle will turn off.
beyond the operable distance, the
For more information, refer to the Engine
remote control function might be
disconnected or canceled.
Start/Stop button in chapter 6.
If the digital key (smartphone) is
Vehicle information Display
connected with the vehicle for the
remote control, the driver with the
The digital key application displays
key goes far away from the vehicle,
the vehicle information such as
the function might not work.
driving or door conditions through the
communication with the vehicle.
If the remote control operation
is executed where the mobile
ś How to check : Select the vehicle
connection is weak, Bluetooth
what you want to check and touch
connection is poor due to several
the vehicle image, then vehicle
Bluetooth devices or there is an
information display page will be
object such as metal or concrete, it
might be delayed or the operable
ś Contents : accumulated odometer,
distance might decrease. You should
latest fuel economy, driving range,
not cover the smartphone with your
fuel remaining, tire pressure, doors
hand or place other devices which
lock/unlock status and last data
can cause frequency interference. It
updated time.
may result in poor performance.
à Displayed vehicle data could be
If the remote control function is not
differed from the current vehicle
available, please use NFC function to
lock or unlock the doors.
à For more information, please refer to
the ‘Tutorial’ on your Digital key app.


Convenience Features
Smartphone change/App deletion
If you change your smartphone or delete
Do not leave the registered digital
the Hyundai Digital Key App, please refer
key (smartphone) and card key in
to the following to set up your Digital
your vehicle. Please carry around
your keys all the time.
If you happen to lose your digital
Smartphone Change/ Reset
key (smartphone) or card key
If you change or reset the smartphone,
registered as a main user’s key, you
the registered digital key in your previous
should immediately delete the key
smartphone may not be used. Please
on the vehicle’s key menu. For more
refer to following procedure to use the
information, refer to the Digital Key
digital key.
Deletion in this chapter.
1. Install the digital key application and
If you registered your digital key
log in.
(smartphone) or card key in the
2. If you are the owner, retry the Digital
vehicle, a message appears on the
key save process.
instrument cluster and informs you
3. If you are the sharer, need to re-share
that the key is registered.
the key from owner.
(Message: Digital key(s) active.)
If you buy a used vehicle, you should
App delete & reinstall/ Delete App data
confirm the message and delete the
registered smartphone key and card
You can re-download the digital key from
key. In this case, you should carry
the server and follow these procedures.
your smart key.
1. Reinstall the application and log in.
If you keep the NFC card of
2. Input the PIN number for user
the digital key on the interior
authentication pad (wireless
3. If PIN is correct, digital key data
charger) while driving, it may cause a
will be re-downloaded to your
malfunction of the NFC card.
smartphone and you can use it
You should remove your NFC card
without any further registration or
of the digital key on the interior
authentication pad after turning on
the engine.
Smartphone operability with Digital Key
Hyundai digital key app may not
The digital key application may not be
work properly when the NFC or
available to older type smartphones.
Bluetooth communication between
Please check the available smartphone
smartphone and car is poor.
models with your dealer. NFC antenna
If the remote control operation
position on the smartphone can be
is executed where the mobile
confirmed on each smartphone’s manual
connection is weak, Bluetooth
or contact to customer service center of
connection is poor due to other
the smartphone manufacturer.
Bluetooth devices or there is an
object such as metal or concrete, it
might be delayed or the operable
distance might decrease. You should
not cover the smartphone with your
hand or place other devices which
can cause frequency interference. It
may result in poor performance.


