What to do in an emergency
2. When the car is stopped, turn on your
emergency hazard flashers, set the
If engine doesn't turn over or
If engine turns over normally but
parking brake and put the transaxle in
turns over slowly
does not start
P (automatic transaxle).
1. If your car has an automatic transaxle,
1. Check fuel level.
3. Have all passengers get out of the car.
be sure the gear selector lever is in N
2. With the ignition switch in the LOCK
Be sure they all get out on the side of
(Neutral) or P (Park) and the emer-
position, check all connectors at igni-
the car that is away from traffic.
gency brake is set.
tion coils and spark plugs. Reconnect
4. When changing a flat tire, follow the
2. Check the battery connections to be
any that may be disconnected or
instruction provided later in this sec-
sure they are clean and tight.
3. Turn on the interior light. If the light
3. Check the fuel line in the engine com-
dims or goes out when you operate the
starter, the battery is discharged.
4. If the engine still does not start, call an
If engine stalls while driving
4. Check the starter connections to be
authorized HYUNDAI dealer or seek
1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping
sure they are securely tightened.
other qualified assistance.
a straight line. Move cautiously off the
5. Do not push or pull the vehicle to start
road to a safe place.
it. See instructions for "Jump starting".
2. Turn on your emergency flashers.
3. Try to start the engine again. If your
vehicle will not start, contact an
If the engine will not start, do not
authorized HYUNDAI dealer or seek
push or pull the car to start it. This
other qualified assistance.
could result in a collision or cause
other damage. In addition, push or
pull starting may cause the catalyt-
ic converter to be overloaded and
create a fire hazard.
6 3
What to do in an emergency
Jumper Cables
Jump starting
WARNING - Battery
Jump starting can be dangerous if done
Keep all flames or sparks away
incorrectly. Therefore, to avoid harm to
from the battery. The battery pro-
yourself or damage to your vehicle or
duces hydrogen gas which may
battery, follow the jump starting proce-
explode if exposed to flame or
dures. If in doubt, we strongly recom-
mend that you have a competent techni-
If these instructions are not fol-
cian or towing service jump start your
lowed exactly, serious personal
injury and damage to the vehicle
may occur! If you are not sure
how to follow this procedure,
seek qualified
Use only a 12-volt jumper system.
Automobile batteries contain sul-
You can damage a 12-volt starting
Connect cables in numerical order and
furic acid. This is poisonous and
motor, ignition system, and other
disconnect in reverse order.
highly corrosive. When jump
electrical parts beyond repair by
starting, wear protective glasses
use of a 24-volt power supply (either
and be careful not to get acid on
two 12-volt batteries in series or a
yourself, your clothing or on the
24-volt motor generator set).
Do not attempt to jump start the
vehicle if the discharged battery
is frozen or if the electrolyte level
WARNING - Battery
is low; the battery may rupture or
Never attempt to check the elec-
trolyte level of the battery as this
may cause the battery to rupture or
explode causing serious injury.
6 4
What to do in an emergency
Do not allow the jumper cables to con-
Jump starting procedure
tact anything except the correct battery
1. Make sure the booster battery is 12-
terminals or the correct ground. Do not
Vehicles equipped with automatic
volt and that its negative terminal is
lean over the battery when making
transaxle cannot be push-started.
Follow the directions in this section for
2. If the booster battery is in another
vehicle, do not allow the vehicles to
CAUTION - Battery cables
Do not connect the jumper cable
3. Turn off all unnecessary electrical
from the negative terminal of the
Never tow a vehicle to start it
booster battery to the negative ter-
because the sudden surge forward
4. Connect the jumper cables in the exact
minal of the discharged battery.
when the engine starts could cause
sequence shown in the illustration.
This can cause the discharged bat-
a collision with the tow vehicle.
First connect one end of a jumper
tery to overheat and crack, releas-
cable to the positive terminal of the
ing battery acid.
discharged battery (1), then connect
the other end to the positive terminal
on the booster battery (2).
