Hyundai Sonata Hybrid (2017 year). Instruction - part 23


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Hyundai Sonata Hybrid (2017 year). Instruction - part 23



Driving your vehicle
Warning type
■ Left
The Blind Spot Detection
• Type A
• Type B
The warning light on the out-
System (BSD) and Rear Cross
side rearview mirror will illu-
Traffic Alert (RCTA) are not a
minate whenever a vehicle is
substitute for proper and safe
detected at the rear side by
driving practices. Always
the system.
drive safely and use caution
when changing lanes or back-
To avoid accidents, do not
focus only on the warning
ing the vehicles up. The Blind
Spot Detection System (BSD)
light and neglect to see the
surrounding of the vehicle.
may not detect every object
alongside the vehicle.
■ Right
Drive safely even though the
• Type A
• Type B
vehicle is equipped with a
Blind Spot Detection System
(BSD) and Rear Cross Traffic
• If the detected vehicle is out of the
(RCTA). Do not solely
sensing range of your vehicle, move
rely on the system but check
the vehicle away from the detected
your surrounding before
object slowly; the warning will be
changing lanes or backing the
vehicle up.
• The system may not operate proper-
The system may not alert the
driver in some conditions so
ly due to other factors or circum-
stances. Always pay attention to
If the vehicle detected by the radars
always check the surround-
your surrounding.
approaches your vehicle, the warn-
ings while driving.
ing chime will sound, the warning
• If your vehicles left or right side
light on the outside rearview mirror
bumper is blinded by barrier or
will blink and a message will appear
vehicles, the system sensing ability
on the LCD display.
may be reduced.
Non-operating condition
Outside rearview mirror may not
The driver must be cautious in the
The system may not work prop-
alert the driver when:
below situations for the system
erly if the bumper has been
- The outside rearview mirror hous-
may not detect other vehicles or
replaced or if repair work has
ing is damaged or covered with
objects in certain circumstances.
been done near the radar.
The detection area differs
- The window is covered with debris.
- Curved roads, tollgates, etc.
according to the roads width. If
the road is narrow the system
- The windows are severely tinted.
- The surrounding of the radar is
may detect other vehicles in the
polluted with rain, snow, mud,
next lane. In addition, if the road
is very wide the system may not
- The rear bumper near the radar
detect other vehicles.
is covered or hidden with a for-
The system may turn off due to
eign matter such as a sticker,
strong electromagnetic waves.
bumper guard, bicycle stand etc.
- The rear bumper is damaged or
the radar is out of place.
- The height of the vehicle is
altered such as when the trunk is
loaded with heavy objects, or
there is low tire pressure etc.
- Bad weather such as heavy rain
or snow.
- A fixed object is near such as a
guardrail, tunnel, human and ani-
mal etc.
Driving your vehicle
- Metal substances are near the
- When your vehicle is backing up,
This device complies with Part 15 of
vehicles such as in a construc-
if the detected vehicle also backs
the FCC rules.
tion area.
Operation is subject to the following
- A big vehicle is near such as a
- Small objects like shopping
two conditions:
bus or truck.
carts and strollers.
1. This device may not cause harmful
- A motorcycle or bicycle is near.
- If there is a vehicle with
interference, and
decreased ride height (lowered).
- A flat trailer is near.
2. This device must accept any inter-
- When the vehicle is close to
- If the vehicle has started at the
ference received, including interfer-
another vehicle.
same time as the vehicle next to
ence that may cause undesired
you and has accelerated.
- When the vehicle in the next lane
moves two lanes away from you
- When the other vehicle passes
by at a higher rate of speed.
OR when the vehicle two lanes
away moves to the next lane
- When changing lanes.
from you.
- When going down or up a steep
- When driving through a narrow
road where the height of the lane
road with many trees or bushes.
is different.
- When driving on wet surface.
- When the other vehicle drives
very close.
- When a trailer or carrier is
- When the temperature near the
rear bumper area is high or low.
- When the radars are covered by
a wall or a pillar of a parking lot.