If the remote control function is not
- If you use a smart phone cover that
activated, please use NFC function to
uses wireless communication or is
lock or unlock the doors
made of metal, the digital key NFC
function may not work properly.
You should be careful not to
press the remote control button
Remove the smart phone cover
before using the digital key NFC
on the digital key (smartphone)
ś The vehicle may not be controlled by
If the digital key (smartphone) is
the smartphone if any of the following
discharged or defective or you
cannot use the digital key since the
vehicle battery is discharged, use the
- Basic and necessary functions of
inside door lock button to lock all of
the smartphone manufacturer are
the doors.
operating. (General call, urgent
call, audio or NFC payment)
- Wireless earphone is operating.
(General call, urgent call or audio)
Hyundai digital key app on the
- The digital key app function such
smartphone and card key may not
as basic setting or app launching
work if any of the following occurs:
is limited by prior policy according
Hyundai digital key app on the
to the manufacturer while using a
smartphone is deleted. (Required
smartphone produced by domestic
to reinstall the app)
and foreign manufactures.
Account log in information of
à If you change the smartphone
Hyundai digital key app is expired.
number, you should modify the user
(Required to re-log in)
account information on the HYUNDAI
When you try to log in to another
customer web site to use the digital
smartphone instead of the
key app.
registered smartphone with same
à If the vehicle owner changes
user account.
the smartphone device, the new
Smartphone rooting or app
smartphone should be registered in
hacking is detected.
the car after deleting the registered
digital key(smartphone).
Smartphone battery or the vehicle
battery is discharged.
à If a sharer changes or resets the
smartphone, the key should be re-
Smartphone’s screen is off or
shared from owner.
à Some older smartphones may not
NFC or Bluetooth is turned off on
work properly. Please check the
the smartphone settings.
available smartphone models with
Smartphone’s mobile network
your dealer.
setting is off or airplane mode is
à NFC antenna position on the
smartphone can be confirmed
A credit card is overlapped in the
on each smartphone’s manual or
back of your smartphone or metal
contact to customer service center
or thick case is used.
of the smartphone manufacturer.
The card key is overlapped with
other credit cards or the key is
used as inserted in the wallet or
card wallet.


Convenience Features
Digital key (Card key)
3. Register the NFC card key on the
User’s Settings menu after turning on
the vehicle.
à With Navigation screen : From the
infotainment screen menu, go to
[Setup] - [Vehicle] - [Digital Key] -
[Card Key] then select the [Save] from
à Without navigation screen : From
cluster menu, go to [Digital Key] -
[Card Key] and select [Save].
The [Save] button will be disabled if
the digital key (Card key) is already
Please refer to “Digital Key Delete” in
this manual and follow the digital key
delete procedure in your car before
Digital key save.
4. Place the NFC card key onto the
interior authentication pad (wireless
charger). The saving process will
begin automatically.
5. If the key is enrolled, the message
will be displayed on the infotainment
screen or instrument cluster.
Digital key (Card key) save
1. Install Hyundai digital key app in
main user’s smartphone and register
Once the card key registration mode
the digital key (smartphone). Please
is activated, the process should be
refer to the registration method of the
completed within 5 minutes. After
digital key (smartphone).
then, you should reactivate once
2. Using the [Pair Card Key] menu on
again for registration.
the digital key application, you can
For the digital key(card key) saving,
activate the Card Key registration
the smart key(fob) must be inside the
à NFC authentication : enter the NFC
Once a Card key is registered, it
authentication menu and touch the
cannot be reused in another vehicle.
smartphone on the outside door
à Bluetooth authentication : enter the
Bluetooth authentication menu and
press the [OK] button for activation.
If you activate the registration mode,
you should complete the Card saving
process with in 5 minutes.
à If you have not registered the digital
key (smartphone), please register the
digital key (card key) with two smart


ś To delete the saved digital key (card
key), the smart key must be inside the
ś The deleted digital key (card key) can
be re-registered before registering a
new digital key (card key).
ś If you register a new digital key (card
key), the previously registered digital
key (card key) cannot be used again.
Digital key (Card key) deletion
You should have the smart key to delete
digital key (card key). Please have the
smart key in your possession.
1. Get into the vehicle with the smart
2. Delete the NFC card key on the User’s
Settings menu after turning on the
à With Navigation screen : From the
infotainment screen menu, go to
[Setup] - [Vehicle] - [Digital Key] -
[Card Key] then select the [Delete]
from submenu.
à Without navigation screen : From
cluster menu, go to [Digital Key] -
[Card Key] and select [Delete].
If there is no saved digital key(card key),
[Delete] menu will not be activated.


Convenience Features
If the digital key (card key) does not work,
please move the card 4 inches (0.1m)
away from the handle authentication
pad and retry to touch. If the card key is
damaged by impact, it may not operate
properly or at all. You should buy a new
card and register again. Long-time
exposure to high temperature may cause
the card key to malfunction. Please be
careful not to expose the key to direct
sunlight or high temperature.
[1] : Door handle authentication pad
NFC door lock/unlock
You should touch digital key (card key)
to door handle authentication pad (1,
marked position near by the lock button)
of driver’s (or front passenger’s) outside
door for 2 seconds to lock or unlock the
doors. If the Two Press Unlock feature
is applied (press twice for unlocking),
driver’s seat door will be unlocked by
touching the digital key (card key). In this
state, if you touch one more time within
4 seconds, all the doors unlock.
Inoperable condition
If you do not touch the digital key (card
key) to the center of the door handle
authentication pad accurately. it may not
work. In addition, if you overlap and use
the key with NFC-enabled cards such as
transportation card or credit card, it may
not work.
Note that if you try to lock your vehicle
with digital key (card key) in following
cases, the doors will not be locked and
chime will sound for 3 seconds.
ś The Smart Key is in the vehicle.
ś The POWER button is in ACC or ON
ś Any of the doors, hood or trunk are