5. Start the engine of the vehicle with the
Proceed to connect one end of the
booster battery and let it run at 2,000
other jumper cable to the negative ter-
rpm, then start the engine of the vehi-
minal of the booster battery (3), then
cle with the discharged battery.
the other end to a solid, stationary,
If the cause of your battery discharging is
metallic point (for example, the engine
not apparent, you should have your vehi-
lifting bracket) away from the battery
cle checked by an authorized HYUNDAI
(4). Do not connect it to or near any
part that moves when the engine is
6 5
What to do in an emergency
4. Check to see if the water pump drive
6. If you cannot find the cause of the
If your temperature gauge indicates over-
belt is missing. If it is not missing,
overheating, wait until the engine tem-
heating, you experience a loss of power,
check to see that it is tight. If the drive
perature has returned to normal. Then,
or hear loud pinging or knocking, the
belt seems to be satisfactory, check for
if coolant has been lost, carefully add
engine is probably too hot. If this hap-
coolant leaking from the radiator,
coolant to the reservoir to bring the
pens, you should:
hoses or under the car. (If the air con-
fluid level in the reservoir up to the
ditioning had been in use, it is normal
halfway mark.
for cold water to be draining from it
1. Pull off the road and stop as soon as it
7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for
is safe to do so.
when you stop).
further signs of overheating. If over-
2. Place the gear selector lever in P (auto-
heating happens again, call an author-
matic transaxle) and set the parking
ized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance.
brake. If the air conditioning is on, turn
While the engine is running, keep
it off.
hair, hands and clothing away from
3. If engine coolant is running out under
moving parts such as the fan and
Serious loss of coolant indicates
the car or steam is coming out from
drive belts to prevent injury.
there is a leak in the cooling system
underneath the hood, stop the engine.
Do not open the hood until the coolant
and this should be checked as soon
5. If the water pump drive belt is broken
as possible by an authorized
has stopped running or the steaming
has stopped. If there is no visible loss
or engine coolant is leaking out, stop
HYUNDAI dealer.
of engine coolant and no steam, leave
the engine immediately and call the
the engine running and check to be
nearest authorized HYUNDAI dealer
sure the engine cooling fan is operat-
for assistance.
ing. If the fan is not running, turn the
engine off.
Do not remove the radiator cap
when the engine is hot. This may
result in coolant being blown out of
the opening and cause serious
6 6
What to do in an emergency
As an added safety feature, your
Your vehicle has also been equipped
vehicle has been equipped with a tire
with a TPMS malfunction indicator to
pressure monitoring system (TPMS)
indicate when the system is not
that illuminates a low tire pressure
operating properly. The TPMS mal-
telltale when one or more of your
function indicator is provided by a
tires is significantly under-inflated.
separate telltale, which displays the
Accordingly, when the low tire pres-
symbol "TPMS" when illuminated.
sure telltale illuminates, you should
When the malfunction indicator is
stop and check your tires as soon as
illuminated, the system may not be
possible, and inflate them to the
able to detect or signal low tire pres-
proper pressure. Driving on a signifi-
sure as intended. TPMS malfunc-
cantly under-inflated tire causes the
tions may occur for a variety of rea-
tire to overheat and can lead to tire
sons, including the installation of
(1) TPMS malfunction indicator
failure. Under-inflation also reduces
replacement or alternate tires or
(2) Low tire pressure telltale
fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and
wheels on the vehicle that prevent
may affect the vehicle’s handling and
the TPMS from functioning properly.
stopping ability.
