Hyundai Kona (2018 year). Instruction - part 16


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Hyundai Kona (2018 year). Instruction - part 16



- Vehicle with dual clutch transmission
Button Position
Press the Engine Start/Stop button while it
Do not leave the Engine Start/Stop button in
is in the ACC position without depressing
the ON position when the engine is not run-
the brake pedal.
ning to prevent the battery from discharging.
The warning lights can be checked before
the engine is started.
To start the engine, depress the brake pedal
If you press the Engine Start/Stop button
and press the Engine Start/Stop button with
without depressing the brake pedal, the
the shift lever in the P (Park) or in the N
engine does not start and the Engine
(Neutral) position.
Start/Stop button changes as follows:
For your safety, start the engine with the
shift lever in the P (Park) position.
Driving your vehicle
Starting the engine
Starting the gasoline engine
Vehicle with manual transmission:
The engine will start by pressing the
1. Always carry the smart key with
Engine Start/Stop button, only when
the smart key is in the vehicle.
Always wear appropriate
2. Make sure the parking brake is
Even if the smart key is in the vehi-
shoes when operating your
cle, if it is far away from the driver,
vehicle. Unsuitable shoes,
the engine may not start.
3. Make sure the shift lever is in neutral.
such as high heels, ski boots,
sandals, flip-flops, etc., may
When the Engine Start/Stop button
4. Depress the clutch and brake ped-
interfere with your ability to
is in the ACC or ON position, if any
use the brake, accelerator and
door is open, the system checks for
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.
clutch pedals.
the smart key. If the smart key is not
in the vehicle, the "
" indicator
Do not start the vehicle with the
will blink and the warning "Key not
Vehicle with dual clutch transmis-
accelerator pedal depressed.
in vehicle" will come on, and if all
The vehicle can move which
doors are closed, the chime will also
1. Always carry the smart key with
can lead to an accident.
sound for about 5 seconds. Keep the
Wait until the engine rpm is
smart key in the vehicle when using
2. Make sure the parking brake is
normal. The vehicle may sud-
the ACC position or if the vehicle
denly move if the brake pedal
engine is ON.
is released when the rpm is
3. Make sure the shift lever is in P
4. Depress the brake pedal.
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.
• Do not wait for the engine to warm
To prevent damage to the vehicle:
up while the vehicle remains station-
Do not press the Engine Start/
Stop button for more than 10 sec-
Start driving at moderate engine
onds except when the stop lamp
speeds. Steep accelerating and decel-
fuse is blown.
erating should be avoided.
When the stop lamp fuse is blown,
• Always start the vehicle with your
you can't start the engine normal-
foot on the brake pedal. Do not
ly. Replace the fuse with a new
depress the accelerator while start-
one. If you are not able to replace
ing the vehicle. Do not race the
the fuse, you can start the engine
engine while warming it up.
by pressing and holding the
Engine Start/Stop button for
seconds with the Engine Start/
If the smart key battery is weak or the
Stop button in the ACC position.
smart key does not work correctly,
To prevent damage to the vehicle:
For your safety always depress the
you can start the engine by pressing
• If the engine stalls while you are
brake and/or clutch pedal before
the Engine Start/Stop button with the
in motion, do not attempt to
starting the engine.
smart key in the direction of the pic-
move the shift lever to the P
ture above.
(Park) position.
If traffic and road conditions
permit, you may put the shift
lever in the N (Neutral) position
while the vehicle is still moving
and press the Engine Start/Stop
button in an attempt to restart
the engine.
• Do not push or tow your vehicle
to start the engine.
Driving your vehicle
During cold weather, shifting may be
Before leaving the driver's seat,
difficult until the transmission lubri-
always make sure the shift lever
cant has warmed up.
is in 1st gear when the vehicle
is parked on a uphill and in R
Using the clutch
(Reverse) on a downhill, set the
parking brake, and place the
The clutch pedal should be
ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF
depressed all the way to the floor
position. Unexpected vehicle
movement may occur if these
- Starting the engine
precautions are not followed.
