Porshe 911 (997). Manual - part 887


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Porshe 911 (997). Manual - part 887



Daytime driving light

Not installed


22. Select ASK amplifier and code with F8 .

ASK amplifier

Not installed


23. Select Adjustability of orientation light and code with F8 .

Adjustability of orientation light

Not installed


24. Select Multi-function steering wheel and code with F8 .

Multi-function steering wheel

Not installed


of Coding, further customer-specific settings can be selected and coded in the same way.

26. In the menu PCM MMI, change to MOST actual installed components list; here a version

installed in the vehicle (e.g. CD changer) must be displayed

27. Change to MOST required installed components list; here too the same version (e.g. CD

changer) must be displayed - if this is not the case, select the version and code with F8 .

28. Select Required & Actual configuration and press the >> .

29. Compare the Actual/Required listing. Use F8 to start Mapping. All installed audio components must now

be listed with a plus under Actual/Required. If this is not the case, the versions in the MOST actual
installed components list

 or MOST required installed components list must be coded manually.

30. Use << to quit the menu PCM MMI and change to the menu PCM



In the menu PCM GW


31. Select Coding and press the >> .

32. Select Vehicle equipment vehicle coding and code with F8 .

33. Select Vehicle type vehicle coding and code with F8 .

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Programming the display and operator control unit


Vehicle type vehicle coding

911 (997)

Boxster (987)

34. Select Vehicle version vehicle coding and code with F8 .

Vehicle version vehicle coding




35. Select Air conditioner and code with F8 .

Air conditioner

Without air conditioner

With air conditioner

36. Select Right/left-hand drive vehicle coding and code with F8 .

Right/left-hand drive vehicle coding

Right-hand drive

Left-hand drive

37. Select Tuner parameters and code with F8 .

Tuner parameters



South America



(South) Africa


38. Press << to quit the menu PCM.

39. Read out fault memory of all control units and erase if


40. PCM is now taught.

41. If the PCM/vehicle equipment does not have a DVD navigation unit, then adjust the time/date using the


 button on the PCM and in the menu PCM system.

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Programming the display and operator control unit


42. For vehicle equipment with DVD navigation unit, switch on the PCM in clear surroundings (to load GPS

almanac); as soon as four satellites are identified the almanac will reload. The time is updated again when
there is a plausible GPS reception (four satellites). The date and time are also adopted once the GPS
almanac has been loaded; it may be necessary to change over to summer time (daylight-saving time).
This time is transferred to the instrument cluster. If the time is then manually changed by means of the
instrument cluster, this time is adopted by the PCM and synchronised with GPS time.

43. For vehicle equipment with telephone, the telephone is enabled again when the telephone PIN code

is entered with the SIM telephone card inserted.

997110, 997111, 997120, 997121, 997310, 997311, 997320, 997321, 997410, 997411, 997430, 997431,
997610, 997611, 997620, 997621


Gefahr des Verlusts der Text-Bild-Zuordnung beim Ausdruck.

Aus technischen Gründen kann derzeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass trotz
einwandfreier Darstellung auf dem Bildschirm beim Ausdruck der
Zusammenhang von Text und zugehörigem Bild verloren geht.


Wird der Fehler nicht bemerkt, besteht die Gefahr, daß Arbeiten nicht korrekt
durchgeführt werden und es dadurch zu Personen- und Sachschäden kommt.


→ Vergleichen Sie deshalb nach dem Druckvorgang unbedingt die Ausdrucke mit der
Bildschirmdarstellung. Korrigieren Sie die Ausdrucke im Fehlerfall so, daß der Inhalt der
Bildschirmdarstellung zutreffend wiedergegeben wird.


Danger of losing text-figure correspondence when printing out.

For technical reasons, it can currently not be ruled out that the correspondence
between text and associated figure can be lost when it is printed out, even though
the display on the screen is correct.


If the fault is not noticed, there is the danger that work will not be performed
correctly which can cause injury and damage.


→ Therefore, always compare printouts with the screen display after printing them out. Correct
the printouts if they are faulty so that the content of the screen display matches that on the


Risque de perte de la correspondance texte-illustration lors de l'impression papier.

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Programming the display and operator control unit


Pour des raisons techniques, il ne peut pas être exclu à l'heure actuelle que, même
en cas d'affichage correct à l'écran, la correspondance entre le texte et l'illustration
puisse être erronée sur l'impression papier.


Si l'erreur passe inaperçue, on court le risque d'exécuter certaines opérations de
manière incorrecte pouvant conduire à des dommages corporels et matériels.


→ Comparez impérativement pour cette raison les impressions papier avec l'affichage à l'écran.
Corrigez-les en cas d'erreur de manière à reproduire correctement l'affichage à l'écran.


Pericolo di perdita dell'abbinamento testo-immagine nella stampa.

Per motivi tecnici non è escluso che, nonostante la rappresentazione sullo schermo
risulti perfetta, durante la stampa venga persa la corrispondenza fra testo e
relativa immagine.


Se tale difetto non viene rilevato vi è il pericolo che i lavori non siano eseguiti
correttamente; ciò può avere come conseguenza lesioni e danneggiamenti.


→ Per questo motivo, dopo la stampa è assolutamente necessario confrontare le stampe con la
rappresentazione sullo schermo. In caso di errore si prega di correggere le stampe, così da
garantire la riproduzione esatta della rappresentazione sullo schermo.


Al imprimir se corre el riesgo de perder la correcta asignación de las figuras al texto.

Por motivos técnicos, por el momento no se puede descartar que, aun siendo
correcta la imagen que aparezca en la pantalla, al imprimir se pierda la
correlación entre el texto y la figura correspondiente.


Si este error pasara desapercibido, existe el riesgo de que los trabajos no se
ejecuten de forma correcta y, por tanto, se produzcan daños personales y


→ Por ello le rogamos que tras el proceso de impresión compare siempre las copias impresas con
la imagen de la pantalla. En caso de error, corrija las copias impresas de forma que se
correspondan con el contenido de la imagen de la pantalla.

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Programming the display and operator control unit









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