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Пособие учебно-методическое для студентов гуманитарных специальностей вузов Втрех частях



Пособие учебно-методическое для студентов гуманитарных специальностей вузов Втрех частях

Академия управления
при Президенте Республики Беларусь

Система открытого образования

Практическая грамматика

английского языка

для среднего и продвинутого

уровней обучения

Учебно-методическое пособие
для студентов гуманитарных
специальностей вузов

В трех частях

Часть 3



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Серия основана в 2001 году

Рекомендовано к изданию Комиссией по приемке и аттестации электронных версий учебных и учебно-методических материалов Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь.


Е.А. Бахтадзе (глава 7, раздел «Модальные глаголы»), О.С. Симанович,
Л.М. Лещева (глава 7, раздел «Наклонение. Типы условных предложений»),
Т.В. Кудрейко (глава 7, раздел «Согласование времен»), Л.К. Козлова (глава 8),
Л.М. Лещева (глава 9).

Под общей редакцией д-ра филил. наук, проф. Л.М. Лещевой


доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры грамматики английского языка Минского государственного лингвистического университета Д.Г. Богушевич;


заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков Института государственной службы Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, кандидат филологических наук, доцент А.Г. Храмченков.

ISBN 985-457- 569-1 ( ч . 3 )

ISBN 985-457-513-6


Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, 2006

C hapter 7. VERBS

Modal verbs

Entry Test

Unit 2

1. Correct any errors inserting either can/could or to be able to where necessary .

1) I read when I was four years old, but I not write very well.

2) His writing was so bad that I not read his letter at first, but with an effort I make out what he said.

3) We not afford to pay for our journey across Africa, but we make it in the end because the bicycle firm lend us the money.

4) When he arrived in Africa, no one tell Stanley if Livingstone was alive or dead, but after a long journey, we find him.

2. Rewrite the following sentences so that each sentence contains the modal verb can.

5) It’s hardly possible that he was puzzled by such a simple question.

6) I doubt that she was making notes of what he said.

7) It’s hardly possible that he feels more dead than alive.

8) It’s impossible that she is keeping to a milk diet.

9) I doubt that he has been cured of pneumonia so quickly.

10) Where is Silvia hiding? – I’m looking for her everywhere!

Unit 3

3. Complete these sentences with modal verbs to express possibility or uncertainty.

11) Where are you going for your holidays? – I haven’t finally decided but I...

12) What sort of car are you going to buy? – I’m not sure yet but I ...

13) I can’t find Monica anywhere. I wonder where she is. – She ...

14) Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? – I’m sure he was in the house at the time. He ...

15) Is Jack in his office? – I’m not sure. He...

16) Look! Sue’s going out. – I wonder where she is going. – She ...

4. Respond to the following questions. Express supposition implying uncertainty.

17) Her eyes are red. What’s the matter? (to cry)

18) Why is Ann absent? (to be interviewed)

19) He looks sick and tired. What’s the matter? (to catch a cold)

20) Where is the nurse? (to give injections to the patients)

5. Insert may/might or can/could or to be able to .

21) I think, when I’m twenty-five, then I ... get control of money.

22) I wonder if I ... ask your advice.

23) It ... never be forgotten!

24) I wish he ... have a pony of his own.

25) If a letter comes for me ... you please forward it to this address.

26) I ... help laughing.

27) The police were suspicious at first but I ... convince them that we were innocent.

28) The swimmer was very tired but he ... reach the shore before he collapsed.

29) I don’t think I ... drive you to the airport.

Unit 4

6. Make the following sentences negative .

30) She must have been quite conscious of having made a mistake.

31) The telegram must have certainly come in time.

32) She must have been very careful. She didn’t spill a drop of milk.

33) They must have given us the correct information about the road.

34) The students have passed the tests. They must have understood the rules.

35) The dog must have recognised his master. It didn’t bark as we approached the house.

36) He must have been very experienced in sailing navigation.

7. Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb to express strong supposition .

37) Evidently, the doctor is still examining the patient.

38) Surely, she is preparing her report now.

39) I will not bother you any longer; no doubt, you are tired of my talking.

40) Probably, Nancy has been given her impressions of England for an hour already.

41) Evidently, they have been treating him for pneumonia for a month.

