Hyundai Genesis (2016 year). Instruction - part 3


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Hyundai Genesis (2016 year). Instruction - part 3



Safety system of your vehicle
Pre-tensioner seat belt
(Driver and front passenger)
Retractor pre-tensioner
Your vehicle is equipped with driver's
(Retractor pre-tensioner seat belt
and front passenger's Pre-Tensioner
and emergency fastening device)
Seat Belts. The purpose of the pre-
that malfunction may not protect
tensioner is to make sure the seat
you properly during an accident.
belts fit tightly against the occupant's
Take the following precautions:
body in certain frontal collisions. The
Always wear your seat belt and
pre-tensioner seat belts may be acti-
sit properly in your seat.
vated in crashes where the frontal col-
Do not use the seat belt if it is
lision is severe enough, together with
loose or twisted. A loose or
the air bags.
EFD system
twisted seat belt will not pro-
(Driver and front passenger)
tect you properly in an acci-
The purpose of the EFD (Emergency
If the system senses excessive ten-
Fastening Device) system is to make
sion on the driver’s or passenger's
Do not place anything near the
sure the lap belt fit tightly against the
seat belt when the pre-tensioner acti-
buckle. This may adversely
occupant's lower body in certain frontal
vates, the load limiter inside the pre-
affect the buckle and cause it
collisions. The EFD
tensioner will release some of the
to function improperly.
Fastening Device) may be activated in
pressure on the affected seat belt.
crashes where the frontal collision is
Always replace your pre-ten-
When the vehicle stops suddenly, or
severe enough.
sioners after activation or an
if the occupant tries to lean forward
too quickly, the seat belt retractor will
NEVER inspect, service, repair
lock into position. In certain frontal
or replace the pre-tensioners
collisions, the pre-tensioner will acti-
yourself. This must be done by
vate and pull the seat belt into tighter
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
contact against the occupant's body.
Do not hit the seat belt assem-
The sensor that activates the SRS air
bag is connected with the pre-ten-
Do not touch the pre-tensioner
sioner seat belts. The SRS air bag
seat belt (Retractor pre-tension-
warning light on the instrument panel
er seat belt and emergency fas-
will illuminate for approximately 6
tening device) assemblies for
seconds after the Engine Start/Stop
several minutes after they have
button is pressed to the ON position,
been activated. When the pre-
and then it should turn off.
tensioner seat belt
If the pre-tensioner is not working
pre-tensioner seat belt and
properly, the warning light will illu-
emergency fastening device)
minate even if the SRS air bag is not
mechanism deploy during a col-
The Pre-Tensioner Seat Belt System
malfunctioning. If the warning light
does not illuminate, stays illuminated
becomes hot and can burn you.
consists mainly of the following com-
ponents. Their locations are shown in
or illuminates when the vehicle is
being driven, have an authorized
the illustration above:
HYUNDAI dealer inspect the pre-
1. SRS air bag warning light
tensioner seat belts and SRS air bags
2. Retractor pre-tensioner assembly
as soon as possible.
Body work on the front area of
3. SRS control module
the vehicle may damage the pre-
tensioner seat belt
4. Emergency fastening device (EFD)
pre-tensioner seat belt and
emergency fastening device)
system. Therefore, we recom-
mend that the system be serv-
iced by an authorized HYUNDAI
Safety system of your vehicle
Pre-Safe Seat belt (PSB)
(if equipped)
Both the driver's and front pas-
senger's pre-tensioner seat belts
The pre-safe seat belt is a sup-
may be activated in certain frontal
plementary system. The pre-
or side collisions or rollovers.
safe seat belt activates only
The pre-tensioners will not be acti-
when the passenger is wearing
vated if the seat belts are not worn
his/her seat belt.
at the time of the collision.
If the seat belt is released, the
When the pre-tensioner seat belts
belt parking function will acti-
are activated, a loud noise may be
vate. For more detailed refer to
heard and fine dust, which may
the belt parking function.
appear to be smoke, may be visible
in the passenger compartment.
These are normal operating condi-
tions and are not hazardous.
Although it is non-toxic, the fine
The purpose of the Pre-Safe Seat
dust may cause skin irritation and
Belt is to tighten the seat belt when a
should not be breathed for pro-
collision is sensed, driving emer-
longed periods. Wash all exposed
gency braking, or when a loss of
skin areas thoroughly after an
control is sensed.
accident in which the pre-tension-
er seat belts were activated.