The shift lever can be moved without
The engine will not start without
depressing the clutch pedal.
pressing the button (1).
- Shifting into gear, up shifting to the
The button (1) must be pressed while
To shift to R (Reverse), make sure
moving the shift lever.
the vehicle has completely stopped,
next higher gear, or down shifting
to the next lower gear.
and then move the shift lever to neu-
tral before moving into R (Reverse).
- Stopping the engine
Stop the vehicle safely and
Manual transmission operation
depress the brake pedal and the
When you've come to a complete
The manual transmission has 6 for-
clutch pedal. Then shift into
stop and it's hard to shift into 1st gear
ward gears. The transmission is fully
N(Neutral) gear and turn off the
or R (Reverse):
synchronized in all forward gears so
shifting to either a higher or a lower
1. Put the shift lever in neutral and
When releasing the clutch pedal,
gear is easily accomplished.
release the clutch pedal.
release it slowly. The clutch pedal
2. Depress the clutch pedal, and
should always be released while
then shift into first or R (Reverse)
To prevent unnecessary wear or
To prevent damage to the engine,
damage to the clutch:
In case that there is not
clutch and transmission:
equipped with an ignition lock
Do not rest your foot on the
When downshifting from
switch, if starting engine in
clutch pedal while driving.
gear to 4th gear, be careful not
below conditions, the vehicle
to inadvertently push the shift
Do not hold the vehicle with the
suddenly may move.
lever sideways engaging the 2nd
clutch on an incline, while wait-
- the
parking brake is
gear. A drastic downshift may
ing for the traffic light, etc.
cause the engine speed to
Always depress the clutch pedal
increase to the point the
- the shift lever is not in
down fully to prevent noise or
N(neutral) position.
tachometer will enter the red-
- clutch
pedal is
Do not start with the 2nd (sec-
depressed fully.
Do not downshift more than two
ond) gear engaged except when
gears at a time or downshift the
you start on a slippery road.
gear when the engine is running
Do not drive with cargo loaded
at high speed
(5,000 RPM or
more than required loading
higher). Such a downshifting
Downshift when you must slow down
may damage the engine, clutch
in heavy traffic or drive up a steep
Make sure to depress the clutch
and the transmission.
hill, to prevent engine load.
pedal until the engine starts
Also, downshifting reduces the
completely. If you release the
chance of stalling and helps to accel-
clutch pedal before the engine
erate when you need to increase
starts completely, the engine
your speed again.
may stop.
When the vehicle is going downhill,
downshifting helps maintain safe
speed by providing brake power from
the engine and results in less wear
on the brakes.
Driving your vehicle
Good driving practices
On a slippery surface, an abrupt
Do not make quick steering
change in vehicle speed can cause
Never take the vehicle out of gear
wheel movements, such as
the drive wheels to lose traction
and coast down a hill. This is
sharp lane changes or fast,
and may cause loss of vehicle con-
extremely dangerous.
sharp turns.
trol resulting in an accident.
Don't "ride" the brakes. This can
The risk of rollover is greatly
cause the brakes and related parts
increased if you lose control
to overheat and malfunction.
of your vehicle at highway
When you are driving down a long
Do not use aggressive engine
hill, slow down and shift to a lower
Loss of control often occurs if
braking (shifting from a higher
gear. Engine braking will help slow
two or more wheels drop off
gear to a lower gear) on slip-
down the vehicle.
the roadway and the driver
pery roads. This could cause
Slow down before shifting to a
the tires to slip and may result
over steers to reenter the
lower gear. This will help avoid
in an accident.
over-revving the engine, which can
In the event your vehicle
cause damage.
leaves the roadway, do not
Slow down when you encounter
steer sharply. Instead, slow
cross winds. This gives you much
down before pulling back into
better control of your vehicle.
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS
the travel lanes.
HYUNDAI recommends you
Be sure the vehicle is completely
stopped before you shift into R
ALWAYS wear your seat belt.
follow all posted speed limits.
(Reverse) to prevent damage to
In a collision, an unbelted
the transmission.
occupant is significantly more
likely to be seriously injured
Exercise extreme caution when
or killed than a properly belt-
driving on a slippery surface. Be
ed occupant.
especially careful when braking,
accelerating or shifting gears.