8. Translate from Russian into English .

42) Вы, должно быть, не узнали меня и поэтому не подошли ко мне.

43) Вы, наверное, и не пытались это сделать, иначе вы бы не говорили, что это легко.

44) Она, должно быть, заболела. Иначе она была бы уже на работе.

45) По-видимому, это труднее, чем вы предполагали.

46) В окнах нет света. Должно быть, опять никого нет дома.

47) Мне пора домой.

48) У вас очень много ошибок. Надо уделять больше внимания грамматике.

49) Этот вопрос надо решить немедленно.

Unit 5

9. Rewrite these sentences so that each sentence contains the modal verb need.

50) We had to stop at the frontier but we were not required to open our cases.

51) It wasn’t necessary to walk. He took us in his car.

52) My employer said, ‘I shan’t require your work tomorrow’.

53) Most people think that civil servants are not required to work very hard.

54) Was it obligatory for us to vote?

Unit 7

10. Answer these questions. Show that a planned action was not carried out using the modal verb to be to.

55) Did they start on Saturday?

56) Did she wear that nice dress at the graduation party?

57) Did he join you in your trip?

58) Did they treat you to a ballet?

59) Did he take his child fishing?

60) Did she keep her birthday?

Unit 8

11 Complete each gap using must, need or have to or their negative contracted forms .

61) You ... take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

62) Don’t lose your purse! You ... leave it in the bus.

63) Come on. We ... hurry. We ... be late.

64) We... make our own fun in the old days. There wasn’t any television there.

65) There is so much traffic now. You ... wait ages to cross the road.

66) This report isn’t so important. You ... type the report today.

Unit 9

12. Respond to the following remarks to criticise a past action .

67) The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the road.

68) He was not careful while crossing the road.

69) She didn’t hire a taxi and missed her train.

70) She left her umbrella at home and was caught in the heavy rain.

13. Respond to the following remarks making the following statements emotionally coloured .

71) You are to go to the dean’s office to tell him all about your problems in your group.

72) Why don’t you go to the station to meet your friend?

73) Your friend is lagging behind the group. He needs your help.

74) Your friend misses lessons very often. You should talk to him to know the reasons.

75) You have done a wrong thing. Now you feel sorry.

Unit 10, 11

14. Put in shall, will or would. Open the brackets.

76) My grandfather always ... (get up) at half past five.

77) ...we (go) to the park? – That … (be) nice.

78) I’m in terrible trouble. What ... I (do) ?

79) We ... (not to be) here next September. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

80) I ... (not to listen to) to any more of this nonsense.

81) You ... (do) as I say!

82) My aunt loved writing letters. She … (write) twenty or thirty a week.

Units 2 - 11

15. Translate from Russian into English

83) Должно быть, она потеряла его адрес.

84) Вам бы следовало послушаться моего совета.

85) Подумать только! Она согласилась на это предложение.

86) С какой стати я должен это делать!?

87) И до чего дело дошло!

88) Страшно, что с ней случилась такая неприятность.

89) Случись так, что вы увидите Анну, расскажите ей обо всём, что произошло.

90) Ты будешь выполнять мои указания!

91) Неужели она так и не получила мое письмо?

92) Ты могла бы, по крайней мере, посоветоваться с сестрой!

93) Возможно, он боится, что ему сделают укол.

94) Я зря дожидался окончания программы.

95) Мы с вами договорились, что вы ничего не должны говорить!

96) Не двигайся! Стой, где стоишь!

97) Его, возможно, забрали в больницу вчера.

98) Я полагаю, это и есть твой дом!

99) Ей совсем необязательно присутствовать при нашем разговоре.

100) Ради чего я буду разговаривать с ней?

Total: 100/____

Unit 1 Meaning and use

1. Modal verbs, or simply modals, express modality, i.e. the speaker’s attitude towards the action in the sentence. The area of meaning referred to as modality is rather broad, and the degree of modality may be strong or weak. Thus, modal verbs are used to express:

· necessity (must shows strong necessity; need shows weaker necessity; to have to expresses necessity due to some circumstances);

· possibility (can is used for strong possibility; may for weak possibility);

· duty (should and ought to are used to talk about duty, but ought to is stronger,) etc.

