Hyundai Ioniq Electric (2019 year). Instruction - part 22


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Hyundai Ioniq Electric (2019 year). Instruction - part 22



Driving your vehicle
Winter Precautions
Change to "winter weight" oil if
Use high quality ethylene glycol
When using tire chains:
In some climates it is recommended
Wrong size chains or improperly
that a lower viscosity "winter weight"
installed chains can damage
Your vehicle is delivered with high
oil be used during cold weather. See
quality ethylene glycol coolant in the
your vehicle's brake lines, sus-
8 for recommendations. If
pension, body and wheels.
cooling system. It is the only type of
you aren't sure what weight oil you
coolant that should be used because
Use SAE "S" class or wire
should use, consult an authorized
it helps prevent corrosion in the cool-
HYUNDAI dealer.
ing system, lubricates the water
If you hear noise caused by
pump and prevents freezing. Be sure
chains contacting the body,
to replace or replenish your coolant
Check battery and cables
retighten the chain to prevent
in accordance with the maintenance
Winter puts additional burdens on
contact with the vehicle body.
schedule in chapter 7. Before winter,
the battery system. Visually inspect
To prevent body damage,
have your coolant tested to assure
the battery and cables as described
retighten the chains after driving
that its freezing point is sufficient for
in chapter 7. The level of charge in
0.3~0.6 miles (0.5~1.0 km).
the temperatures anticipated during
your battery can be checked by an
the winter.
Do not use tire chains on vehi-
authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a
cles equipped with aluminum
service station.
wheels. If unavoidable, use a
wire type chain.
Use wire chains less than 0.47 in
(12 mm) thick to prevent damage
to the chain's connection.
Use approved window washer
Do not let ice and snow accu-
To keep locks from freezing
anti-freeze in system
mulate underneath
To keep the locks from freezing,
To keep the water in the window
Under some conditions, snow and
squirt an approved de-icer fluid or
washer system from freezing, add an
ice can build up under the fenders
glycerine into the key opening. If a
approved window washer anti-freeze
and interfere with the steering. When
lock is covered with ice, squirt it with
solution in accordance with instruc-
driving in severe winter conditions
an approved de-icing fluid to remove
tions on the container. Window wash-
where this may happen, you should
the ice. If the lock is frozen internally,
er anti-freeze is available from an
periodically check underneath the
you may be able to thaw it out by
authorized HYUNDAI dealer and
car to be sure the movement of the
using a heated key. Handle the heat-
most auto parts outlets. Do not use
front wheels and the steering com-
ed key with care to avoid injury.
coolant or other types of anti-freeze
ponents is not obstructed.
as these may damage the paint fin-
Don't place foreign objects or
materials in the motor compart-
Do not let your parking brake
Placement of foreign object or mate-
Under some conditions your parking
rials which prevent cooling of the
brake can freeze in the engaged
vehicle, in the motor compartment,
position. This is most likely to happen
may cause a failure. The manufactur-
when there is an accumulation of
er is not responsible for the damage
snow or ice around or near the rear
caused by such placement.
brakes or if the brakes are wet. If
there is a risk the parking brake may
freeze, apply it only temporarily while
you shift to P (Park) and block the
rear wheels so the car cannot roll.
Then release the parking brake.
Driving your vehicle
Two labels on your driver's door sill
GAW (Gross Axle Weight)
Tire Loading Information Label
show how much weight your vehicle
This is the total weight placed on
was designed to carry: the Tire and
each axle (front and rear) - including
Loading Information Label and the
vehicle curb weight and all payload.
Certification Label.
Before loading your vehicle, familiar-
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating)
ize yourself with the following terms
for determining your vehicle’s weight
This is the maximum allowable
ratings, from the vehicle's specifica-
weight that can be carried by a single
tions and the Certification Label:
axle (front or rear). These numbers
are shown on the Certification Label.
The total load on each axle must
Base Curb Weight
never exceed its GAWR.
This is the weight of the vehicle
including a full tank of fuel and all
GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight)
The label located on the driver's door
standard equipment. It does not
sill gives the original tire size, cold
include passengers, cargo, or option-
This is the Base Curb Weight plus
tire pressures recommended for your
al equipment.
actual Cargo Weight plus passen-
vehicle, the number of people that
can be in your vehicle and vehicle
Vehicle Curb Weight
capacity weight.
GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight
This is the weight of your new vehicle
when you picked it up from your deal-
Vehicle capacity weight
er plus any aftermarket equipment.