The Automatic Emergency Braking
System setting and activation
(AEB) system is designed to detect
System setting
and monitor the vehicle ahead or
Take the following precautions
detect a pedestrian in the roadway
when using the Automatic
through radar signals and camera
Emergency Braking (AEB):
recognition to warn the driver that a
collision is imminent, and if neces-
This system is only a supple-
sary, apply emergency braking.
mental system and it is not
intended to, nor does it replace
the need for extreme care and
attention of the driver. The
sensing range and objects
detectable by the sensors are
limited. Pay attention to the
road conditions at all times.
NEVER drive too fast in accor-
The driver can activate the AEB by
dance with the road condi-
placing the ignition switch to the ON
tions or while cornering.
position and by selecting 'User
Always drive cautiously to
Settings', 'Driving Assist', and 'AEB
prevent unexpected and sud-
(Automatic Braking System)'. The
den situations from occur-
AEB deactivates, when the driver
ring. AEB does not stop the
cancels the system setting.
vehicle completely and is not
a collision avoidance system.
Driving your vehicle
The warning light illumi-
NORMAL - When this condition is
nates on the LCD display,
selected, the initial
when you cancel the AEB
system. The driver can
Warning is activated
monitor the AEB ON/OFF status on
normally. This setting
the LCD display. If the warning light
allows for a nominal
remains ON when the AEB is acti-
amount of distance
vated, have the system checked by
between the vehicle or
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
before the initial warn-
ing occurs.
SLOW - When this condition is
The driver can select the initial warn-
Forward Collision Warning
ing activation time in the User
is activated later than nor-
Settings in the Driver LCD display.
mal. This setting reduces
The options for the initial Forward
the amount of distance
Collision Warning include the follow-
between the vehicle or
pedestrian ahead before
• FAST - When this condition is
the initial warning occurs.
Forward Collision Warning
is activated earlier than
normal. This setting maxi-
mizes the amount of dis-
tance between the vehicle
or pedestrian ahead before
the initial warning occurs.
Prerequisite for activation
AEB warning message and
The AEB gets ready to be activated,
system control
when the AEB is selected on the
The AEB produces warning mes-
The AEB automatically acti-
LCD display, and when the following
sages and warning alarms in accor-
vates upon placing the igni-
prerequisites are satisfied.
dance with the collision risk levels.
tion switch to the ON position.
- The ESC is activated.
Also, it controls the brakes in accor-
The driver can deactivate the
- To enable the system to detect
AEB by canceling the system
dance with the collision risk levels.
pedestrians ahead, the vehicle
setting on the LCD display.
driving speed must be between 5 -
The AEB automatically deacti-
40 mph (8 - 65 km/h).
vates upon canceling the
- To enable the system to detect a
ESC. When the ESC is can-
vehicle ahead, the vehicle driving
celed, the AEB cannot be acti-
speed must be between 5 - 110
vated on the LCD display.
mph (8 - 180 km/h).
When traveling above 50 mph (80
km/h), the AEB system only initiates
partial braking. This is to prevent
unintended full braking to stop in the
middle of the highway.
Driving your vehicle
Forward Warning (1st warning)
Collision Warning (2nd warning)
- If your vehicle is traveling less
than 40 mph (65 km/h) and a
pedestrian is detected within the
Collision Warning
(2nd warning)
stage, your vehicle speed may
decelerate sharply to avoid a col-
This initial warning message appears
This warning message appears on
on the LCD display with a warning
the LCD display with a warning
The driver can select the initial warn-
Additionally, some vehicle system
ing activation time in the User
intervention occurs by the engine
Settings in the Driver LCD display.
management system to help decel-
The options for the initial Forward
erate the vehicle.
Collision Warning include FAST,
- If the detected vehicle in front is
NORMAL, or SLOW initial warning
driving slower than 50 mph (80
km/h), your vehicle speed may
decelerate sharply to avoid a col-
lision. If the detected vehicle in
front is driving faster than 50 mph
(80 km/h), your vehicle speed
may decelerate moderately.