In order to maximize the safety of the
Additional seat belt safety pre-
passenger, the pre-safe seat belt
system operates as below.
Seat belt use during pregnancy
• Full retraction
The seat belt should always be used
The seat belt is tightened when:
during pregnancy. The best way to
- Emergency braking situation
protect your unborn child is to protect
yourself by always wearing the seat
- Losing control of the vehicle
Pregnant women should always wear
- The vehicle senses the collision
situation by sensor (If equipped)
a lap-shoulder seat belt. Place the
shoulder belt across your chest, rout-
• Dynamic support
ed between your breasts and away
The pre-safe seat belt warning will
- Slippery frozen road
from your neck. Place the shoulder
turn on if there is a problem with your
- The passenger leans to one side
belt across the chest, routed away
pre-safe seat belt.
by sudden braking or rapid turning.
from the neck. Place the lap belt below
Have the system checked by an
the belt line so that it fits snugly and as
• Slack removal
authorized HYUNDAI dealer if :
low as possible across the hips, not
Other functions are tightening a
The warning message comes on
across the abdomen.
loose seat belt after vehicle speed
while the vehicle is in motion. if the
is over
15 km/h (9.3 mph) and
PSB warning message disappeared,
winding a loose seat belt after
the warning indicator (master symbol)
unfastening the seat belt.
turns on.
To reduce the risk of serious
• Belt parking
injury or death to an unborn
When releasing the seat belt, if the
child during an accident, preg-
seat belt loosens, the motor will
nant women should NEVER
wind up a loose seat belt to tight.
place the lap portion of the seat
belt above or over the area of
the abdomen where the unborn
child is located.
Safety system of your vehicle
Seat belt use and children
Small children are best protected
from injury in an accident when prop-
Infant and small children
erly restrained in the rear seat by a
All 50 states have child restraint laws
ALWAYS properly restrain infants
child restraint system that meets the
which require children to travel in
and small children in a child
requirements of the Federal Motor
approved child restraint devices,
restraint appropriate for the
Vehicle Safety Standards. Before
including booster seats. The age at
child’s height and weight.
buying any child restraint system,
which seat belts can be used instead
To reduce the risk of serious
make sure that it has a label certify-
of child restraints differs among
injury or death to a child and
ing that it meets Federal Motor
states, so you should be aware of the
other passengers, NEVER hold a
Vehicle Safety Standard
213. The
specific requirements in your state,
child in your lap or arms when
restraint must be appropriate for your
and where you are travelling. Infant
the vehicle is moving. The violent
child's height and weight. Check the
and child restraints must be properly
forces created during an acci-
label on the child restraint for this
placed and installed in a rear seat.
dent will tear the child from your
information. Refer to “Child Restraint
For more information refer to the
arms and throw the child against
Systems” in this chapter.
“Child Restraint Systems” in this
the interior of the vehicle.
Larger children
One person per belt
Children under age 13 and who are
Two people (including children) should
too large for a booster seat must
never attempt to use a single seat belt.
Always make sure children
always occupy the rear seat and use
This could increase the severity of
are wearing their seat belts
the available lap/shoulder belts. A
injuries in case of an accident.
and that they are properly
seat belt should lie across the upper
adjusted before driving.
thighs and be snug across the shoul-
NEVER allow the shoulder
Do not lie down
der and chest to restrain the child
safely. Check belt fit periodically. A
belt to contact the child’s
Sitting in a reclined position when
child's squirming could put the belt
neck or face.
the vehicle is in motion can be dan-
out of position. Always have the
Do not allow more than one
gerous. Even when buckled up, the
LATCH system inspected by your
child to use a single seat belt.
protections of your restraint system
authorized HYUNDAI dealer after an
(seat belts and air bags) is greatly
accident. An accident can damage
reduced by reclining your seatback.
the LATCH system and may not
Transporting an injured person
To reduce the chance of injuries in
properly secure the child restraint.
A seat belt should be used when an
the event of an accident and to
If a larger child over age 13 must be
injured person is being transported.
achieve the maximum effectiveness
seated in the front seat, the child
Consult a physician for specific rec-
of the restraint system, all passen-
must be securely restrained by the
gers should be sitting up and the
available lap/shoulder belt and the
front and rear seats should be in an
seat should be placed in the rear-
upright position when the car is mov-
most position.
ing. A seat belt cannot provide prop-
er protection if the person is lying
If the shoulder belt portion slightly
down in the rear seat or if the front or
touches the child’s neck or face, try
rear seats are in a reclined position.
placing the child closer to the center
of the vehicle. If the shoulder belt still
touches their face or neck, they need
to be returned to an appropriate
booster seat in the rear seat.