Always check the TPMS malfunction
Each tire, including the spare (if pro-
vided), should be checked monthly
telltale after replacing one or more
tires or wheels on your vehicle to
when cold and inflated to the inflation
Please note that the TPMS is not a
pressure recommended by the vehi-
ensure that the replacement or alter-
substitute for proper tire mainte-
nate tires and wheels allow the
cle manufacturer on the vehicle plac-
nance, and it is the driver’s responsi-
ard or tire inflation pressure label. (If
TPMS to continue to function proper-
bility to maintain correct tire pres-
your vehicle has tires of a different
sure, even if under-inflation has not
size than the size indicated on the
reached the level to trigger illumina-
vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-
tion of the TPMS low tire pressure
sure label, you should determine the
proper tire inflation pressure for
those tires.)
6 7
What to do in an emergency
Low tire pressure tell-
If the TPMS and Low Tire Pressure
The compact spare tire is not
indicators do not illuminate for 3
equipped with a tire pressure sensor.
seconds when the ignition switch is
turned to the ON position or the
When the tire pressure monitoring
engine is running, or if it remains
system warning indicators are illumi-
illuminated after coming on for
nated, one or more of your tires is
approximately 3 seconds, take your
significantly under-inflated.
car to your nearest authorized
Immediately reduce your speed,
HYUNDAI dealer and have the sys-
avoid hard cornering and anticipate
tem checked.
increased stopping distances. You
should stop and check your tires as
soon as possible. Inflate the tires to
the proper pressure as indicated on
the vehicle’s placard or tire inflation
pressure label located on the driver’s
side center pillar outer panel. If you
cannot reach a service station or if
the tire cannot hold the newly added
air, replace the low pressure tire with
the compact spare tire.
Then the TPMS malfunction indicator
may turn on and the Low Tire
Pressure telltale still turn on after
restarting and about 20 minutes of
continuous driving before you have
the low-pressure tire repaired and
replaced on the vehicle.
6 8
What to do in an emergency
WARNING - Low pressure
TPMS (Tire Pressure
In winter or cold weather, the
Monitoring System)
low tire pressure telltale may be
Significantly low tire pressure
malfunction indicator
illuminated if the tire pressure
makes the vehicle unstable and
was adjusted to the recom-
can contribute to loss of vehicle
The TPMS malfunction indicator
mended tire inflation pressure
control and increased braking
comes on and stays on when there is
in warm weather. It does not
a problem with the Tire Pressure
mean your TPMS is malfunction-
Continued driving on low pres-
Monitoring System. If the system is
ing because the decreased tem-
sure tires can cause the tires to
able to correctly detect an under-
perature leads to a proportional
overheat and fail.
inflation warning at the same time as
lowering of tire pressure.
system failure then it will illuminate
When you drive your vehicle
both the TPMS malfunction and the
from a warm area to a cold area
low tire pressure telltale e.g. if Front
or from a cold area to a warm
Left sensor fails, the TPMS malfunc-
area, or the outside temperature
tion indicator illuminates, but if the
is greatly higher or lower, you
Front Right, Rear Left, or Rear Right
should check the tire inflation
tire is under-inflated, the low tire
pressure and adjust the tires to
pressure telltale may illuminate
the recommended tire inflation
together with the TPMS malfunction
Have the system checked by an
authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon
as possible to determine the cause
of the problem.
6 9
What to do in an emergency
After you replace the low pressure
Changing a tire with TPMS
tire with the compact spare tire, the
The TPMS malfunction indica-
If you have a flat tire, the Low Tire
TPMS malfunction indicator may be
tor may be illuminated if the
illuminated after a few minutes
Pressure warning indicator will turn
vehicle is moving around elec-
on. Have the flat tire repaired by an
because the compact spare tire does
tric power supply cables or
not have a sensor.
authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon
radios transmitter such as at
as possible or replace the flat tire
Once the low pressure tire is re-
police stations, government
with the compact spare tire.
inflated to the recommended pres-
and public offices, broadcast-
sure and installed on the vehicle, the
ing stations, military installa-
TPMS malfunction indicator and the
tions, airports, or transmitting
NEVER use a puncture-repair-
low tire pressure telltale will extin-
towers, etc. This can interfere
ing agent to repair and/or inflate
guish within a few minutes.