Start-up with Card key
„ Type A
After placing your registered card key
onto the interior authentication pad
(wireless charger), step on the brake and
press the Engine Start/Stop button.
ś If you do not place the digital key
(card key) onto the center of the
interior authentication pad (wireless
charger) exactly, the card key may
not be recognized. If the engine is
„ Type B
not turned on, adjust and place the
key again.
ś If you overlap and use the key
with NFC-enabled cards such as
transportation card or credit card,
the card key may not be recognized.
ś If the digital key (card key) does
not work, please move the card 4
inches (0.1m) away from the handle
authentication pad and retry to
Digital key application/cancellation
ś If the card key is damaged by impact,
it may not operate properly or at
If you do not want to use the digital key
all. You should buy a new card and
(smartphone and card key), you can
register again.
disable the function temporarily. You
should have the smart key when you
For more information, refer to the
change the settings
Engine Start/Stop button in chapter 6.
à With Navigation screen :
From the infotainment screen menu,
go to [Setup] - [Vehicle] - [Digital Key]
- [Enable Digital Keys] (deselect)
à Without navigation screen :
From cluster menu, go to [Digital Key]
- [Enable Digital Keys] (deselect)
If you do not have the smart key in your
possession, you cannot deselect [Enable
digital keys]. However, if you want to
select [Enable digital keys] again, you do
not need to have the smart key in your


Convenience Features
Profile link/unlinked
Profile link
If you uncheck Enable digital keys, it is
impossible to lock or unlock the doors
or start up the vehicle with digital keys
(Smartphone) on the infotainment
such as smartphone and card key. If
you check Enable digital keys again, the
system menu.
registered digital keys(smartphone and
2. Unlock your digital key installed
card key) are available. Even though
smart phone screen and place it onto
you stop the digital key function, the
the wireless charger according to a
registered keys (smartphone and card
key) are not deleted.
3. It begins the profile link with a
Personalized profile and vehicle
4. If you select Link, the registered
phone number’s digital key and the
Connect the registered digital key with
user’s profile are linked.
personalized profile. Then in case you
5. The interconnection process is
lock or unlock the door with the digital
completed with a message.
key NFC function or unlock the door
remotely by digital key application
Profile unlink
Bluetooth connection, the vehicle
will play the personalized user profile
1. Select Digital Key information on
settings. Profile connection and
infotainment Vehicle Settings menu. It
personalization are available for Driver 1
is possible to unlink only if the profile
and Driver 2.
is interconnected.
2. Profile unlink is completed with a
If you connect both Driver 1 and Driver 2
with a single smartphone, the smartphone
digital key always works as Driver 1.
If you unlink the Driver 1, personalization
function will operate as Driver 2.


PRECAUTION for vehicle profile link and
Vehicle personalization operation
The personalization function linked with
When you link or unlink the profile of
digital key works as following conditions:
digital key, you should be careful of the
ś Touch the driver’s door handle with
the profile linked smart phone to lock
Profile link is possible to use with the
or unlock the doors (Personalization
digital key. (Infotainment Vehicle
does not operate when locking or
unlocking the front passenger door.)
Digital Keys)
ś Remote door unlock with the profile
Profile link information remains even
linked smartphone digital key app.
when you disable the digital key
The profile linked with digital key can be
changed manually in the infotainment
Only the smart phone with digital key
system setup screen.
app enables you to link your profile.
(Impossible to link with NFC card)
Precaution for digital key profile link and
Profile link works only when the
smart phone and the digital key are
Profile operation according to door lock/
registered to the vehicle. The smart
unlock system is as follows.
phone with another vehicle’s digital
key cannot link profile.
If you remove the smart phone
from the wireless charger before
Initial value
completing the profile link, it does not
Profile linked
smart phone
Linked profile
To unlink the profile, the smart phone
does not need to be on the wireless
Profile unlinked
smart phone
Recently activated
NFC card key
Smart key
ś The personalization function using
the digital key can be operated
after linking the digital key on the
infotainment system profile menu.
ś You should use the personalization
function only when the vehicle is
safely parked.