Emergency braking
- When your vehicle drives slower
Brake operation
(3rd warning)
than 40 mph (65 km/h) with a
In an urgent situation, the braking
passer-by in front, the driving
system enters into the ready status
speed may abruptly decrease.
for prompt reaction against the dri-
When your vehicle drives faster
ver’s depressing the brake pedal.
than 40 mph (65 km/h) with a
The AEB provides additional brak-
pedestrian in front, the AEB does
ing power for optimum braking per-
not operate.
formance, when the driver depress-
es the brake pedal.
The braking control is automatical-
ly deactivated, when the driver
sharply depresses the brake pedal,
or when the driver abruptly oper-
ates the steering wheel.
The braking control is automatical-
This warning message appears on
the LCD display with a warning
ly canceled, when risk factors dis-
Additionally, automatic emergency
braking of the vehicle is applied in
order to avoid a collision.
- If your vehicle is traveling less
The driver should always use
than 40 mph (65 km/h) and a
extreme caution while operating
pedestrian is detected within the
the vehicle, whether or not there
Emergency Braking stage, auto-
is a warning message or alarm
matic emergency braking of the
from the AEB system.
vehicle is applied. In this condi-
tion, your vehicle speed will
decelerate sharply to avoid a col-
Driving your vehicle
AEB front radar sensor
Warning message and warning
The braking control cannot
completely stop the vehicle nor
avoid all collisions. The driver
should hold the responsibility
to safely drive and control the
The AEB system logic operates
within certain parameters, such
In order for the AEB system to oper-
as the distance from the vehicle
ate properly, always make sure the
When the sensor lens cover is
or pedestrian ahead, the speed
radar sensor lens cover is clean and
blocked with dirt, snow, or debris, the
of the vehicle ahead, and the
free of dirt, snow, and debris. Dirt,
AEB system operation may stop
driver's vehicle speed. Certain
snow, or foreign substances on the
temporarily. If this occurs, a warning
conditions such as inclement
lens may adversely affect the sens-
message will appear on the LCD dis-
weather and road conditions
ing performance of the radar.
play. Remove any dirt, snow, or
may affect the operation of the
debris and clean the radar sensor
AEB system.
lens cover before operating the AEB
If the front bumper becomes
System malfunction
damaged in the area around the
Do not apply foreign objects
radar sensor, the AEB system
such as a bumper sticker or a
may not operate properly. Have
bumper guard near the radar
the vehicle inspected by an
sensor. Doing so may adversely
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
affect the sensing performance
Use only genuine HYUNDAI
of the radar.
parts to repair or replace a dam-
Always keep the radar sensor
aged sensor or sensor cover. Do
and lens cover clean and free of
not apply paint to the sensor
dirt and debris.
Use only a soft cloth to wash the
vehicle. Do not spray pressur-
ized water directly on the sensor
or sensor cover.
When the AEB is not working prop-
Be careful not to apply unneces-
erly, the AEB warning light (
sary force on the radar sensor or
will illuminate and the warning
sensor cover. If the sensor is
message will appear for a few sec-
forcibly moved out of proper
onds. After the message disap-
alignment, the AEB system may
pears, the master warning light
not operate correctly. In this
) will illuminate. In this case,
case, a warning message may
have the vehicle inspected by an
not be displayed. Have the vehi-
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
cle inspected by an authorized
The AEB warning message may
HYUNDAI dealer.
appear along with the illumination
of the ESC warning light.
Driving your vehicle
If there is a malfunction with
In these cases, you must
The AEB is only a supplemen-
the AEB system, the automat-
maintain a safe braking dis-
tal system for the driver’s con-
ic emergency braking is not
tance, and if necessary,
venience. The driver should
applied even though the brak-
depress the brake pedal to
hold the responsibility to con-
ing system is operating nor-
reduce the driving speed in
trol the vehicle operation. Do
order to maintain a safe dis-
not solely depend on the AEB
The AEB system operates
system. Rather, maintain a
only to detect vehicles or
safe braking distance, and, if
pedestrians in front of the
necessary, depress the brake
pedal to reduce the driving
The AEB system does not
operate when the vehicle is in
In certain instances and
under certain driving condi-
The AEB system is not
tions, the AEB system may
designed to detect other
activate prematurely. This ini-
objects on the road such as
tial warning message appears
on the LCD display with a
warning chime.