with normal operation of the
a low pressure tire. The tire
If the indicators do not extinguish
Tire Pressure Monitoring
sealant can damage the tire
after a few minutes, please visit an
System (TPMS).
pressure sensor. If used, you
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
The TPMS malfunction indica-
will have to replace the tire pres-
You may not be able identify a low
tor may be illuminated if snow
sure sensor.
tire by simply looking at it. Always
chains are used or some sep-
use a good quality tire pressure
arate electronic devices such
Each wheel is equipped with a tire
gauge to measure the tire's inflation
as notebook computer, mobile
pressure sensor mounted inside the
pressure. Please note that a tire that
charger, remote starter or nav-
tire behind the valve stem. You must
is hot (from being driven) will have a
igation etc., are used in the
use TPMS specific wheels. It is rec-
higher pressure measurement than a
vehicle. This can interfere with
ommended that you always have
tire that is cold (from sitting station-
normal operation of the Tire
your tires serviced by an authorized
ary for at least 3 hours and driven
Pressure Monitoring System
HYUNDAI dealer.
less than 1 mile (1.6 km) during that
Even if you replace the low pressure
3 hour period).
tire with the compact spare tire, the
Low Tire Pressure warning indicator
will remain on until the low pressure
tire is repaired and placed on the
What to do in an emergency
Allow the tire to cool before measur-
This device complies with Part 15
ing the inflation pressure. Always be
of the FCC rules.
sure the tire is cold before inflating to
The TPMS cannot alert you to
Operation is subject to the following
the recommended pressure.
severe and sudden tire dam-
two conditions:
A cold tire means the vehicle has
age caused by external fac-
1. This device may not cause harm-
been sitting for 3 hours and driven for
tors such as nails or road
ful interference, and
less than 1 mile (1.6 km) in that 3
2. This device must accept any inter-
hour period.
If you feel any vehicle instabil-
ference received, including inter-
ity, immediately take your foot
ference that may cause undesired
off the accelerator, apply the
brakes gradually and with
Do not use any tire sealant if
light force, and slowly move to
your vehicle is equipped with a
a safe position off the road.
Pressure Monitoring
Changes or modifications not
System. The liquid sealant can
expressly approved by the party
damage the tire pressure sen-
WARNING - Protecting
responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority
Tampering with, modifying, or
to operate the equipment.
disabling the Tire Pressure
Monitoring System
components may interfere with
the system's ability to warn the
driver of low tire pressure con-
ditions and/or TPMS malfunc-
tions. Tampering with, modify-
ing, or disabling the Tire
Pressure Monitoring System
(TPMS) components may void
the warranty for that portion of
the vehicle.
6 11
What to do in an emergency
(1) Jack handle
Jacking instructions
(2) Jack
The jack is provided for emergency
(3) Wheel lug nut wrench
tire changing only.
To prevent the jack from “rattling”
while the vehicle is in motion, store it
Follow jacking instructions to reduce
the possibility of personal injury.
WARNING - Changing tires
• Never attempt vehicle repairs
in the traffic lanes of a public
Jack and tools
road or highway.
The jack, jack handle, wheel lug nut
• Always move the vehicle com-
wrench are stored in the luggage
pletely off the road and onto
compartment. Pull up the luggage
the shoulder before trying to
box cover to reach this equipment.
change a tire. The jack should
be used on level firm ground.
If you cannot find a firm, level
place off the road, call a tow-
ing service company for
6 12
What to do in an emergency
Be sure to use the correct
front and rear jacking posi-
tions on the vehicle; never
use the bumpers or any other
part of the vehicle for jack
The vehicle can easily roll off
the jack causing serious
injury or death. No person
should place any portion of
their body under a vehicle that
3. Use the wheel lug nut wrench to
is supported only by a jack;
Removing and storing the spare
loosen the bolt enough to lower
use vehicle support stands.
the spare tire.