Convenience Features
Vehicle personalization with digital key
The available personalization function in the vehicle is as follows.
Personalization Item
Blink number of one-touch signal lamps
Automatic door lock/unlock, Two Press Unlock
Preferred volume of the navigation system, Recent
User preset
Radio preset
Bluetooth preferential connect
Latest operation setup of the following functions:
Air conditioning
(for automatic
Temperature, AUTO, air flow direction, air volume,
climate control
air conditioner, air intake control, SYNC, Front
windshield defroster, OFF
For more information of personalization, refer to the infotainment system manual.
If you leave the digital key after locking or unlocking the doors or starting up the
vehicle with the smart key, the doors can be locked by the central door lock. Please
carry the digital key at all times.


Operating Door Locks from
Outside the Vehicle
Be careful when locking the door by
Mechanical key
mechanical key operation, only the
driver’s door can be locked/unlocked.
Refer to Chapter 5 “Operating door locks
from inside the vehicle” to lock from
inside the vehicle.
When removing the cover, be careful not
to lose cover and any scratches.
When the key cover freezes and does not
open, lightly tap or indirectly warm(hand
temperature, etc.) it.
1. Press the lever located under the
cover with mechanical key. (1)
Do not apply excessive force to the door
and door handle. It may be damaged.
2. While pushing the lever so that the
mechanical key does not fall out of
the cover hole, slowly push it towards
the rear of the vehicle and remove the
cover. (2)
3. After removing the cover, only driver’s
door can be locked or unlocked by
using mechanical key.
4. Turn the key toward the rear of the
vehicle to lock and toward the front of
the vehicle to unlock. (3)
If you lock/unlock the driver’s door with
a key, the driver’s door will lock/ unlock
Once the door is unlocked, it may be
opened by pulling the door handle.
Make sure that doors are closed securely.


Convenience Features
Remote key
Smart key
To lock the doors, press the button on
To lock the doors, press the Door Lock
the outside door handle while carrying
button (1) on the remote key.
the smart key with you or press the door
To unlock the doors, press the Door
lock button on the smart key.
Unlock button (2) on the remote key.
To unlock the doors, press the button on
Once the doors are unlocked, they may
the outside door handle while carrying
be opened by pulling the door handle.
the smart key with you or press the door
When closing the door, push the door by
unlock button on the smart key.
hand. Make sure that doors are closed
Once the doors are unlocked, they may
be opened by pulling the door handle.
When closing the door, push the door by
hand. Make sure that doors are closed
ś In cold and wet climates, door lock
and door mechanisms may not work
properly due to freezing conditions.
ś If the door is locked/unlocked multiple
times in rapid succession with either
the vehicle key or door lock switch, the
system may stop operating temporarily
in order to protect the circuit and
prevent damage to system components.
ś Two press unlock setting can be
changed in the User Settings mode on
the cluster.


Operating Door Locks from
With the central door lock switch
Inside the Vehicle
„ Driver’s door
With the door handle
„ Front passenger’s door
Front door
If the inner door handle is pulled when
the door is locked, the door will unlock
and open.
Rear door
If the inner door handle is pulled once
when the door is locked, the door will
unlock. If the inner door handle is pulled
once more, the door will open.
When pressing the (
) portion (1) of
the switch, all vehicle doors will lock.
If any door is opened, the doors will not
- If any door is opened, the doors will
lock even though the central door lock
not lock even though the central
switch is pressed.
door lock switch (1) is pressed.
When pressing the (
) portion (2)
of the switch, all vehicle doors will
If a power door lock ever fails to function
Doors indicating light (3)
while you are in the vehicle try one or
more of the following techniques to exit:
When all vehicle doors are locked, the
indicating lights on the driver’s door
ś Operate the door unlock feature
and passenger’s door will turn on. If
repeatedly (both electronic and
any door is unlocked, it would go off.
manual) while simultaneously pulling
on the door handle.
ś Operate the other door locks and
handles, front and rear.
ś Lower a front window and use the
mechanical key to unlock the door from


Convenience Features
ś The doors should always be fully
If you stay in the vehicle for a long time
closed and locked while the
while the weather is very hot or cold,
vehicle is in motion. If the doors
there are risks of injuries or danger to
are unlocked, the risk of being
life. Do not lock the vehicle from the
thrown from the vehicle in a crash is
outside when someone is in the vehicle.
ś Do not pull the inner door handle of
the driver’s or passenger’s door while
the vehicle is moving.
Opening a door when something is
approaching may cause damage or
injury. Be careful when opening doors
and watch for vehicles, motorcycles,
bicycles or pedestrians approaching the
Do not leave the elderly, children or
vehicle in the path of the door.
animals unattended in your vehicle. An
enclosed vehicle can become extremely
hot, causing death or serious injury
to the elderly, unattended children
or animals who cannot escape from
the vehicle. Children might operate
features of the vehicle that could injure
them, or they could encounter other
harm, possibly from someone gaining
entry to the vehicle.
Always secure your vehicle.
Leaving your vehicle unlocked increases
the potential risk to you or others from
someone hiding in your vehicle.
To secure your vehicle, while depressing
the brake, move the shift button to the
P (Park) position, engage the parking
brake, and place the ignition switch
in the LOCK/OFF position, close all
windows, lock all doors, and always
take the key with you.