Safety system of your vehicle
Care of seat belts
When to replace seat belts
Seat belt systems should never be
The entire seat belt assembly or
disassembled or modified. In addi-
assemblies should be replaced if the
NEVER ride with a reclined
tion, care should be taken to assure
vehicle has been involved in an acci-
seatback when the vehicle is
that seat belts and belt hardware are
dent. This should be done even if no
not damaged by seat hinges, doors
damage is visible. Additional ques-
Riding with a reclined seatback
or other abuse.
tions concerning seat belt operation
increases your chance of seri-
should be directed to an authorized
ous or fatal injuries in the event
HYUNDAI dealer.
of a collision or sudden stop.
Periodic inspection
Drivers and passengers should
All seat belts should be inspected
always sit well back in their
periodically for wear or damage of
seats, properly belted, and with
any kind. Any damaged parts should
the seatbacks upright.
be replaced as soon as possible by
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
Keep belts clean and dry
Seat belts should be kept clean and
dry. If belts become dirty, they can be
cleaned by using a mild soap solu-
tion and warm water. Bleach, dye,
strong detergents or abrasives
should not be used because they
may damage and weaken the fabric.
Children under age 13 must always
Child restraint systems must be
ride in the rear seats and must
properly placed and installed in the
always be properly restrained to min-
rear seat. You must use a commer-
Always properly restrain chil-
imize the risk of injury in an accident,
cially available child restraint system
dren in the rear seats of the
sudden stop or sudden maneuver.
that meets the requirements of the
According to accident statistics, chil-
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Children of all ages are safer
dren are safer when properly
Standards (FMVSS).
when restrained in the rear seat.
restrained in the rear seats than in
Child restraint systems are generally
A child riding in the front pas-
the front seat. Even with air bags,
designed to be secured in a vehicle
senger seat can be forcefully
children can be seriously injured
seat by lap belt portion of a
struck by an inflating air bag
or killed. Children too large for a
lap/shoulder belt, or by a LATCH sys-
resulting in SERIOUS INJURY
child restraint must use the seat belts
tem in the rear seats of the vehicle.
All 50 states have child restraint laws
which require children to travel in
approved child restraint devices. The
laws governing the age or
height/weight restrictions at which
seat belts can be used instead of
child restraints differs among states,
so you should be aware of the spe-
cific requirements in your state, and
where you are travelling.
Safety system of your vehicle
Child restraint system (CRS)
Selecting a Child Restraint
Infants and younger children must be
System (CRS)
Always follow the child
restrained in an appropriate rear-fac-
When selecting a CRS for your child,
restraint system manufactur-
ing or forward-facing CRS that has
er’s instructions for installa-
first been properly secured to the
tion and use.
Make sure the CRS has a label
rear seat of the vehicle. Read and
certifying that it meets applicable
Always properly restrain your
comply with the instructions for
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
installation and use provided by the
child in the child restraint.
Standards (FMVSS 213).
manufacturer of the child restraint.
Do not use an infant carrier or
a child safety seat that
Select a child restraint based on
your child’s height and weight. The
“hooks” over a seatback, it
may not provide adequate
required label or the instructions
for use typically provide this infor-
protection in an accident.
An improperly secured child
restraint can increase the risk
After an accident, have a
Select a child restraint that fits the
HYUNDAI dealer check the
vehicle seating position where it
in an accident. Always take the
child restraint system, seat
will be used.
following precautions when
belts, tether anchors and
using a child restraint system:
lower anchors.
Read and comply with the warn-
ings and instructions for installation
NEVER install a child or infant
and use provided with the child
restraint in the front passen-
restraint system.
ger’s seat.
Always properly secure the
child restraint to a rear seat of
the vehicle.
Child restraint system types
Continue to use a rear-facing child
seat for as long as your child will fit
There are three main types of child
within the height and weight limits
restraint systems: rear-facing seats,
allowed by the child seat manufactur-
forward-facing seats, and booster
er. It’s the best way to keep them
seats. They are classified according
safe. Once your child has outgrown
to the child’s age, height and weight.
the rear-facing child restraint, your
child is ready for a forward-facing
Rear-facing child seats
child restraint with a harness.
