Chery A11. Manual - part 109


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Chery A11. Manual - part 109



When temperature is 800℃, impedance 



When temperature is -40℃, heater 

impedance is 





●Detecting Method: 

a、voltage signal method 

Before testing oxygen sensor, engine must be under normal operation temperature. 
【Note】Only digital voltmeter can be used to test oxygen sensor, otherwise oxygen sensor 

will be damaged. 

  During testing, the insulation may be pricked. Before testing, digital voltmeter leads 

must be connected to oxygen sensor ground lead and signal lead. When engine idles and 

under normal temperature, if air/fuel ratio has some difference with ideal air/fuel ratio, the 

oxygen sensor output voltage will vary from low to high periodically. The voltage 

periodically varies from    0.3V to 0.8V. After testing, apply silicon seal gum on pricked 



A continuously high voltmeter reading indicates an rich air/fuel ratio polluted oxygen 

sensor ambient temperature silicon seal gum or antifreeze agent polluted oxygen sensor or 

leaded fuel used in engine. 


A continuously low voltmeter reading indicates an poor air/fuel ratio, sensor fault. A 

medium reading maintained indicates a possible oxygen sensor fault. 

  Remove oxygen sensor from engine. Connect a digital voltmeter lead to sensor, and 

combust sensor sensitive element on propane welding torch flame. The propane flame could 

isolate the sensitive element from oxygen, which will generate voltage. When sensitive 

element is on flame, the voltage is approximately 1V, and when moved away the flame, the 

voltage will drop to 0V. If sensor voltage does not change as specified, replace the oxygen 


◆Heating wire diagnostic 

If the heater on sensor does not work, sensor pre-heating will be delayed, and computer 

work time will also be prolonged. Then computer send a wrong rich air/fuel ratio signal, 

wasting the fuel. 


b、Ohmmeter method 

Remove oxygen sensor and connect the ohmmeter between the heating wire and ground 

wire. Referring to above diagram, if the resistance measured is not as specified, replace it 


2.1.5 Speed sensor 
◆  If speed sensor is damaged, the engine can not be started. 


Speed sensor has 2 leads, one is signal lead (pin B7) and the other is ground wire (pin B6)   


⑴ speed sensor 
⑵  belt pulley with teetht 
⑶ signal output 

⑷  signal corresponding to 2   


Speed sensor determines firing and fuel injection time by monitoring the teeth on the flying 

wheel, engine speed and crankshaft position signal. 

● Testing method 

a  ohmmeter method: the coil resistance is 515Ω, 

b oscilloscope 


Use oscilloscope to monitor pulse waveform, and a voltage pulse will generate when a 

tooth pass by. The flying wheel on this engine have 60-2 teeth. 

2.1.6 Ignition 



Ignition Coil Electrical Specification 

Primary coil induction 


Primary coil resistance 


Secondary coil induction 


Secondary coil resistance 


Testing voltage 


Testing current 


Output (no load) 


Output (50Pf load) 


Energy storage time (reference) 


Secondary peak value current 


I firing delayed time 


Coil number ratio 


● Testing method 

Ohmmeter method: referring to above chart and check ignition coil resistance. 

  Ignition wire 

Remove ignition wire and 5-8mm away from cylinder. Turn on ignition switch, start engine 

and watch flame. A strong blue flame indicates a operational ignition coil. Otherwise, check 

ignition coil. Using ohmmeter method, referring to above chart, check and remove injector 

connector before checking.   

 Monitoring each cylinder misfire 

Remove each cylinder spark plug, and connect to appropriate high-tense wire, ensuring 

spark plug thread reliably ground on cylinder body. Start engine and monitor spark plug 



2.1.7 Throttle position sensor (TPS) 

TPS fault may cause unsmooth acceleration, engine stalling and rough idle etc.    TPS has 3 

leads, a current lead (Pin B22), a ground lead (Pin B23) and a signal lead (B17).   
● Testing method 

a ohmmeter 




Remove TPS connector. Depress throttle slowly and monitor resistance. Measuring 

resistance at wide open throttle (WOT), resistance is 5KΩ±20% at WOT. Verify resistance 

change smoothly when throttle closed. 









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