Automatic Door Lock and Unlock
Child-Protector Rear Door Locks
Impact sensing door unlock system
(if equipped)
All doors will be automatically unlocked
when an impact causes the air bags to
Speed sensing door lock system (if
All doors will be automatically locked
when vehicle speed exceeds 9 mph (15
The child safety lock is provided to help
prevent children seated in the rear from
You can activate or deactivate the Auto
accidentally opening the rear doors.
Door Lock/Unlock features from the User
Settings Mode on the LCD display.
The rear door safety locks should be used
whenever children are in the vehicle.
For more details, refer to “LCD Display”
in chapter 4. If your vehicle is equipped
The child safety lock is located on the
with additional navigation, please refer
edge of each rear door. When the child
to the infotainment system manual
safety lock is in the lock position, the
separately supplied.
rear door will not open if the inner door
handle is pulled.
To lock the child safety lock, insert a key
(or screwdriver) (1) into the hole and turn
it to the lock position.
To allow a rear door to be opened from
inside the vehicle, unlock the child safety
If children accidently open the rear
doors while the vehicle is in motion,
they could fall out of the vehicle. The
rear door safety locks should always
be used whenever children are in the


Convenience Features
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Rear Occupant Alert helps prevent the
driver from leaving a passenger in the
rear seats.
Rear Occupant Alert provides
information to the driver to check
the rear seats but it does not detect
Rear Occupant Alert Operation
whether there is an object or passenger.
Always check the rear seats when
leaving the vehicle.
The open and close history of the rear
door is initialized if the driver turns off the
engine and lock vehicle doors.
However, the alarm may sound again
whenever the driver’s door is opened if the
previous history of the rear door is not
When the driver turns off the engine and
opens the driver’s door after opening and
closing a rear door, a warning message
“Check rear seats” appears on the


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This system helps to protect your vehicle
and valuables. The horn will sound and
the hazard warning lights will blink
Do not lock the doors until all
continuously if any of the following
passengers have left the vehicle. If the
remaining passenger leaves the vehicle
when the system is armed, the alarm
- A door is opened without using the
will be activated.
remote key or smart key.
If the vehicle is not disarmed with the
- The trunk is opened without using the
remote key or smart key, open the
remote key or smart key.
doors by using the mechanical key and
- The engine hood is opened.
place the ignition switch in the ON
The alarm continues for 30 seconds, then
position (for remote key) or start the
the system resets. To turn off the alarm,
engine (for smart key) and wait for 30
unlock the doors with the remote key or
smart key.
When the system is disarmed but a
The Theft Alarm System automatically
door or trunk is not opened within 30
sets 30 seconds after you lock the doors
seconds, the system will be rearmed.
and the trunk. For the system to activate,
you must lock the doors and the trunk
from outside the vehicle with the remote
key or smart key or by pressing the
button on the outside of the door handle
with the smart key in your possession.
The hazard warning lights will blink and
the chime will sound once to indicate the
system is armed.
Once the security system is set, opening
any door, the trunk, or the hood without
using the remote key or smart key will
cause the alarm to activate.
The Theft Alarm System will not set if the
hood, the trunk, or any door is not fully
closed. If the system will not set, check
the hood, the trunk, or the doors are fully
Do not attempt to alter this system or
add other devices to it.