Avoid high speeds when cor-
nering or turning.
The dual clutch transmission can
be thought of as an automatically
shifting manual transmission. It
gives the driving feel of a manual
transmission, yet provides the
ease of a fully automatic transmis-
When D (Drive) is selected, the
transmission will automatically shift
through the gears similar to a con-
ventional automatic transmission.
Unlike a traditional automatic
transmission, the gear shifting can
Manual shift mode
sometimes be felt and heard as the
actuators engage the clutches and
the gears are selected.
The dual clutch transmission incor-
porates a dry-type dual clutch
mechanism, which allows for better
acceleration performance and
increased fuel efficiency while driv-
ing. But it differs from a conven-
Depress the brake pedal and press the shift button while moving the shift lever.
tional automatic transmission
Press the shift button while moving the shift lever.
because it does not incorporate a
The shift lever can freely operate.
torque converter. Instead, the tran-
sition from one gear to the next is
Dual clutch transmission operation
managed by clutch slip, especially
at lower speeds.
The dual clutch transmission has seven forward speeds and one reverse
speed. The individual speeds are selected automatically when the shift lever
is in the D (Drive) position.
Driving your vehicle
As a result, shifts are sometimes
When traveling at a lower vehicle
more noticeable, and a light vibra-
speed, if you release the accelera-
tion can be felt as the transmission
tor pedal quickly, you may feel
To reduce the risk of serious
shaft speed is matched with the
engine braking before the trans-
injury or death:
engine shaft speed. This is a nor-
mission changes gears. This
mal condition of the dual clutch
engine braking feeling is similar to
ALWAYS check the surround-
operating a manual transmission at
ing areas near your vehicle for
low speed.
people, especially children,
The dry-type clutch transfers
before shifting a vehicle into
torque more directly and provides
When driving downhill, you may
D (Drive) or R (Reverse).
a direct-drive feeling which may
wish to move the gear shift lever to
feel different from a conventional
Manual Shift mode and downshift
Before leaving the driver's
automatic transmission. This may
to a lower gear in order to control
seat, always make sure the
be more noticeable when launch-
your speed without using the brake
shift lever is in the P (Park)
ing the vehicle from a stop or when
pedal excessively.
position, then set the parking
traveling at low, stop-and-go vehi-
brake, and place the ignition
When you turn the engine on and
cle speeds.
switch in the LOCK/OFF posi-
off, you may hear clicking sounds
tion. Unexpected and sudden
When rapidly accelerating from a
as the system goes through a self-
vehicle movement can occur
lower vehicle speed, the engine
test. This is a normal sound for the
if these precautions are not
rpm may increase dramatically as
dual clutch transmission.
a result of clutch slip as the dual
During the first
1,500 km (1000
clutch transmission selects the cor-
Do not use aggressive engine
miles), you may feel that the vehi-
rect gear. This is a normal condi-
braking (shifting from a high-
cle may not be smooth when accel-
er gear to a lower gear) on
erating at low speed. During this
slippery roads. This could
When accelerating from a stop on
break-in period, the shift quality
cause the tires to slip and may
an incline, press the accelerator
and performance of your new vehi-
result in an accident.
smoothly and gradually to avoid
cle is continuously optimized.
any shudder feeling or jerkiness.
DCT warning messages
If the vehicle is held or creeping
forward on an incline by applying
This warning message is displayed
• Always come to a complete stop
the accelerator pedal, the clutch
when vehicle is driven slowly on a
before shifting into D (Drive) or
and transmission may overheat
grade and the vehicle detects that
R (Reverse).
which can result in damage. At this
the brake pedal is not applied.
• Do not put the shift lever in N
time, a warning message will
(Neutral) while driving.
appear on the LCD display.
If the LCD warning is active, the
foot brake must be applied.
Ignoring the warnings can lead to
Due to transmission failure, you
damage to the transmission.
may not continue to drive and
the position indicator and the
position indicator (D, P) on the
instrument cluster will blink. We
recommend that you contact an
authorized HYUNDAI dealer and
have the system checked.