This is the maximum allowable
849 lbs. (385 kg)
weight of the fully loaded vehicle
(including all options, equipment,
Vehicle capacity weight is the maxi-
Cargo Weight
passengers and cargo). The GVWR
mum combined weight of occupants
This figure includes all weight added
is shown on the Certification Label
and cargo. If your vehicle is equipped
to the Base Curb Weight, including
located on the driver’s door sill.
with a trailer, the combined weight
cargo and optional equipment.
includes the tongue load.
Seating capacity
Steps for determining correct
6. If your vehicle will be towing a trail-
load limit
er, load from your trailer will be
Total : 5 persons
transferred to your vehicle. Consult
(Front seat : 2 persons,
1. Locate the statement "The com-
this manual to determine how this
Rear seat : 3 persons)
bined weight of occupants and
reduces the available cargo and
Seating capacity is the maximum
cargo should never exceed XXX
luggage load capacity of your vehi-
number of occupants including a
kg or XXX lbs." on your vehicle's
driver, your vehicle may carry.
However, the seating capacity may
2. Determine the combined weight of
be reduced based upon the weight of
the driver and passengers that will
all of the occupants, and the weight
be riding in your vehicle.
of the cargo being carried or towed.
Do not overload the vehicle as
3. Subtract the combined weight of
Do not overload the vehicle as there
there is a limit to the total
the driver and passengers from
is a limit to the total weight, or load
weight, or load limit, including
XXX kg or XXX lbs.
limit including occupants and cargo,
occupants and cargo, the vehi-
4. The resulting figure equals the
the vehicle can carry.
cle can carry. Overloading can
available amount of cargo and lug-
shorten the life of the vehicle. If
gage load capacity. For example, if
the GVWR or the GAWR is
Towing capacity
the "XXX" amount equals 1400
exceeded, parts on the vehicle
We do not recommend using this
lbs. and there will be five 150 lb
can break, and it can change the
vehicle for trailer towing.
passengers in your vehicle, the
handling of your vehicle. These
amount of available cargo and lug-
could cause you to lose control
gage load capacity is
650 lbs.
and result in an accident.
Cargo capacity
(1400 - 750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs.)
The cargo capacity of your vehicle
5. Determine the combined weight of
will increase or decrease depending
luggage and cargo being loaded
on the weight and the number of
on the vehicle. That weight may
occupants and the tongue load, if
not safely exceed the available
your vehicle is equipped with a trailer.
cargo and luggage load capacity
calculated in Step 4.
Driving your vehicle
Example 1
Maximum Load
Passenger Weight
Cargo Weight
(1400 lbs.)
(150 lbs. × 2 = 300 lbs.)
(1100 lbs.)
(635 kg)
(68 kg × 2 = 136 kg)
(499 kg)
Example 2
Maximum Load
Passenger Weight
Cargo Weight
(1400 lbs.)
(150 lbs. × 5 = 750 lbs.)
(650 lbs.)
(635 kg)
(68 kg × 5 = 340 kg)
(295 kg)
Example 3
Maximum Load
Passenger Weight
Cargo Weight
(1400 lbs.)
(172 lbs. × 5 = 860 lbs.)
(540 lbs.)
(635 kg)
(78 kg × 5 = 390 kg)
(245 kg)
Certification label
The total weight of the vehicle,
including all occupants, accessories,
cargo, and trailer tongue load must
not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle
Never exceed the GVWR for
Weight Rating (GAWR). To find out
your vehicle, the GAWR for
the actual loads on your front and
either the front or rear axle
rear axles, you need to go to a weigh
and vehicle capacity weight.
station and weigh your vehicle. Be
Exceeding these ratings can
sure to spread out your load equally
affect your vehicle’s handling
on both sides of the centerline.
and braking ability, and cause
an accident.
Do not overload your vehicle.
Overloading your vehicle can
The certification label is located on
cause heat buildup in your
the driver’s door sill at the center pil-
vehicle’s tires and possible
lar and shows the maximum allow-
tire failure, increased stop-
able weight of the fully loaded vehi-
ping distances and poor vehi-
cle. This is called the GVWR (Gross
cle handling-all of which may
Vehicle Weight Rating). The GVWR
result in a crash.
includes the weight of the vehicle, all
occupants, fuel and cargo.
This label also tells you the maxi-
mum weight that can be supported
by the front and rear axles, called
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).
Driving your vehicle
We do not recommend using this
vehicle for trailer towing.
Overloading your vehicle may
cause damage. Repairs would not
If you carry items inside your
be covered by your warranty. Do
(e.g., suitcases, tools,
not overload your vehicle.
packages, or anything else),
they are moving as fast as the
vehicle. If you have to stop or
turn quickly, or if there is a
crash, the items will keep going
and can cause an injury if they
strike the driver or a passenger.