Convenience Features
Electric Power Steering (EPS)
The system assists you with steering the
The following symptoms may occur during
vehicle. If the vehicle is turned off or
normal vehicle operation:
if the power steering system becomes
The steering effort may be high
inoperative, you may still steer the
immediately after placing the ignition
vehicle, but it will require increased
switch in the ON position.
steering effort.
This happens as the system performs
Also, the steering effort becomes heavier
the EPS system diagnostics. When the
as the vehicle’s speed increases and
diagnostics are completed, the steering
becomes lighter as the vehicle’s speed
wheel effort will return to its normal
decreases for better control of the
steering wheel.
When the battery voltage is low, you
Should you notice any change in the
may have to put more steering effort.
effort required to steer during normal
However, it is a temporary condition so
vehicle operation, have the system
that it will return to normal condition
checked by an authorized HYUNDAI
after charging the battery.
A click noise may be heard from the
EPS relay after the ignition switch is in
the ON or LOCK/OFF position.
If the Electric Power Steering System
Motor noise may be heard when the
does not operate normally, the
vehicle is at a stop or at a low driving
warning light (
) will illuminate
on the instrument cluster. You may
When you operate the steering wheel
steer the vehicle, but it will require
in low temperatures, abnormal noise
increased steering efforts. Take your
may occur. If the temperature rises, the
vehicle to an authorized HYUNDAI
noise will disappear. This is a normal
dealer and have the system checked
as soon as possible.
When an error is detected from the
When an abnormality is detected
EPS, the steering effort assist function
in the electric power steering
may become inoperative in order to
system, to prevent an accident, the
prevent fatal accidents. Instrument
steering assist function may become
cluster warning lights may be on or the
inoperative. At this time, the warning
steering effort may be high. If these
light turns on or blinks on the cluster.
symptoms occur, drive the vehicle to
The steering wheel may become
a safe area as soon as it is safe to do
difficult to control or operate. Have
so. Have the system checked by an
your vehicle checked immediately,
authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon
after moving the vehicle to a safe
as possible.


Tilt Steering / Telescope Steering
When adjusting the steering wheel to a
comfortable position, adjust the steering
wheel so that it points toward your chest,
not toward your face. Make sure you can
see the instrument cluster warning lights
and gauges. After locking the lever, push
the steering wheel both up and down to
be certain it is locked in position. Always
adjust the position of the steering wheel
before driving.
To adjust the steering wheel angle and
NEVER adjust the steering wheel while
1. Pull down the lock-release lever (1).
driving. This may cause loss of vehicle
2. Adjust the steering wheel to the
control resulting in an accident.
desired angle (2) and distance
forward/back (3).
3. Pull up the lock-release lever to lock
the steering wheel in place.
Sometimes the lock release lever may not
engage completely. This may occur when
the gears of the locking mechanism do not
completely mesh. If this occurs, pull down
on the lock release lever, readjust the
steering wheel again, and then pull back
up on the release lever to lock the steering
wheel in place.
While adjusting the steering wheel
height, please do not push or pull it
hard since the fixture can be damaged.


Convenience Features
To sound the horn, press the area
indicated by the horn symbol on your
steering wheel (see illustration). The
horn will operate only when this area is
Do not strike the horn severely to
operate it, or hit it with your fist. Do not
press on the horn with a sharp-pointed


Inside Rearview Mirror
Day/night rearview mirror
(if equipped)
Before driving your vehicle, check to
see that your inside rearview mirror is
properly positioned. Adjust the rearview
mirror so that the view through the rear
window is properly centered.
Make sure your line of sight is not
obstructed. Do not place objects in the
rear seat, cargo area, or behind the rear
head restraints which could interfere
with your vision through the rear
[A] : Lever, [B] : Day, [C] : Night
Make this adjustment before you start
driving and while the day/night lever is in
the day position.
To prevent serious injury during an
accident or deployment of the air bag,
Pull the day/night lever towards you to
do not modify the rearview mirror and
reduce glare from the headlights of the
do not install a wide mirror.
vehicles behind you during night driving.
Remember that you lose some rearview
clarity in the night position.
NEVER adjust the mirror while driving.
This may cause loss of vehicle control
resulting in an accident.
When cleaning the mirror, use a paper
towel or similar material dampened
with glass cleaner. Do not spray glass
cleaner directly on the mirror as this
may cause the liquid cleaner to enter
the mirror housing.