Each modal verb may express a wide range of modality. Here is a quick reference to the major meanings of the modal verbs dealt in this chapter:

· can /could express ability, possibility, uncertainty, doubt, astonishment, permission, prohibition;

· may/ might express possibility, criticism, requests, permission, hope;

· must is used to express obligation, necessity, prohibition, supposition;

· need expresses obligation or absence of obligation;

· to have to expresses necessity;

· to be to is used for possibility, obligation, orders, and to express things fated to happen;

· ought to and should express obligation, advice, deduction. Should is also found in emphatic constructions and subordinate clauses;

· shall/ will/ would are used for requests, orders, offers, and to describe characteristic habit, certainty or supposition.

2. Modal verbs have the following peculiarities in use:

- They are followed by the Infinitive (all types of the Infinitive are possible) (See Ch. 8) without the particle to (with the exception of ought to, have to, to be to; need may be used with and without to ): I must water the flowers tomorrow . They must have been right. This work can be done at once. But: I have to work. She ought to know that.

- They have no auxiliaries in questions, negatives, tags and short answers: Can you swim? – No, I can’t . Dorothy shouldn’ t be doing that, should she ?

- Many of them lack the ending “-s” in the Present Indefinite for the third person singular: She may know her address. He can play the piano. But: He needs to look his papers through. She has to work hard .

- Only some modals have past forms (could, should, would, might, had, was/were ). Certain past ideas can be expressed by a modal verb followed by a Perfect Infinitive (have + Past Participle): You should have told me the truth.

- Besides a full negative form (should not, may not, need not, etc.), modal verbs have contracted negative forms: can - cannot – can’t, could couldn’t, will – won’t, shall – shan’t, should – shouldn’t, may – mayn’t, might – mightn’t, would – wouldn’t, must – mustn’t, ought to – oughtn’t to, need (to) – needn’t : I said that he couldn’t have done it. He mustn’t smoke. You needn’t do it.

- Modals have no infinitives or participles . It is impossible to say: *to may , *canning or *musted .

E x e r c i s e s

1. Read the following dialogue. Find the modal verbs in it, comment on their meaning, peculiarities of use, and fill in the chart arranging them from possibility to necessity.






John and Anastasia meet on the way home from work.


– Hello, Anastasia. Are you going to Uncle Ari’s party next Thursday?


– I may go, but I’m still not sure.


– Does that mean that you’re not planning to go?

A .:

– I didn’t say that. I said that there is a possibility that I might not go. It’s still doubtful.

J .:

– Why don’t you know for sure?

A .:

– Well, I can come only if I get the night off from work.

J .:

– I really think that you should try to attend. We all have an obligation to be there. After all, Uncle Ari is the head of the family, and he will expect everyone to come. Remember, he is arriving from Athens and is bringing our newly married cousins, Christine and Theodore. There will be a large dinner. Most of the food will come from Uncle George’s restaurant.

A .:

– That sounds great, but I’m having trouble getting the evening off from work. What would you do in my place?

J .:

– In that case, I would try to get someone to replace me.

A .:

– I never thought of doing that. Perhaps I could convince my friend Barbara to switch with me.

J .:

– Oh, you really should try. In fact, you must be there. We won’t have a good time without you.


– Thanks, John. You’ve made me realize that I must come.

Unit 2 Can/Could

The modal verb can has two forms: can for the Present Indefinite Tense and could for the Past Indefinite Tense. The equivalent expression to be able to supplies all the missing forms of the verb can :

I can explain it.

I could explain it.

I don’t think I’ll be able to explain it when I see her.

Can expresses ability or capability, possibility, incredulity or doubt.

§ 1 Can/could to express ability or capability

Can is used to talk about general ability or capability in present and past (could ) in active and passive structures: I can read a little English. George could play the piano when he was a boy. Gold can be found in these mountains.

To express the meaning of ability or capability can is often found with verbs of perception (receiving information through the eyes, ears, etc. ) hear, see, smell, etc.: I can hear music. I could smell something burning , or cognitive verbs understand, follow, remember : I can’t/don’t understand what Edwin is talking about . It does not always add very much to the meaning and in this case can is not rendered in Russian: Я слышу музыку. Я не понимаю, о чем говорит Эдвин.