Put items in the cargo area of
your vehicle. Try to spread the
weight evenly.
Do not stack items, like suit-
cases, inside the vehicle
above the tops of the seats.
Do not leave an unsecured
child restraint in your vehicle.
When you carry something
inside the vehicle, secure it.
What to do in an emergency
Hazard Warning Flasher
In Case of an Emergency While Driving
If the Vehicle Stalls While Driving
If the Vehicle Stalls at a Crossroad or Crossing
If you Have a Flat Tire While Driving
If the Vehicle Will Not Start
Confirm the EV Battery Is Not Low on the Charge
Jump Starting (12V Battery)
If the Vehicle Overheats
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Check Tire Pressure
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Low Tire Pressure Telltale
Low Tire Pressure LCD Display with
Position Indicator
TPMS Malfunction Indicator
Changing a Tire with TPMS
If you Have a Flat Tire
With Tire Mobility Kit (TMK)
Towing service
Removable Towing Hook
Emergency Towing
What to do in an emergency
To turn the hazard warning flasher
on or off, press the hazard warning
flasher button. The button is located
If the Vehicle Stalls While
in the center fascia panel. Both the
left and right turn signal lights will
• Reduce your speed gradually,
flash simultaneously.
keeping a straight line. Move cau-
The hazard warning flasher oper-
tiously off the road to a safe place.
ates whether your vehicle is run-
• Turn on your hazard warning flash-
ning or not.
The turn signals do not work when
• Try to start the vehicle again. If
the hazard flasher is on.
your vehicle will not start, contact
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or
The hazard warning flasher serves
seek other qualified assistance.
as a warning to other drivers to exer-
cise extreme caution when approach-
If the Vehicle Stalls at a
ing, overtaking, or passing your vehi-
Crossroad or Crossing
If the vehicle stalls at a crossroad or
It should be used whenever emer-
crossing, if safe to do so, shift to the
gency repairs are being made or
N (Neutral) position and then push
when the vehicle is stopped near the
the vehicle to a safe location.
edge of a roadway.
If you Have a Flat Tire While
Have all passengers get out of the
vehicle. Be sure they all get out on
Confirm the EV Battery Is Not
the side of the vehicle that is away
If a tire goes flat while you are driving:
Low on the Charge Gauge
from traffic.
Take your foot off the accelerator
When changing a flat tire, follow
• Be sure the gear is in P (Park). The
pedal and let the vehicle slow down
the instructions provided later in
vehicle starts only when the gear is
while driving straight ahead. Do not
this chapter.
in P (Park).
apply the brakes immediately to
• Check the 12-volt battery connec-
slow down the vehicle, but use the
tions to be sure they are clean and
paddle shifter
(left side lever) to
increase regenerative braking con-
trol. Also, do not or attempt to pull
• Turn on the interior light. If the light
off the road as this may cause loss
dims or goes out when you operate
of vehicle control resulting in an
the starter, the battery is drained.
accident. When the vehicle has
Do not push or pull the vehicle to
slowed to such a speed that it is
start it. This could cause damage to
safe to do so, brake carefully and
your vehicle. See instructions for
pull off the road. Drive off the road
"Jump Starting" provided in this
as far as possible and park on firm,
level ground. If you are on a divided
highway, do not park in the median
area between the two traffic lanes.
When the vehicle is stopped, press
the hazard warning flasher button,
shift to P(Park), apply the parking
brake, and place the POWER but-
ton in the OFF position.
What to do in an emergency
Jump starting can be dangerous if
done incorrectly. Follow the jump
starting procedure in this section to
Hydrogen is always
When lifting a plastic-cased
avoid serious injury or damage to
present in battery cells,
battery, excessive pressure
your vehicle. If in doubt about how to
is highly combustible,
on the case may cause battery
properly jump start your vehicle, we
and may explode if ignit-
acid to leak. Lift with a battery
strongly recommend that you have a
carrier or with your hands on
service technician or towing service
Keep batteries out of
opposite corners.
do it for you.
reach of children.
Do not attempt to jump start
your vehicle if your battery is
Batteries contain sulfu-
ric acid which is highly
NEVER attempt to recharge
corrosive. Do not allow
To prevent SERIOUS INJURY or
the battery when the vehicle's
acid to contact your
DEATH to you or bystanders,
battery cables are connected
eyes, skin or clothing.
always follow these precautions
to the battery.
If acid gets into your eyes, flush
when working near or handling
The electrical ignition switch
your eyes with clean water for at
the battery:
works with high voltage.
least 15 minutes and get imme-
Always read and follow
NEVER touch these compo-
diate medical attention. If acid
instructions carefully
nents with the "
" indicator
gets on your skin, thoroughly
when handling a battery.