Convenience Features
Electrochromic mirror (ECM) with
Automatic-Dimming Night Vision Safety™
HomeLink® system (if equipped)
(NVS®) Mirror (if equipped)
The NVS® Mirror automatically helps
reduce glare by monitoring light levels in
the front and the rear of the vehicle. Any
object that obstructs either light sensor
will degrade the automatic dimming
control feature.
For more information regarding NVS®
mirrors and other applications, please
refer to the Gentex website:
Your mirror will automatically dim
Your vehicle may be equipped with
upon detecting glare from the vehicles
a Gentex Automatic-Dimming Mirror
traveling behind you.
with an Integrated HomeLink® Wireless
The mirror defaults to the ON position
Control System.
each time the vehicle is started.
During nighttime driving, this feature will
automatically detect and help reduce
Integrated HomeLink® Wireless Control
rearview mirror glare. The HomeLink®
Universal Transceiver allows you to
activate your garage door(s), electric
The HomeLink® Wireless Control System
gate, home lighting, etc.
can replace up to three hand-held
radio-frequency (RF) transmitters with
(1) HomeLink Channel 1
a single built-in device. This innovative
(2) HomeLink Channel 2
feature will learn the radio frequency
(3) HomeLink Channel 3
codes of most current transmitters to
(4) Garage Door Opener Status Indicator :
operate devices such as gate operators,
Closing or Closed
garage door openers, entry door locks,
security systems, even home lighting.
(5) HomeLink Operation Indicator
Both standard and rolling code-equipped
(6) Garage Door Opener Status Indicator :
transmitters can be programed by
Opening or Opened
following the outlined procedures.
(7) HomeLink User Interface Indicator
Additional HomeLink® information can
be found at:, www. or by
calling 1-800-355-3515.
Retain the original transmitter of the
RF device you are programing for use
in other vehicles as well as for future
HomeLink® programing. It is also
suggested that upon the sale of the
vehicle, the programed HomeLink®
buttons be erased for security purposes.


To program most devices, follow these
Before programing HomeLink® to a
garage door opener or gate operator,
make sure people and objects are out
of the way of the device to prevent
potential harm or damage. Do not
use the HomeLink® with any garage
door opener that lacks the safety
stop and reverse features required
by U.S. federal safety standards (this
includes any garage door opener model
manufactured before April 1, 1982).
A garage door that cannot detect an
object - signaling the door to stop and
reverse - does not meet current U.S.
federal safety standards. Using a garage
1. Press and release (1), (2) or (3) button.
door opener without these features
increases the risk of serious injury or
Orange, go to Step 3) since it is a
new programing.
Programing HomeLink®
turned ON or flashes in Green rapidly
Please note the following:
several times, go to Step 2) since it is
a programed button.
opener, it is advised to park the
2. Press and hold the button you wish
vehicle outside of the garage.
to program for approximately 15-
25 seconds until the LED flashes in
Orange for several times.
be placed in the hand-held transmitter
of the device being programed to
3. Hold the Garage Door Opener Original
HomeLink® for quicker training and
Transmitter near the HomeLink Mirror.
accurate transmission of the radio-
frequency signal.
Engine Start/Stop button to be in
the ACC (or “Accessories”) position
for programing and/or operation of
programing difficulties or questions
after following the programing steps
listed below, contact HomeLink® at:
com/HomeLinkGentex or by calling


Convenience Features
7. Return to the vehicle and firmly press,
hold for two seconds and release the
HomeLink button up to three times.
Do not press the HomeLink button
rapidly. At this point programing is
complete and your device should
operate when the HomeLink button is
pressed and released.
ś Some garage door openers require to
press the programed button on the
4. Press the Original Transmitter
button until the indicator (4) is
mirror up to three times right after
the programing is just completed to
turned continuously ON or flashes in
Green for approximately 10 seconds
operate the garage door.
and it indicates the programing is
ś The indicator (4) is turned ON in
Orange and flashes for about 60
seconds, during the programing mode
5. However, the indicator (4) flashes
in Green continuously, but if the
and if a programing is not succeeded
within the 60 seconds, the programing
garage door opener does not operate,
please continue to follow the step
mode will be abort.
6 and 7 (“Rolling Code Programing”
HomeLink® should now activate your
6. Firmly press and release the “Learn,”
rolling code equipped device.
“Smart,” or “Program” button while
the indicator (4) flashes in Green.
Once the button is pressed, you have
approximately 30 seconds to initiate
the next step.
At the garage door opener motor, (security
gate motor, etc.) locate the “Learn,”
“Smart,” or “Program” button. This
can usually be found where the hanging
antenna wire is attached to the motor-head
unit (see the device’s manual to identify
this button). The name and color of the
button may vary by manufacturer. A
ladder and/or second person may simplify
the following steps.