NOTE: The expression to be able to is also used to express ability or capability in present, future, and past but it is a little more formal and less usual than can : Frank is good at computers. He can write/is able to write programs .

Moreover, was/were able to is used to say that ability or opportunity resulted in a particular action, to say that somebody ‘managed to do’ , succeeded in doing’ something on one occasion: She was able to translate the article without my help. = She managed to do it.

Compare these two sentences:

The children could swim when they were quite young (a past ability).

The children were able to swim across the river (a past action ).

To be able to is also used in the following structures:

· to- infinitive: It’s nice to go. – It’s nice to be able to go to the Theatre.

· after a modal verb: George might be able to help us.

· in the Present Perfect Tense: Dorothy has been able to translate that article and I’m proud of her.

Could + Perfect Infinitive is used to talk about unrealized past ability or to criticize people for not doing things: You could have helped me. ( But you didn’t help.) (Russ.: Ты бы мог мне помочь) You could have told me you were leaving. (But you didn’t tell.) (Russ.: Ты мог бы мне сказать, что ты уезжаешь.)

§ 2 Can/could to express possibility, choices and


Can/could may be used to talk about possibility :

a) theoretical possibility : It can be quite cold here in summer . In this sense could suggests a less definite possibility: It could rain later this evening.

b) possibility due to existing laws : People can marry here when they are eighteen.

c) possibility due to circumstances or to choices and opportunities: You can have the book when I have finished it. There are several ways out. You can go to the police, you can visit a lawyer or you can forget all about that. What shall we do tomorrow? – Well, we could go fishing .

Can/could expressing possibility is used only with the Indefinite Infinitive.

Russian constructions могло (бы) быть и хуже, могло (бы) быть и лучше expressing possibility or impossibility with comparative adjectives are rendered in English by could and Indefinite Infinitive : The situation couldn’t be worse . It could be better .

Can is not found to talk about future probability – the chances that something will happen: may/might express this idea. (See Unit 3)

§ 3 Can/could to express uncertainty, doubt,

astonishment and improbability

1. Can/could also convey the meaning of uncertainty, doubt , and astonishment (these meanings are closely connected).

Could is used to imply more uncertainty : Could it be time?

They are used in combination with different forms of the Infinitive and are found only in interrogative sentences (general questions): Can he really be ill? Can it be true? Can she be singing in the next room ? Sentences of this kind are often emotionally coloured , and in Russian this construction is rendered as: Неужели? Неужели это правда? Неужели он болен? и т.д.


· Can/could + Perfect Infinitive (or Perfect Continuous Infinitive ) are used to refer the action to the past: Can he have told a lie? Could she have been waiting for us so long?

2. Can/could are also used to talk about improbability and are found only in negative sentences (all forms of the Infinitive are possible): It can’t be true. She can’ t be singing in the next room.

NOTE: Can’t + Perfect Infinitive is used to refer the action to the past : He can’t have told a lie! Couldn’t is also used in this meaning to make the statement less categorical: She couldn’t have told a lie ! In Russian it is rendered as: Не может быть, чтобы… Вряд ли это так…

§ 4 Can/could to express permission, requests,

and offers

1. Can and could are used to:

· ask for permission and requests. Can I use your pen? Can I possibly sit here?

· give permission : You can wait in my office.

· refuse permission : You cannot stay out late!

Note : Could is more polite and formal than can : Could I borrow your book? Do you think I could use your office?

To be allowed to is used to say that the permission resulted in a particular action, something that really happened. I was allowed to leave work early yesterday. We were allowed to enter the showing room when we looked around the station.

2. Can and could are also found to offer to do things for people, could makes the offer more polite: Can I help you? Could I help you?

§ 5 Can/could in set phrases

Learn the following set phrases with can/could :

· Can’t help doing means that you can’t stop yourself doing it, something makes you, even though you are being careful not to: She is a naughty girl but I can’t help admiring her. Its rendered as: не могу не делать чего-то).