The AEB system does not
detect cross traffic vehicles
Also, in certain instances the
that are approaching.
front radar sensor or camera
recognition system may not
The AEB system cannot
detect the vehicle or pedestri-
detect the driver approaching
an ahead. The AEB system
the side view of a parked vehi-
may not activate and the
(for example on a dead
warning message will not be
end street.)
Limitations of the system
Detecting vehicles
The vehicle in front does not have
their rear lights properly turned ON
The Automatic Emergency Braking
The sensor may be limited when:
The outside brightness changes
(AEB) system is designed to monitor
The radar sensor or camera is
the vehicle ahead or a pedestrian in
blocked with a foreign object or
suddenly, for example when enter-
the roadway through radar signals
ing or exiting a tunnel
and camera recognition to warn the
The vehicle in front is driving errat-
Inclement weather such as heavy
driver that a collision is imminent,
rain or snow obscures the field of
and if necessary, apply emergency
view of the radar sensor or camera
There is interference by electro-
In certain situations, the radar sen-
magnetic waves
sor or the camera may not be able to
There is severe irregular reflection
detect the vehicle or pedestrian
from the radar sensor
ahead. In these cases, the AEB sys-
tem may not operate normally. The
The vehicle in front is too small to
driver must pay careful attention in
be detected by the camera recog-
the following situations where the
nition system (for example a motor-
AEB operation may be limited.
cycle or a bicycle, etc.)
The vehicle in front is an oversize
vehicle or trailer that is too big to
be detected by the camera recog-
nition system (for example a tractor
trailer, etc.)
The driver's field of view is not well
illuminated (either too dark or too
much reflection or too much back-
light that obscures the field of view)
Driving your vehicle
Always keep your eyes forward while
driving upward or downward on a
slope, and, if necessary, depress the
brake pedal to reduce your driving
speed in order to maintain distance.
- Driving on a curve
- Driving on a slope
The performance of the AEB system
The performance of the AEB
may be limited when driving on a
decreases while driving upward or
curved road.
downward on a slope, not recogniz-
ing the vehicle in front in the same
In certain instances on a curved
lane. It may unnecessarily produce
road, the AEB system may activate
the warning message and the warn-
ing alarm, or it may not produce the
Also, in certain instances the front
warning message and the warning
radar sensor or camera recognition
alarm at all.
system may not detect the vehicle
traveling on a curved road.
When the AEB suddenly recognizes
the vehicle in front while passing
In these cases, the driver must main-
over a slope, you may experience
tain a safe braking distance, and if
sharp deceleration.
necessary, depress the brake pedal
to reduce your driving speed in order
to maintain a safe distance.
- Changing lanes
When driving in stop-and-go traffic,
- Detecting the vehicle in front of you
When a vehicle changes lanes in
and a stopped vehicle in front of you
If the vehicle in front of you has cargo
merges out of the lane, the AEB sys-
front of you, the AEB system may not
that extends rearward from the cab,
immediately detect the vehicle, espe-
tem may not immediately detect the
or when the vehicle in front of you
new vehicle that is now in front of
cially if the vehicle changes lanes
has higher ground clearance, addi-
abruptly. In this case, you must main-
you. In this case, you must maintain
tional special attention is required.
a safe braking distance, and if nec-
tain a safe braking distance, and if
The AEB system may not be able to
necessary, depress the brake pedal
essary, depress the brake pedal to
detect the cargo extending from the
reduce your driving speed in order to
to reduce your driving speed in order
vehicle. In these instances, you must
to maintain a safe distance.
maintain a safe distance.
maintain a safe braking distance
from the rearmost object, and if nec-
essary, depress the brake pedal to
reduce your driving speed in order to
maintain distance.