Gate operator & Canadian programing
During programing, your handheld
transmitter may automatically stop
transmitting. Continue to press the
Integrated HomeLink® Wireless Control
System button while you press and re-
press (“cycle”) your handheld transmitter
every two seconds until the frequency
signal has been learned. The indicator
light will flash slowly and then rapidly
after several seconds upon successful
Erasing HomeLink® buttons
1. Press and hold the button (1) and (3)
2. The indicator (4) is turned
continuously ON in orange for about
10 seconds.
3. Then the indicator (4) color changes
to Green and flashes rapidly.
Release the buttons once the green
indicator flashes.
4. Now HomeLink button (1), (2) and (4)
memories are all cleared.
Operating HomeLink®
NVS® is a registered trademark and
1. Press and release one of the
Z-Nav™ is a trademark of the Gentex
HomeLink buttons (1, 2 or 3) that
Corporation, Zeeland, Michigan.
HomeLink® is a registered trademark
2. The HomeLink indicator (4) will
owned by Johnson Controls,
operate as below:
Incorporated, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Indicates Green and is continuously
ON (Fixed Code Garage Door
IC: 4112A-UAHL5A
- Flashes in Green rapidly (Rolling
Code Garage Door Opener)


Convenience Features
Two Way Communication Programing
1. Complete the HomeLink
This device complies with Part 15 of the
“Programing” first.
FCC Rules.
2. Before the first 10 times HomeLink
Operation is subject to the following three
button is pressed after the
programing, the following steps
1. This device may not cause harmful
MUST occur to program two way
interference, and
communication. (only for some older
2. This device must accept any
garage doors)
interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
3. The transceiver has been tested
and complies with FCC and
Industry Canada rules. Changes or
modifications not expressly approved
by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to
operate the device.
3. Press and release the programed
HomeLink button to activate the
garage door.
4. Once the garage door is stopped,
press and release the “Learn” or
“Smart” button on the Garage door
opener within 1 minute from the time
of pressing the programed HomeLink
button on mirror.


5. If the both indicator (4) and (5) are
Operating Two Way Communication
flashing rapidly for about 5 seconds,
1. Press and release (1), (2) or (3) button.
the two way synchronization is
Some newer garage door openers provide
two-way communication synchronizing
when programing the original transmitter.


Convenience Features
Recalling Garage Door Status
Homelink mirror with two way
communication provides a way to view
the last stored message from the garage
door opener. In order to recall the last
known status of the last activated device,
press the buttons “1 and 2” OR “2 and 3”
in Green, it indicates that the last
activated device was “closed” properly.
2. The indicator (4) and (5) operates as
in Green, it indicates that the last
activated device was “open” properly.
- If the indicator (4) flashes in Orange,
it indicates that the garage door is
- If the indicator (4) is ON continuously
Two way communication range distance
in Green, it indicates that the garage
between “vehicle” and “garage door
door is “closed”.
opener” is 100m.
- If the indicator (5) flashes in Orange,
The range may be reduced or increased
it indicates that the garage door is
a little due to obstacle conditions around
the garage door opener, such as houses or
- If the indicator (5) is ON
continuously in Green, it indicates
that the garage door is “Opened”.
- If the indicator (4) or (5) does not
turn to Green, it indicates that the
last status of garage door was not
received properly. The HomeLink
mirror tries to receive the last
known status of the garage door for
a few seconds.


Side View Mirrors
Do not adjust or fold the side view
mirrors while driving. This may cause
loss of vehicle control resulting in an
Do not scrape ice off the mirror face;
this may damage the surface of the
If the mirror is jammed with ice, do
not adjust the mirror by force. Use
Make sure to adjust the side view mirrors
an approved de-icer (not radiator
to your desired position before you begin
antifreeze) spray, or a sponge or soft
cloth with very warm water, or move
the vehicle to a warm place and
Your vehicle is equipped with both
allow the ice to melt.
left-hand and right-hand side view
mirrors. The mirrors can be adjusted
remotely with the remote switch. The
side view mirrors can be folded to help
prevent damage when going through
an automatic car wash or when passing
through a narrow street.
The right side view mirror is convex.
Objects seen in the mirror are closer than
they appear.
Use the inside rear view mirror or look
back directly to determine the actual
distance of other vehicles prior to
changing lanes.


Convenience Features
Side View Mirror Adjustment
Folding the side view mirrors
1. Press either the L (left side) or R (right
To fold the side view mirrors, grasp the
side) button (1) to select the side view
housing of the mirror and then fold it
mirror you would like to adjust.
2. Use the mirror adjustment control (2)
to position the selected mirror up,
down, left or right.
3. After adjustment, put the button into
neutral (center) position to prevent
inadvertent adjustment.
ś The mirrors stop moving when
they reach the maximum adjusting
angles, but the motor continues to
operate while the switch is pressed.
Do not press the switch longer than
necessary, because this can damage
the motor.
ś Do not attempt to adjust the side
view mirrors by hand, because this
can damage the motor.








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