Do not start or run the engine
Your spare tire is stored underneath
Turn the wrench counterclockwise
while the vehicle is on the
your vehicle, directly below the cargo
until the spare tire reaches the
Do not allow anyone to remain
To remove the spare tire:
in the vehicle while it is on the
1. Open the tailgate.
Make sure any children pres-
2. Find the plastic hex bolt cover and
remove the cover.
ent are in a secure place away
from the road and from the
vehicle to be raised with the
6 13
What to do in an emergency
4. After the spare tire reaches the
To store the spare tire:
ground, continue to turn the
Changing tires
1. Lay the tire on the ground with the
wrench counterclockwise, and
valve stem facing up.
1. Park on a level surface and apply
draw the spare tire outside. Never
the parking brake firmly.
2. Place the wheel under the vehicle
rotate the wrench excessively, oth-
and install the retainer (1) through
2. Shift the transaxle shift lever into P
erwise the spare tire carrier may
the wheel center.
be damaged.
3. Turn the wrench clockwise until it
3. Activate the hazard warning flash-
5. Remove the retainer (1) from the
center of the spare tire.
Ensure the spare tire retainer is
properly aligned with the center
of the spare tire to prevent the
spare tire “rattling”. Otherwise,
it may cause the spare tire to
fall off the carrier and lead to an
6 14
What to do in an emergency
WARNING - Changing a tire
To prevent vehicle movement
while changing a tire, always
set the parking brake fully,
and always block the wheel
diagonally opposite the wheel
being changed.
We recommend that the
wheels of the vehicle be
blocked, and that no person
remain in a vehicle that is
being jacked.
4. Remove the wheel lug nut wrench,
6. Loosen the wheel lug nuts coun-
jack, jack handle, and spare tire
terclockwise one turn each, but do
from the vehicle.
not remove any nut until the tire
5. Block both the front and rear of the
has been raised off the ground.
wheel that is diagonally opposite
the jack position.
6 15
What to do in an emergency
9. Loosen the wheel nuts and
remove them with your fingers.
Slide the wheel off the studs and
lay it flat so it cannot roll away. To
put the wheel on the hub, pick up
the spare tire, line up the holes
with the studs and slide the wheel
onto them. If this is difficult, tip the
wheel slightly and get the top hole
in the wheel lined up with the top
stud. Then jiggle the wheel back
and forth until the wheel can be
slid over the other studs.
7. Place the jack at the front or rear
8. Insert the jack handle into the jack
jacking position closest to the tire
and turn it clockwise, raising the
you are changing. Place the jack
vehicle until the tire just clears the
at the designated locations under
ground. This measurement is
the frame. The jacking positions
1.2 in
(30 mm).
are plates welded to the frame
Before removing the wheel lug
with two tabs and a raised dot to
nuts, make sure the vehicle is sta-
index with the jack.
ble and that there is no chance for
movement or slippage.
WARNING - Jack location
To reduce the possibility of
injury, be sure to use only the
jack provided with the vehicle
and in the correct jack position;
never use any other part of the
vehicle for jack support.
6 16
What to do in an emergency
10. To reinstall the wheel, hold it on
the studs, put the wheel nuts on
Wheels may have sharp edges.
the studs and tighten them finger
Handle them carefully to avoid
tight. Jiggle the tire to be sure it is
possible severe injury. Before
completely seated, then tighten
putting the wheel into place, be
the nuts as much as possible
sure that there is nothing on the
with your fingers again.
hub or wheel (such as mud, tar,
11. Lower the car to the ground by
gravel, etc.) that interferes with
turning the wheel nut wrench
the wheel from fitting solidly
against the hub.