Steep grade
Driving up hills or on steep grades:
• To hold the vehicle on an incline
use the foot brake or the parking
• When in stop-and-go traffic on an
incline, allow a gap to form ahead
of you before moving the vehicle
forward. Then hold the vehicle on
the incline with the foot brake.
Driving your vehicle
If you ignore this warning, the driv-
• The warning will display a time to
ing condition may become worse.
wait for the transmission to cool.
You may experience abrupt shifts,
• If this occurs, pull over to a safe
frequent shifts, or jerkiness.
location, stop the vehicle with the
When the message "Trans cooled.
engine running, apply the brakes
Resume driving." appears you can
and shift the vehicle to P (Park),
continue to drive your vehicle.
and allow the transmission to cool.
When possible, drive the vehicle
• When the message "Trans cooled.
Resume driving." appears you can
continue to drive your vehicle.
• When possible, drive the vehicle
Transmission high temperature
Under certain conditions, such as
If any of the warning messages in
repeated stop-and-go launches on
the LCD display continue to blink, for
steep grades, sudden take off or
your safety, we recommend that you
acceleration, or other harsh driving
contact an authorized HYUNDAI
conditions, the transmission clutch
dealer and have the system checked.
temperatures will increase exces-
Transmission ranges
When the clutch temperatures are
too high, the "Transmission temp is
The indicator in the instrument clus-
high! Stop safely" warning message
ter displays the shift lever position
will appear on the LCD display, a
Transmission overheated
when the ignition switch is in the ON
chime will sound, and the transmis-
• If the vehicle continues to be driven
sion shifting may not be smooth.
and the clutch temperatures reach
If this occurs, pull over to a safe
the maximum temperature limit, the
location, stop the vehicle with the
"Trans Hot! Park with engine on"
engine running, apply the brakes
warning will be displayed. When this
and shift the vehicle to P (Park),
occurs the clutch is disabled until the
and allow the transmission to cool.
clutch cools to normal temperatures.
P (Park)
N (Neutral)
When parking on an incline,
Always come to a complete stop
The wheels and transmission are not
place the shift lever in P (Park)
before shifting into P (Park).
and apply the parking brake to
To shift from P
(Park), you must
prevent the vehicle from
Use N (Neutral) if you need to restart
depress firmly on the brake pedal
rolling downhill.
a stalled engine, or if it is necessary
and make sure your foot is off the
to stop with the engine ON. Shift into
For safety, always engage the
accelerator pedal.
P (Park) if you need to leave your
parking brake with the shift
vehicle for any reason.
If you have done all of the above
lever in the P (Park) position
and still cannot shift the lever out
except for the case of emer-
Always depress the brake pedal
of P
(Park), see "Shift-Lock
gency parking.
when you are shifting from N
Release" in this chapter.
(Neutral) to another gear.
The shift lever must be in P (Park)
before turning the engine off.
R (Reverse)
D (Drive)
Use this position to drive the vehicle
This is the normal driving position.
The transmission will automatically
shift through a 7-gear sequence, pro-
Shifting into P (Park) while the
viding the best fuel economy and
vehicle is in motion may
Always come to a complete stop
cause you to lose control of
For extra power when passing anoth-
before shifting into or out of R
the vehicle.
(Reverse); you may damage the
er vehicle or driving uphill, depress
After the vehicle has stopped,
transmission if you shift into R
the accelerator fully. The transmis-
always make sure the shift
(Reverse) while the vehicle is in
sion will automatically downshift to
lever is in P (Park), apply the
the next lower gear
(or gears, as
parking brake, and turn the
engine off.
Driving your vehicle
Paddle shifter (if equipped)
Only the seven forward gears can be
selected in Manual Shift Mode. To
reverse or park the vehicle, move
+ (UP)
the shift lever to the R (Reverse) or
P (Park) position as required.
Downshifts are made automatically
when the vehicle slows down. When
- (DOWN)
the vehicle stops, 1st gear is auto-
matically selected.