Driving your vehicle
Detecting pedestrians
The sensor may be limited when:
In some instances, the AEB system
The pedestrian is not fully detected
Do not use the Automatic
may be cancelled when subjected to
by the camera recognition system,
Emergency Braking system
electromagnetic interference.
for example, if the pedestrian is
when towing a vehicle.
leaning over or is not fully walking
Application of the AEB system
while towing may adversely
This device complies with Part 15 of
The pedestrian is moving very
affect the safety of your vehi-
the FCC rules.
quickly or appears abruptly in the
cle or the towing vehicle
camera detection area
Operation is subject to the following
Use extreme caution when the
two conditions:
The pedestrian is wearing clothing
vehicle in front of you has
that easily blends into the back-
cargo that extends rearward
1. This device may not cause harmful
ground, making it difficult to be
from the cab, or when the
interference, and
detected by the camera recogni-
vehicle in front of you has
2. This device must accept any inter-
tion system
higher ground clearance.
ference received, including interfer-
The outside lighting is too bright
The AEB system is designed
ence that may cause undesired
(e.g. when driving in bright sunlight
to detect and monitor the vehi-
or in sun glare) or too dark (e.g.
cle ahead or detect a pedestri-
when driving on a dark rural road
an in the roadway through
at night)
radar signals and camera
recognition. It is not designed
It is difficult to detect and distin-
to detect bicycles, motorcy-
guish the pedestrian from other
cles, or smaller wheeled
objects in the surroundings, for
objects such as luggage bags,
example, when there is a group of
shopping carts, or strollers.
pedestrians or a large crowd
Never try to test the operation
of the AEB system. Doing so
may cause severe injury or
Hazardous Driving Conditions
Rocking the Vehicle
When hazardous driving conditions
If it is necessary to rock the vehicle
If the tires spin at high speed the
are encountered such as water,
to free it from snow, sand, or mud,
tires can explode, and you or oth-
snow, ice, mud or sand:
first turn the steering wheel right and
ers may be injured. Do not attempt
left to clear the area around your
Drive cautiously and allow extra dis-
this procedure if people or objects
front wheels. Then, shift back and
tance for braking.
are anywhere near the vehicle.
forth between R (Reverse) and a for-
Avoid sudden movements in braking
The vehicle can overheat causing
ward gear.
or steering.
an engine compartment fire or
Try to avoid spinning the wheels, and
If stuck in snow, mud, or sand, use
other damage. Spin the wheels as
do not race the engine.
second gear. Accelerate slowly to
little as possible and avoid spin-
To prevent transmission wear, wait
ning the wheels at speeds over 35
avoid spinning the drive wheels.
until the wheels stop spinning before
mph (56 km/h) as indicated on the
shifting gears. Release the accelera-
tor pedal while shifting, and press
lightly on the accelerator pedal while
Downshifting with an automatic
the transmission is in gear. Slowly
transmission while driving on
spinning the wheels in forward and
slippery surfaces can cause an
reverse directions causes a rocking
accident. The sudden change in
motion that may free the vehicle.
tire speed could cause the tires
to skid. Be careful when down-
shifting on slippery surfaces.
Use sand, rock salt, or other non-slip
material under the drive wheels to
provide traction when stuck in ice,
snow, or mud.
Driving your vehicle
Smooth Cornering
Driving at Night
Avoid braking or gear changing in
Night driving presents more hazards
If you are still stuck after rocking
corners, especially when roads are
than driving in the daylight. Here are
the vehicle a few times, have the
wet. Ideally, corners should always
some important tips to remember:
vehicle pulled out by a tow vehicle
be taken under gentle acceleration.
to avoid engine overheating, pos-
Slow down and keep more dis-
sible damage to the transmission,
tance between you and other vehi-
and tire damage. See "Towing" in
cles, as it may be more difficult to
chapter 6.
see at night, especially in areas
where there may not be any street
To prevent damage to the trans-
mission, turn OFF the ESC prior to
rocking the vehicle.
Adjust your mirrors to reduce the
glare from other driver’s head-
Keep your headlamps clean and
properly aimed. Dirty or improperly
aimed headlamps will make it
much more difficult to see at night.
Avoid staring directly at the head-
lamps of oncoming vehicles. You
could be temporarily blinded, and it
will take several seconds for your
eyes to readjust to the darkness.








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