ON or when the POWER but-
wash the area. If you feel pain or
ton is in the ON position.
Wear eye protection
a burning sensation, get med-
designed to protect the
ical attention immediately.
eyes from acid splashes.
Keep all flames, sparks,
or smoking materials
away from the battery.
Jump starting procedure
1. Position the vehicles close enough
An inappropriately disposed
that the jumper cables will reach,
battery can be harmful to the
but do not allow the vehicles to
environment and human
health. Dispose the battery
according to your local law(s)
2. Avoid fans or any moving parts in
the motor compartment at all
or regulations.
times, even when the vehicles are
turned off.
3. Turn off all electrical devices such
To prevent damage to your vehi-
as radios, lights, air conditioning,
etc. Put the vehicles in P (Park)
• Only use a 12-volt power supply
and set the parking brakes. Turn
4. Connect the jumper cables in the
exact sequence shown in the illus-
(battery or jumper system) to
both vehicles OFF.
tration. First connect one jumper
jump start your vehicle.
cable to the red, positive
• Do not attempt to jump start
jumper terminal of your vehicle
your vehicle by push-starting.
5. Connect the other end of the
jumper cable to the red, positive
(+) battery/jumper terminal of the
assisting vehicle (2).
6. Connect the second jumper cable
to the black, negative (-) battery/
chassis ground of the assisting
vehicle (3).
What to do in an emergency
7. Connect the other end of the sec-
Disconnect the jumper cables in the
1. Pull off the road and stop as soon
ond jumper cable to the black,
exact reverse order you connected
as it is safe to do so.
(-) chassis ground of
2. Shift to P (Park) and set the park-
your vehicle (4).
1. Disconnect the jumper cable from
ing brake. If the air conditioning is
Do not allow the jumper cables to
the black, negative
(-) chassis
on, turn it off.
contact anything except the cor-
ground of your vehicle (4).
3. If coolant is running out under the
rect battery or jumper terminals or
2. Disconnect the other end of the
vehicle or steam is coming out
the correct ground. Do not lean
jumper cable from the black, neg-
from the hood, stop the vehicle.
over the battery when making
ative (-) battery/chassis ground of
Do not open the hood until the
the assisting vehicle (3).
coolant has stopped running or
8. Start the engine of the assisting
the steaming has stopped. If there
3. Disconnect the second jumper
vehicle and let it run at approxi-
cable from the red, positive
is no visible loss of coolant and no
mately 2,000 rpm for a few min-
steam, leave the vehicle running
battery/jumper terminal of the
utes. Then start your vehicle.
assisting vehicle (2).
and check to be sure the vehicle
cooling fan is operating. If the fan
9. After your vehicle starts allow it to
4. Disconnect the other end of the
operate at least 30 minutes with-
is not running, turn the vehicle off.
jumper cable from the red, positive
out shutting it down, this will help
(+) jumper terminal of your vehicle
charge back the 12V battery.
If your vehicle will not start after a
few attempts, it probably requires
servicing. In this event please seek
qualified assistance. If the cause of
your battery discharging is not
apparent, have your vehicle checked
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
6. If you cannot find the cause of the
overheating, wait until the radiator
temperature has returned to nor-
While the vehicle is
Your vehicle is
mal. Then, if coolant has been
running, keep hands,
equipped with a pres-
lost, carefully add coolant to the
clothing and tools
reservoir to bring the fluid level in
away from the mov-
reserve tank. NEVER
the reservoir up to the halfway
ing parts such as the
remove the coolant
cooling fan to prevent
reserve tank cap or the radiator
7. Proceed with caution, keeping
serious injury.
drain plug while the radiator is
alert for further signs of overheat-
HOT. Hot coolant and steam
ing. If overheating happens again,
may blow out under pressure,
4. Check for coolant leaking from the
call an authorized HYUNDAI deal-
causing serious injury.
er for assistance.
radiator, hoses or under the vehi-
Turn the vehicle off and wait
(If the air conditioning had
until the vehicle cools down.
been in use, it is normal for cold
Use extreme care when remov-
water to be draining from it when
ing the coolant reserve tank
you stop.)
cap. Wrap a towel or thick rag
Serious loss of coolant indi-
5. If coolant is leaking out, stop the
around it, and turn it counter-
cates a leak in the cooling sys-
vehicle immediately and call the
clockwise slowly to release
tem and should be checked as
nearest authorized HYUNDAI
some of the pressure from the
soon as possible by an author-
dealer for assistance.
system. Step back while the
ized HYUNDAI dealer.
pressure is released.