· Can’t but/can’t help but + Infinitive without to show the same meaning: I can’t but ask him about. I couldn’t but refuse her. It’s rendered in Russian as: не могу удержаться от…. or ничего другого не остается, как…

· Can’t stand/Can’t bear doing something say that you dislike or hate doing something: She can’t bear being alone. It is rendered in Russian as: терпеть не могу…

E x e r c i s e s

1. Comment on the meaning and the form of the modal verb can . Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) You can see the sea from our bedroom window. (Can is used with a verb of perception expressing ability.)

2) I’m afraid I can’t come to your party next Friday.

3) You could join her much later if she wants you to go on the yacht.

4) I wish he could have a pony on his own.

5) It can’t be true!

6) I can’t help laughing.

7) Where’s Miss Laura? She came out right after me. Where can she be?

8) How could she have been so cold, so cruel to this adorable creature?

9) I could always stay up as a child.

10) Could I pick some roses as well?

11) Could you stop the car, please, for a moment?

2. Read the situations and write what you would say.

1) You’ve got a pound note but you need some change. You ask somebody to help you. Can you change a pound/Could you change a pound?

2) You want to borrow your friend’s camera: What do you say to him/her?

3) You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say?

4) You have to go to the airport but you don’t know how to get there. You ask a passer-by.

5) You are telephoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper. You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. (Do you think I…?)

6) You want to leave work early because you have some important things to do. What do you ask your boss? (Do you think I…?)

7) You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend.

8) The person in the next room has some music on very loud. How do you ask him politely to turn it down? (Do you think you…?)

9) You have to carry some heavy boxes upstairs. Ask someone to help you.

10) You want your friend to show you how to change the film in your camera. What do you say to him/her?

3. Complete these sentences using the modal verbs can/could or to be able to . Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only to be able to is possible.

1) George has travelled a lot. He can or is able to speak four languages.

2) Tom … drive but he hasn’t got a car.

3) I can’t understand Oscar, I’ve never … understand him.

4) He was very strong; he … ski all day and dance all night.

5) The car plunged into the river. The driver … get out but the passengers were drowned.

6) When you have taken your degree you … put letters after your name?

7) Don’t try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you … remember any of them.

8) Ask Ann about your problems. She should … help you.

9) I was a long way from the stage. I … see all right but I … hear very well.

10) I just seem to know nobody who I … ring and say I just feel awful and I haven’t a penny.

11) We … borrow umbrellas; so we didn’t get wet.

12) … you walk or did they have to carry you?

4. Arrange each of the following comments using the modal verb can’t into 6 groups according to their basic meaning. (One group will have five comments, the others two each). Think of your own examples .

I can’t believe it.

I can’t work it out.

I can’t take it in.

I can’t bear it.

I can’t understand it.

I can’t cope.

I can’t manage.

I can’t take it.

I can’t help it.

I can’t put it out of my mind.

I can’t get over it.

I can’t stand it.

I can’t stop myself.

I can’t face it.

I can’t put up with it.

5. Fill in the gaps using the modal verbs can/could or to be able to plus a notional verb.

1) Did you persuade Jennifer? ~ We tried hard but we couldn’t persuade her to come with us.

2) I can’t sing now but I … very well when I was a child.

3) He can’t play tennis very well now but he … quite well when he was younger.

4) When she was at school she … faster than anyone else.

5) Did they find your house? ~ Yes, it took them a long time but they …

6) Did you win the match? ~ Yes, it wasn’t easy but I …

7) Ten years ago I … from one side of the lake to the other.

8) Did the thief escape? ~ Yes, the policemen chased the thief but he …

9) I looked everywhere for the book but I …

10) The fire spread quickly but everyone…

6. Fill in the blanks with a modal verb to talk about unrealized past ability.

1) We didn’t go out last night. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home.

2) I … to the concert but I changed my mind.

3) He … the examination but he decided not to.

4) Fanny … a new car but she hadn’t got enough money.

5) Frank … me to mend my car but he didn’t want to do it.

6) Why didn’t you stop all that? You …some way.

7) Ken … his aunt to the station but he had no driving licence at that moment.

8) Jack … Edward £50 but he didn’t want to.

7. Use the modal verb can/could followed by the appropriate infinitive.

1) You can’t have done (not to do) it. I don’t believe it.

2) She … not (to stay) at her friends all time.

3) I … (to help) him but I didn’t know he needed help.

4) Such problems … not (to solve) easily.

