Hyundai Ioniq Electric (2019 year). Instruction - part 32


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Hyundai Ioniq Electric (2019 year). Instruction - part 32



LCD Message
When the function is activating
This message is displayed when the
the third Charging Indicator
Aux. Battery Saver+ function has
Lamp will blink and high voltage
been operated while the vehicle was
electricity will be flowing in the
turned off.
vehicle. Do not touch the high
However, if the LCD display mes-
voltage electric wire
sage pops up frequently, we recom-
connector, and all electric com-
mend that your vehicle's auxiliary
ponents and devices. This may
battery or electric/electronic compo-
cause electric shock and lead to
nents be serviced by an authorized
injuries. Also, do not modify
HYUNDAI dealer.
your vehicle in any way. This
may affect your vehicle per-
formance and lead to an acci-
If an Accident Occurs
When a vehicle accident
If a small scale fire occurs,
occurs and the high voltage
use a fire extinguisher (ABC,
When a vehicle accident
battery is damaged, harmful
BC) that is meant for electrical
occurs, move the vehicle to a
gas and electrolytes may leak.
fires. If it is impossible to
safe place, turn OFF the vehi-
Be careful not to touch the
extinguish the fire in the early
cle and remove the auxiliary
leaked liquid.
stage, remain a safe distance
battery (12 V) terminal to pre-
from the vehicle and immedi-
When you suspect leakage of
vent high voltage electricity
ately call
911. Also, advise
inflammable gas and other
from flowing.
them that an electric vehicle is
harmful gases, open the win-
If electric wires are exposed
dows and evacuate to a safe
from inside or outside the
place. If any leaked fluid
If the fire spreads to the high
vehicle, do not touch the
comes in contact with your
voltage battery, large amount
eyes or skin, immediately
of water is needed to put out
Also, do not touch the high
clean the affected area thor-
the fire. Using small amount
voltage electric wire (orange),
oughly with tap water or
of water or fire extinguishers
connector, and all electric
saline solution and have doc-
not meant for electrical fires
components and devices. This
tors inspect it as soon as pos-
could cause serious injury or
may cause electric shock and
death from electrical shocks.
lead to injuries.
If necessary to roll the vehicle
If you cannot put out the fire
Flatbed Towing
so that it can be rolled onto a
immediately, the high voltage
flatbed tow truck perform the
battery may explode. Evacuate
to a safe place and do not let
- First, depress the brake
other people approach the site.
pedal and release the park-
Tires Locked Towing
Contact the fire department and
ing brake.
notify them of an electric vehi-
- While depressing the brake
cle fire.
pedal shift to the N (Neutral)
If the vehicle is flooded with
position and press the
water, immediately turn OFF
POWER button to turn the
the vehicle and evacuate to a
Tires Locked Towing
vehicle off.
safe place. Contact 911 or an
- Wait
3 minutes or more
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
before opening the driver
door and the vehicle will
remain in ACC mode and in
If towing is required, lift all
- If the driver door is opened
four wheels off the ground
within the 3 minute period,
and tow the vehicle. If you
the vehicle will automatically
must tow the vehicle using
shift to P (Park), the vehicle
only two wheels, lift the front
will turn OFF and the front
wheels off the ground and tow
wheels will be remained
the vehicle.
Other Precautions for Electric
When you paint or apply heat treat-
ment to the vehicle as a result of
an accident, the performance of
the high voltage battery can be
If heat treatment is required, contact
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
If you tow the vehicle while
the front wheels are touching
When you clean the motor com-
the ground, the vehicle motor
partment, do not use high pressure
may generate electricity and
water to wash. This may cause an
The high voltage battery cooling
the motor components may
electric shock due to a discharge in
duct is located in the bottom center
be damaged or a fire may
high voltage electricity, or damage
of the rear seats. The cooling duct
the vehicle's electric system.
cools down the high voltage bat-
When a vehicle fire occurs
Do not use, remodel, or install non-
tery. When the high voltage battery
due to the battery, there is a
genuine parts. This may damage
cooling duct is blocked, the high
risk of a second fire. Contact
the electric power system.
voltage battery may be overheat-
911 when towing the vehicle.
ed. Do not obstruct the cooling
duct with any other objects.
Service Plug
Never touch the service plug in
the luggage compartment. The
service plug is attached to high
voltage battery system.
Touching the service plug will
result in death or serious injury.
Service personnel should fol-
low procedures in service man-








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