If there is, remove it. If there is
not good contact on the mount-
Then position the wrench as shown
ing surface between the wheel
in the drawing and tighten the wheel
and hub, the wheel nuts could
nuts. Be sure the socket is seated
come loose and cause the loss
completely over the nut. Do not stand
of a wheel. Loss of a wheel may
on the wrench handle or use an
result in loss of control of the
extension pipe over the wrench han-
vehicle. This may cause serious
dle. Go around the wheel tightening
injury or death.
every other nut until they are all tight.
Then double-check each nut for
tightness. After changing wheels,
have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer
tighten the wheel nuts to their proper
torque as soon as possible.
Wheel nut tightening torque:
Steel wheel & aluminum alloy wheel:
65~79 lb·ft (9~11 kg·m)
6 17
What to do in an emergency
If you have a tire gauge, remove the
valve cap and check the air pressure.
WARNING - Wheel studs
If the pressure is lower than recom-
Your vehicle has metric threads
If the studs are damaged, they
mended, drive slowly to the nearest
on the wheel studs and nuts.
may lose their ability to retain
service station and inflate to the cor-
Make certain during wheel
the wheel. This could lead to the
rect pressure. If it is too high, adjust
removal that the same nuts that
loss of the wheel and a collision
it until it is correct. Always reinstall
were removed are reinstalled -
resulting in serious injuries.
the valve cap after checking or
or, if replaced, that nuts with
adjusting tire pressure. If the cap is
metric threads and the same
not replaced, air may leak from the
chamfer configuration are used.
To prevent the jack, jack handle,
tire. If you lose a valve cap, buy
Installation of a non-metric
wheel lug nut wrench and spare tire
another and install it as soon as pos-
thread nut on a metric stud or
from rattling while the vehicle is in
vice-versa will not secure the
motion, store them properly.
After you have changed wheels,
wheel to the hub properly and
always secure the flat tire in its place
will damage the stud so that it
WARNING - Inadequate
and return the jack and tools to their
must be replaced.
spare tire pressure
proper storage locations.
Note that most lug nuts do not
Check the inflation pressures as
have metric threads. Be sure to
soon as possible after installing
use extreme care in checking
the spare tire. Adjust it to the
for thread style before installing
specified pressure, if necessary.
aftermarket lug nuts or wheels.
Refer to “Tires and wheels” sec-
If in doubt, consult an author-
tion 8.
ized HYUNDAI dealer.
6 18
What to do in an emergency
When using a compact spare tire,
Important - use of compact spare tire
observe the following precautions:
Your vehicle is equipped with a com-
The compact spare tire is for
Under no circumstances should
pact spare tire. This compact spare
emergency use only. Do not
you exceed 50 mph (80 km/h); a
tire takes up less space than a regu-
operate your vehicle on this
higher speed could damage the
lar-size tire. This tire is smaller than a
compact spare at speeds over
conventional tire and is designed for
50 mph (80 km/h). The original
Ensure that you drive slowly
temporary use only.
tire should be repaired or
enough for the road conditions to
replaced as soon as is possible
avoid all hazards. Any road hazard,
to avoid failure of the spare
such as a pothole or debris, could
possibly leading to personal
You should drive carefully
seriously damage the compact
injury or death.
when the compact spare is in
use. The compact spare
Any continuous road use of this tire
should be replaced by the
could result in tire failure, loss of
The compact spare should be inflat-
proper conventional tire and
vehicle control, and possible per-
ed to 60 psi (420 kPa).
rim at the first opportunity.
sonal injury.
The operation of this vehicle
Do not exceed the vehicle’s maxi-
is not recommended with
mum load rating or the load-carry-
more than one compact spare
Check the inflation pressure after
ing capacity shown on the sidewall
tire in use at the same time.
installing the spare tire. Adjust it to
of the compact spare tire.
the specified pressure, as necessary.
Avoid driving over obstacles. The
compact spare tire diameter is
smaller than the diameter of a con-
ventional tire and reduces the
ground clearance approximately 1
inch (25 mm), which could result in
damage to the vehicle.
6 19