5) How … she (to work) in the garden now? It is already dark.

6) I simply … not (to refuse) . They would have been hurt.

7) He wasn’t old. … he … not (to be) more than forty.

8) They … not (to be) sister and brother.

9) She is too young. She … not (to suffer from) constantly from insomnia.

10) … he … (to be operated) on?

8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verb can in the meaning of astonishment, uncertainty or doubt.

1) Is it possible that she is still running a high temperature? – Can/could she be still running a high temperature?

2) Is it possible that she is still worrying over such a trifle?

3) Do you believe that they live under bad conditions?

4) Do you believe that the patient has recovered?

5) It’s hardly possible that she is in now.

6) It’s impossible that the child is shivering with cold. He’s warmly
wrapped up.

9. Read the dialogue, single out the patterns with the modal verb can . Comment on emotional colouring of the meanings. Reproduce this dialogue by heart: Think of your own examples.

- Marjory is still in hospital.

- Good heavens! Can it be true ! How awful! (Can is used to express astonishment.)

- But they say that tomorrow she will be back home from hospital at last! After fourteen months!

- Good gracious! Could she have been actually lying in bed for a year? Poor thing! It’s simply incredible!

- Laura is out again! She has gone to the club.

- Fancy that now. Can she be enjoying herself when her mother is ill? She could have stayed at home if she were a serious girl.

- Do you remember we are going to the concert? If you don’t make haste, we shall be late. We have only half an hour left before the beginning of the concert.

- Why? It can’t be half past six now! Your watch is at least ten minutes fast.

- And where can I have put my eye-glasses?

- Oh, here they are. Don’t make such a fuss. Let’s go!

10. Fill in the following spaces with either can/could or to be able to .

1) We will be able to hear. Mr. Browns lecture on British art next Tuesday.

2) I knew this town so I … (to advise) him where to go.

3) He … (to speak) French very well when he was at school.

4) I … (to get) his new book last week.

5) … you (to translate) the text last Friday? ~ No, I … (negative) . ~ I … (to translate) it next week.

6) When the garage had repaired our car we … (to continue) our journey.

7) At five years old he … (to read) quite well.

11. Translate into English.

1) Неужели она все еще ждет нас у станции метро?

2) Неужели она согласна?

3) Не может быть, чтобы он сказал это.

4) Неужели он все еще в больнице?

5) Не могу не смеяться при одном ее виде.

6) Терпеть не могу быть одной в доме.

7) Мне ничего не остается, как принять этот факт.

8) Мне ничего не оставалось, как приютить ее у себя.

9) Я не мог не восхищаться ее пением.

10) Не может быть, чтобы он так все легко воспринимал.

11) Не может быть, чтобы она не узнала нас.

12) Не может быть, чтобы она нам не доверяла.

13) Неужели она так и не получила мое письмо?

14) Неужели так никто и не видел, как он это сделал?

15) Не может быть, чтобы они не осознали опасность.

16) Ты можешь взять словарь. Мне он больше не нужен.

17) Можно мы возьмем Джека с собой?

18) Нет, малыш, зимой мороженое на улице есть нельзя.

19) Вы не могли бы продиктовать мне эту страницу?

20) Вы не могли бы привести свой пример? Нельзя давать примеры только из учебника.

21) Вы можете сейчас продиктовать письма? – Нет, я собираюсь принять несколько посетителей сейчас.

22) Вы не могли бы представить меня некоторым из своих коллег?

23) Когда бы я мог увидеться с вами?

24) Не могли бы вы передать ему мои наилучшие пожелания?

Unit 3 May/might

The modal verb may has two forms: may for the present tenses and might for the past tenses. The expression to be allowed and to be permitted can be used to supply the missing forms of the verb may : You are to stay in bed until you are allowed to get up.

May is chiefly used to express permission or possibility. It is also used to express uncertainty, criticism, and wish .

§ 1 May/might to express permission

1. May is found:

· to grant permission : You may watch TV for as long as you like.

· to ask for permission: May I borrow your umbrella , please? It is more polite than Can I borrow your umbrella ?

Might is also used, it is very polite and formal but is less common: Might I join you?

NOTE: To be allowed to is also used to ask about permission , yet there is a difference.