When the engine rpm approaches
the red zone the transmission will
Manual shift mode
upshift automatically.
Whether the vehicle is stationary or
The paddle shifter is functional when
If the driver presses the lever to
in motion, manual shift mode is
the shift lever is in the D (Drive) posi-
+ (Up) or - (Down) position, the
selected by pushing the shift lever
tion or the manual shift mode.
transmission may not make the
from the D (Drive) position into the
requested gear change if the next
manual gate. To return to D (Drive)
range operation, push the shift lever
gear is outside of the allowable
With the shift lever in the D posi-
engine rpm range. The driver must
back into the main gate.
execute upshifts in accordance with
The paddle shifter will operate when
road conditions, taking care to keep
In manual shift mode, moving the
the vehicle speed is more than
the engine rpms below the red zone.
shift lever backwards and forwards
will allow you to make gearshifts rap-
Pull the [+] or [-] paddle shifter once
to shift up or down one gear and the
Up (+)
: Push the lever forward
system changes from automatic
once to shift up one gear.
mode to manual mode.
Down (-) : Pull the lever backwards
once to shift down one
When the vehicle speed is lower
Shift-lock system
10 km/h, if you depress the
For your safety, the dual clutch trans-
accelerator pedal for more than
mission has a shift-lock system
seconds or if you move the shift lever
which prevents shifting the transmis-
from D (Drive) to manual shift mode
sion from P (Park) into R (Reverse)
and move it from manual shift mode
unless the brake pedal is depressed.
to D
(Drive) again, the system
To shift the transmission from P
changes from manual mode to auto-
(Park) into R (Reverse):
matic mode.
1. Depress and hold the brake pedal.
2. Start the engine or place the igni-
With the shift lever in the manual
tion switch in the ON position.
shift mode
3. Move the shift lever.
Pull the [+] or [-] paddle shifter once
1. Place the ignition switch in the
to shift up or down one gear.
LOCK/OFF position.
Shift-lock release
2. Apply the parking brake.
If the shift lever cannot be moved
3. Carefully remove the cap (1) cov-
from the P (Park) position into R
ering the shift-lock access hole.
If the [+] and [-] paddle shifters are
(Reverse) position with the brake
4. Insert a tool (e.g. flathead screw-
pulled at the same time, gear shift may
pedal depressed, continue depress-
not occur.
driver) into the access hole and
ing the brake, and then do the follow-
press down on the tool.
5. Move the shift lever while holding
down the screwdriver.
6. Remove the tool from the shiftlock
release access hole then install
the cap.
7. Depress the brake pedal, and then
restart the engine.
Driving your vehicle
If you need to use the shift-lock
Good driving practices
release, we recommend that the sys-
Always come to a complete stop and
Never move the shift lever from P
tem be inspected by an authorized
continue to depress the brake pedal.
(Park) or N (Neutral) to any other
HYUNDAI dealer immediately.
Move the shift lever into the P (Park)
position with the accelerator pedal
position, apply the parking brake,
Ignition key interlock system
and place the ignition switch in the
Never move the shift lever into P
(if equipped)
LOCK/OFF position. Take the Key
(Park) when the vehicle is in
with you when exiting the vehicle.
The ignition key cannot be removed
unless the shift lever is in the P
Be sure the vehicle is completely
(Park) position.
stopped before you attempt to shift
into R (Reverse) or D (Drive).
When you stay in the vehicle
Do not move the shift lever to N
with the engine running, be
(Neutral) when driving. Doing so
careful not to depress the accel-
may result in an accident because
erator pedal for a long period of
of a loss of engine braking and the
time. The engine or exhaust
transmission could be damaged.
system may overheat and start
Do not drive with your foot resting
a fire.
on the brake pedal. Even light, but
The exhaust gas and the
consistent pedal pressure can
exhaust system are very hot.
result in the brakes overheating,
Keep away from the exhaust
brake wear and possibly even
system components.
brake failure.