NEVER install a child or infant
A rear-facing child seat provides
restraint in the front passen-
restraint with the seating surface
ger’s seat.
against the back of the child. The har-
Placing a rear-facing child
ness system holds the child in place,
restraint in the front seat can
and in an accident, acts to keep the
result in SERIOUS INJURY or
child positioned in the seat and
DEATH if the child restraint is
reduce the stress to the neck and
struck by an inflating air bag.
spinal cord.
All children under age one must
always ride in a rear-facing infant child
Convertible and 3-in-1 child seats typ-
ically have higher height and weight
limits for the rear-facing position,
allowing you to keep your child rear-
facing for a longer period of time.
Safety system of your vehicle
Booster seats
Installing a Child Restraint
A booster seat is a restraint designed
System (CRS)
to improve the fit of the vehicle’s seat
belt system. A booster seat positions
the seat belt so that it fits properly
over the lap of your child. Keep your
Before installing your child
child in a booster seat until they are
restraint system always:
big enough to sit in the seat without a
Read and follow the instruc-
booster and still have the seat belt fit
tions provided by the manu-
facturer of the child restraint.
For a seat belt to fit properly, the lap
Read and follow the instruc-
belt must lie snugly across the upper
tions regarding child restraint
Forward-facing child restraints
thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder
systems in this manual.
belt should lie snug across the shoul-
A forward-facing child seat provides
Failure to follow all warnings
der and chest and not across the neck
restraint for the child’s body with a
and instructions could increase
or face. Children under age 13 must
harness. Keep children in a forward-
the risk of the SERIOUS INJURY
always ride in the rear seats and must
facing child seat with a harness until
or DEATH if an accident occurs.
always be properly restrained to mini-
they reach the top height or weight
mize the risk of injury.
limit allowed by your child restraint’s
Once your child outgrows the forward-
facing child restraint, your child is
If the vehicle headrest prevents
ready for a booster seat.
proper installation of a child
seat (as described in the child
seat system manual), the head-
rest of the respective seating
position shall be readjusted or
entirely removed.
After selecting a proper child seat for
Lower Anchors and Tether for
your child, check to make sure it fits
Children (LATCH) System
properly in your vehicle. Follow the
The LATCH system holds a child
A child restraint in a closed
instructions provided by the manu-
restraint during driving and in an acci-
vehicle can become very hot. To
facturer when installing the child
dent. This system is designed to
prevent burns, check the seat-
seat. Note these general steps when
make installation of the child restraint
ing surface and buckles before
installing the seat to your vehicle:
easier and reduce the possibility of
placing your child in the child
Properly secure the child restraint
improperly installing your child
to the vehicle. All child restraints
restraint. The LATCH system uses
must be secured to the vehicle with
anchors in the vehicle and attach-
the lap part of a lap/shoulder belt or
ments on the child restraint. The
with the LATCH system.
LATCH system eliminates the need
Make sure the child restraint is
to use seat belts to secure the child
firmly secured. After installing a
restraint to the rear seats.
child restraint to the vehicle, push
Lower anchors are metal bars built
and pull the seat forward and from
into the vehicle. There are two lower
side-to-side to verify that it is
anchors for each LATCH seating
securely attached to the seat. A
position that will accommodate a
child restraint secured with a seat
child restraint with lower attachments.
belt should be installed as firmly as
To use the LATCH system in your
possible. However, some side-to-
vehicle, you must have a child
side movement can be expected.
restraint with LATCH attachments.
Secure the child in the child
The child seat manufacturer will pro-
restraint. Make sure the child is
vide you with instructions on how to
properly strapped in the child
use the child seat with its attachments
restraint according to the manufac-
for the LATCH lower anchors.
turer instructions.
Safety system of your vehicle
Do not attempt to install a child
restraint system using LATCH
Anchor Position
anchors in the rear center seat-
ing position.There are no LATCH
anchors provided for this seat.
Using the outboard seat anchors
can damage the anchors which
may break or fail in a collision
ISOFIX Lower Anchor
resulting in serious injury or
LATCH anchors have been provided
The lower anchor position indicator
in the left and right outboard rear
symbols are located on the left and
seating positions. Their locations are
right rear seat backs to identify the
shown in the illustration. There are no
position of the lower anchors in your
LATCH anchors provided for the cen-
vehicle (see arrows in illustration).
ter rear seating position.
The LATCH anchors are located
between the seatback and the seat
cushion of the rear seat left and right
outboard seating positions.