Compare: May I take a photo of you? = Will you allow it?

Are we allowed to take photos? = What is the rule?

· to refuse permission: You may not put TV оn!

2. To make these sentences past the expression to be allowed is used (not might ): I may go today. – I was allowed to go that day.

But might is used when the main verb is in the past: He told me that I might smoke in the room (Reported Speech).

§ 2 May/might to express possibility

1. Both may and might + Present Infinitive are used to express possibility in the present or future. Might is mostly used as a less definitive or more hesitant form of may . It suggests a smaller chance, when you think something is possible but not very likely.

Compare: I may go to London tomorrow. (≈a 50% chance)

Joe might come with me. (≈a 30% chance)

Might must be used:

· when the main verb of the sentence is in the past: He said that he might be late that night . (Reported Speech) But: He said, “I may/might be late tonight”.

· in conditional sentences: If you poured hot water into, it might crack.

May/might + not means ‘it is possible that it is not …’: It may/might not be true . (=It’s possible that it is not true)

2. May and might + Perfect Infinitive are used in speculations about past actions: He may/might have gone.

Might + Perfect Infinitive is used:

· when the main verb of the sentence is in the past: He said/thought that she might have missed the plane;

· in sentences with unreal condition: If he had taken the other road we might have arrived earlier.

§ 3 May/might to express wishes, persuasive requests, and criticism

1. May expresses wishes and hopes . May always comes at the beginning of the sentence: May you both be very happy! May God be with you! (Might is not used in this case.)

2. Might is often used to make requests or suggestions in the affirmative clauses: You might try asking your uncle for a job.

3. Might + Perfect Infinitive occurs to talk about the past criticizing something or somebody: You might have helped us . (but you didn’t) It sounds like a reproach.

§ 4 May/might in set phrases

Learn the following set phrases with may/might :

· May/might as well + Infinitive are a very mild and unemphatic way of expressing an intention . It also suggests or recommends an action because there is nothing better, nothing more interesting and etc: I may as well have something to eat. I might as well stay at home tonight. It is rendered in Russian as: пожалуй, будет лучше, если я…

· It might have been worse means ‘things are not so bad after all’. (могло (бы) быть и хуже)

· He might have been taken for her brother means He looked like her brother'. (можно было (бы) принять за …)

§ 5 Compare may and can for permission and


Notice some peculiarities in the usage of may/can and might/could .

1. May is more common when the speaker gives permission: You may borrow my book = ‘I give you permission to take it’ , or in impersonal statements concerning authority: An accused person may (=has the right) to appeal). A police officer may ask for your driving license. Though in informal English, in colloquial speech can/could is used: He can borrow my car.

2. Can would be much more usual than may in the meaning ‘to have permission’ : I can leave / I’m allowed to leave … . But may/might is more usual than can/could in indirect speech: He says he may leave the room / She said they might leave the room.

3. May/might expresses future probability . Can doesn’t express this idea: We may/might go hunting this autumn . (Not *we can go …)

4. Both cannot/could not and may not/might not are used to express improbability. But the degree of faith expressed by may not/might not are less, this verb points to a less definitive improbability or possibility.


It may not be true (Perhaps it is not true).

It can’t be true (It is certainly not true).

He may/might not have understood (Perhaps he didn’t understand).

He can’t/couldn’t have understood (He certainly didn’t understand).

5. Can/could occurs when there is an idea of condition : Why don’t you ring him? You can/could use my mobile phone.

E x e r c i s e s

1. Comment on the meaning and the form of the modal verb may .

1) The telephone went on ringing. Ann said: ‘It might be Edmund. – It suggests a smaller chance, when you think something is possible but not very likely.

2) He might have missed his plane. If he drives, he may be here at any moment.

3) Supper passed off better than it might have been expected.

4) His eyes were so close together that I honestly thought they might run into each other one day.

5) Well, don’t look on the black side of things. She may get over it in a few weeks.

6) He said I might come to him any day I liked.

7) After all I’ve done for them, they might be more thankful!

8) You might have told us this half an hour ago.

9) You might pay more attention to your lessons.

10) May God be with you!

2. Answer the questions using the modal verb may/might.

1) Do you know if Ruth is in her room? ~ I’m not sure. She may be in her room.