When you are sure all the pres-
sure has been released, contin-
ue turning the cap counter-
clockwise to remove it.
What to do in an emergency
Check Tire Pressure
• The displayed tire pressure values
may differ from those measured
with a tire pressure gauge.
• You can change the tire pressure
unit in the User Settings mode on
the cluster.
- psi, kpa, bar (Refer to the "User
Settings Mode" section in
chapter 3).
• You can check the tire pressure in
the Assist mode on the cluster.
Refer to the "LCD Display Mode"
section in chapter 3.
• Tire pressure is displayed after a
few minutes of driving after initial
vehicle start up.
(1) Low Tire Pressure / TPMS
• If tire pressure is not displayed
Malfunction Indicator Lamp
when the vehicle is stopped, "Drive
(2) Low Tire Pressure /
to display" message will appear.
Tire Pressure Monitor /
After driving, check the tire pres-
TPMS Malfunction Display
(shown on the cluster LCD dis-
Tire Pressure Monitoring
As an added safety feature, your
Your vehicle has also been equipped
vehicle has been equipped with a tire
with a TPMS malfunction indicator to
pressure monitoring system (TPMS)
indicate when the system is not
that illuminates a low tire pressure
operating properly. The TPMS mal-
telltale when one or more of your
function indicator is combined with
tires is significantly under-inflated.
the low tire pressure telltale. When
Over-inflation or under-inflation
Accordingly, when the low tire pres-
the system detects a malfunction,
can reduce tire life, adversely
sure telltale illuminates, you should
the telltale will flash for approximate-
affect vehicle handling, and
stop and check your tires as soon as
ly one minute and then remain con-
lead to sudden tire failure that
possible, and inflate them to the
tinuously illuminated. This sequence
may cause loss of vehicle con-
proper pressure. Driving on a signifi-
will continue upon subsequent vehi-
trol resulting in an accident.
cantly under-inflated tire causes the
cle start-ups as long as the malfunc-
tire to overheat and can lead to tire
tion exists.
Each tire, including the spare (if pro-
vided), should be checked monthly
When the malfunction indicator is
Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi-
illuminated, the system may not be
when cold and inflated to the inflation
pressure recommended by the vehi-
ciency and tire tread life, and may
able to detect or signal low tire pres-
affect the vehicle’s handling and
sure as intended. TPMS malfunc-
cle manufacturer on the vehicle plac-
ard or tire inflation pressure label. (If
stopping ability.
tions may occur for a variety of rea-
sons, including the installation of
your vehicle has tires of a different
Please note that the TPMS is not a
size than the size indicated on the
substitute for proper tire mainte-
replacement or alternate tires or
wheels on the vehicle that prevent
vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-
nance, and it is the driver’s responsi-
sure label, you should determine the
bility to maintain correct tire pres-
the TPMS from functioning properly.
proper tire inflation pressure for
sure, even if under-inflation has not
Always check the TPMS malfunction
those tires.)
reached the level to trigger illumina-
telltale after replacing one or more
tion of the TPMS low tire pressure
tires or wheels on your vehicle to
ensure that the replacement or alter-
nate tires and wheels allow the
TPMS to continue to function proper-
What to do in an emergency
Low Tire Pressure
If any of your tire pressures are indi-
cated as being low, immediately
If any of the below happens, have
reduce your speed, avoid hard cor-
the system checked by an author-
nering, and anticipate increased
ized HYUNDAI dealer.
Low Tire Pressure LCD
stopping distances. You should stop
1. The Low Tire Pressure TPMS
Display with Position Indicator
and check your tires as soon as pos-
Malfunction Indicator does not
sible. Inflate the tires to the proper
illuminate for 3 seconds when
pressure as indicated on the vehi-
the POWER button is placed to
cle’s placard or tire inflation pressure
the ON position or vehicle is ON
label located on the driver's side cen-
indicator ON).
ter pillar outer panel.
2. The TPMS Malfunction Indicator
If you cannot reach a service station
remains illuminated after blink-
or if the tire cannot hold the newly
ing for approximately 1 minute.
added air, replace the low pressure
tire with the spare tire.
3. The Low Tire Pressure LCD dis-
play remains illuminated
The Low Tire Pressure LCD position
indicator will remain on and the
TPMS Malfunction Indicator may
When the tire pressure monitoring
blink for one minute and then remain
system warning indicators are illumi-
illuminated until you have the low
nated and the warning message is
pressure tire repaired and replaced
displayed on the cluster LCD display,
on the vehicle.
one or more of your tires is signifi-
cantly under-inflated. The LCD posi-
tion indicator will indicate which tire
is significantly under-inflated by illu-
minating the corresponding position








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