Securing a child restraint with
the LATCH anchors system
The recommended weight for the
To install a LATCH-compatible child
LATCH system is under 65 lbs (30
Take the following precautions
restraint in either of the rear outboard
when using the LATCH system:
seating positions:
How to calculate the child restraint
Read and follow all installation
1. Move the seat belt buckle away from
weight :
instructions provided with
the lower anchors.
Child restraint weight =
your child restraint system.
65 lbs (30 kg) - Child weight
2. Move any other objects away from
To prevent the child from
the anchors that could prevent a
reaching and taking hold of
secure connection between the child
unretracted seat belts, buckle
restraint and the lower anchors.
all unused rear seat belts and
3. Place the child restraint on the vehi-
retract the seat belt webbing
cle seat, then attach the seat to the
behind the child. Children can
lower anchors according to the
be strangled if a shoulder belt
instructions provided by the child
becomes wrapped around
restraint manufacturer.
their neck and the seat belt
4. Follow the child restraint instructions
for properly adjusting and tightening
NEVER attach more than one
the lower attachments on the child
child restraint to a single
restraint to the lower anchors.
anchor. This could cause the
anchor or attachment to come
loose or break.
Always have the LATCH sys-
tem inspected by your author-
ized HYUNDAI dealer after an
accident. An accident can
damage the LATCH system
and may not properly secure
the child restraint.
Safety system of your vehicle
Securing a child restraint seat
with “Tether Anchor” system
Take the following precautions
when installing the tether strap:
Read and follow all installation
instructions provided with
your child restraint system.
NEVER attach more than one
child restraint to a single teth-
er anchor. This could cause
the anchor or attachment to
come loose or break.
To install the tether anchor:
Do not attach the tether strap
1. Route the child restraint tether
to anything other than the cor-
strap over the child restraint seat-
First secure the child restraint with
rect tether anchor. It may not
back. Route the tether strap under
the LATCH lower anchors or the seat
work properly if attached to
the headrest and between the
belt. If the child restraint manufactur-
something else.
headrest posts, or route the tether
er recommends that the top tether
Do not use the tether anchors
strap over the top of the vehicle
strap be attached, attach and tighten
for adult seat belts or harness-
seatback. Make sure the strap is
the top tether strap to the top tether
es, or for attaching other items
not twisted.
strap anchor.
or equipment to the vehicle.
2. Connect the tether strap hook to
Child restraint hook holders are
the tether anchor, then tighten the
located on the package tray.
tether strap according to the child
seat manufacturer’s instructions to
firmly secure the child restraint to
the seat.
3. Check that the child restraint is
To install a child restraint system on
securely attached to the seat by
the rear seats, do the following:
pushing and pulling the seat for-
1. Place the child restraint system on
ward and from side-to-side.
a rear seat and route the lap/shoul-
der belt around or through the child
restraint, following the restraint
Securing a child restraint with
manufacturer’s instructions.
a lap belt or lap/shoulder belt
Be sure the seat belt webbing is
When not using the LATCH system,
not twisted.
all child restraints must be secured to
a vehicle rear seat with the lap part
of a lap/shoulder belt.
Automatic lock mode
When using the rear center seat belt,
you should also refer to the “3-point
Since all passenger seat belts move
Rear Center Seat Belt” section in this
freely under normal conditions and
ALWAYS place a rear-facing
only lock under extreme or emer-
child restraint in the rear seat of
gency conditions (emergency locking
the vehicle.
mode), you must manually pull the
Placing a rear-facing child
seat belt all the way out to shift the
restraint in the front seat can
retractor to the “Automatic Locking”
result in serious injury or death
mode to secure a child restraint.
if the child restraint is struck by
The “Automatic Locking” mode will
an inflating air bag.
help prevent the normal movement
of the child in the vehicle from caus-
ing the seat belt to loosen and com-
promise the child restraint system. To
secure a child restraint system, use
the following procedure.
Safety system of your vehicle
2. Fasten the lap/shoulder belt latch
3. Pull the shoulder portion of the
4. Slowly allow the shoulder portion
into the buckle. Listen for the dis-
seat belt all the way out. When the
of the seat belt to retract and listen
tinct “click” sound.
shoulder portion of the seat belt is
for an audible “clicking” or “ratchet-
fully extended, it will shift the
ing” sound. This indicates that the
retractor to the
retractor is in the
Locking” (child restraint) mode.
Locking” mode. If no distinct sound
Position the release button so that it
is heard, repeat steps 3 and 4.
is easy to access in case of an emer-








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