Do not stop or park over flam-
When driving in manual shift mode,
mable materials, such as dry
slow down before shifting to a
grass, paper or leaves. They
lower gear. Otherwise, the lower
may ignite and cause a fire.
gear may not be engaged if the
engine rpms are outside of the
allowable range.
Always apply the parking brake
In the event your vehicle
when leaving the vehicle. Do not
leaves the roadway, do not
depend on placing the transmis-
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS
steer sharply. Instead, slow
sion in P (Park) to keep the vehicle
down before pulling back into
from moving.
the travel lanes.
ALWAYS wear your seat belt.
Exercise extreme caution when
In a collision, an unbelted
HYUNDAI recommends you
driving on a slippery surface. Be
occupant is significantly more
follow all posted speed limits.
especially careful when braking,
likely to be seriously injured
accelerating or shifting gears. On a
or killed than a properly belt-
slippery surface, an abrupt change
Information - Kickdown
ed occupant.
in vehicle speed can cause the
Mechanism (if equipped)
drive wheels to lose traction and
Avoid high speeds when cor-
may cause loss of vehicle control
nering or turning.
Use the kickdown mechanism for
resulting in an accident.
maximum acceleration. Depress the
Do not make quick steering
accelerator pedal beyond the pressure
Optimum vehicle performance and
wheel movements, such as
point. The dual clutch transmission
economy is obtained by smoothly
sharp lane changes or fast,
will shift to a lower gear depending on
depressing and releasing the
sharp turns.
the engine speed.
The risk of rollover is greatly
increased if you lose control
of your vehicle at highway
Loss of control often occurs if
two or more wheels drop off
the roadway and the driver
over steers to reenter the
Driving your vehicle
Power brakes
Wet brakes may impair the
Your vehicle has power-assisted
vehicle's ability to safely slow
brakes that adjust automatically
Take the following precautions:
down; the vehicle may also
through normal usage.
pull to one side when the
Do not drive with your foot
If the engine is not running or is
brakes are applied. Applying
resting on the brake pedal.
turned off while driving, the power
the brakes lightly will indicate
This will create abnormal high
assist for the brakes will not work.
whether they have been
brake temperatures, exces-
You can still stop your vehicle by
affected in this way. Always
sive brake lining and pad
applying greater force to the brake
test your brakes in this fash-
wear, and increased stopping
pedal than typical. The stopping dis-
ion after driving through deep
tance, however, will be longer than
water. To dry the brakes, light-
When descending a long or
with power brakes.
ly tap the brake pedal to heat
steep hill, shift to a lower gear
up the brakes while maintain-
When the engine is not running, the
and avoid continuous applica-
ing a safe forward speed until
reserve brake power is partially
tion of the brakes. Applying
brake performance returns to
depleted each time the brake pedal
the brakes continuously will
normal. Avoid driving at high
is applied. Do not pump the brake
cause the brakes to overheat
speeds until the brakes func-
pedal when the power assist has
and could result in a tempo-
tion correctly.
been interrupted.
rary loss of braking perform-
Pump the brake pedal only when
necessary to maintain steering con-
trol on slippery surfaces.
Disc brakes wear indicator
Parking brake
When your brake pads are worn and
new pads are required, you will hear
a high pitched warning sound from
your front or rear brakes. You may
hear this sound come and go or it
may occur whenever you depress
the brake pedal.
Note that some driving conditions or
climates may cause a brake squeal
when you first apply (or lightly apply)
the brakes. This is normal and does
not indicate a problem with your
To release:
Firmly depress the brake pedal.
Always set the parking brake before
Slightly pull up the parking brake
leaving the vehicle, to apply:
Firmly depress the brake pedal.
To avoid costly brake repairs, do
While pressing the release button
Pull up the parking brake lever as far
not continue to drive with worn
(1), lower the parking brake (2).
as possible.
brake pads.
If the parking brake does not release
or does not release all the way, we
recommend that the system be
Always replace brake pads as com-
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS
checked by an authorized HYUNDAI
plete front or rear axle sets.
INJURY or DEATH, do not oper-
ate the parking brake while the
vehicle is moving except in an
emergency situation. It could
damage the brake system and
lead to an accident.








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