2) Do you know if Irene likes ice-cream? ~ …

3) Do you know if they are married? ~ …

4) Do you know if she wants to go to the theatre? ~ …

5) Do you know if he is telling the truth? ~ …

6) Do you know if John has a car? ~ …

7) Do you know if he was serious? ~ …

8) Do you know if she was looking after the baby? ~ …

9) Do you know if they were listening to the news? ~ …

10) Are they ready? ~ …

3. Respond to each situation making up your own sentences.

1) I can’t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is: he might have gone shopping.

2) Look! She is going out. I wonder where she’s going.

3) Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was in the house at the time.

4) How do you think the fire started?

5) I wonder where Tom was going, when you saw him.

6) Ethel didn’t come to the party. I wonder why not.

7) The weather is dull. There are only black clouds in the sky.

8) Where are you going to hang that picture?

4. Use the modal verb may followed by the appropriate infinitive.

1) She asked me if she … (to switch off) the radio: if she might switch off …

2) We wish your journey … (to be) successful.

3) Tell him he … (to warn) me and not (to put) me in such an awkward position.

4) The police … (to ask) a driver to take a breath test.

5) I’ll wait a week so that he … (to have) time to think it over.

6) He isn’t going to eat it; I … as well (to give) it to the dog.

7) You … at least (to read) the letter.

8) You … (to write) . I’m very annoyed that you didn’t.

9) He said that we … (to use) his office whenever we liked.

10) I don’t think I’ll succeed but I … (to try) as well.

11) Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you … (not to overtake) .

5. Read these situations and make up sentences with may/might as well.

1) A friend has invited you to a party. You’re not very keen to go but there isn’t anything else to do, so you think you should go. You say: I might as well go.

2) You are in a café with a friend. You’ve just finished your drinks. You’re not in a hurry, so you think you should both have another drink. You say: We… What would you like?

3) Someone has given you a free ticket for a concert. You are not very keen on the concert, but you think you should go because you have a free ticket. You say: I… It’s a pity to waste a free ticket.

4) You’ve invited some friends to dinner but they haven’t come. The dinner has been ready for half an hour and you think you should begin without them. You say: We… I don’t think they are coming.

6. How would you ask for permission in these situations?

1) You’re at a friend’s flat. You want to make a phone call. ~ Can I use your phone?

2) You need a calculator. The person sitting next to you has got one.

3) You have gone into a café. There people who you know from work were sitting at a table. You go over to the table.

4) You had to go to a lecture, but you were ill. Your friend went to the lecture and took notes. Next day you are well again and you see your friend.

7. Translate from Russian into English.

1) Право же, вы могли бы сделать это для меня.

2) Можете зайти к нам после семи, если хотите.

3) Ты могла бы, по крайней мере, посоветоваться с сестрой!

4) Оливер спросил, можно ли ему получить еще тарелку каши.

5) Больному стало лучше. Вы можете навестить его завтра.

6) Тебе можно быть и посерьезнее. Ты уже почти взрослый.

7) Она не была англичанкой, но ее можно было принять за нее.

8) Спроси их, можно мне пойти тоже с ними в поход?

9) Ты мог бы купить мне эту книгу! Ты знаешь, что она мне нужна.

10) Может быть, ей и не нравился новый учитель, но она его нисколько не боялась.

11) Может быть, на вас никто и внимания не обратит.

12) Где же мой паспорт? – Возможно, ты забыл его дома.

13) Возможно, его не было на лекции. – Но он говорит, что он там был.

14) Возможно, летом меня не будет в городе.

15) Он стоял довольно далеко от них и, возможно, не слышал их слов.

16) Может быть, он не знает, что ты серьезно болен.

17) У мальчика, возможно, высокая температура.

18) Его, возможно, забрали в больницу вчера.

19) Он, может быть, лежит в постели уже неделю.

20) Возможно, врач уже осмотрел всех больных, и его рабочий день подошел к концу.

21) У него, может быть, не было времени сегодня. Он, возможно, сделает это завтра.

22) Он, может быть, заболел. Он обычно очень рано встает.

23) Возможно, он боится, что ему сделают укол.

Unit 4 Must

Must has only one form. The expressions to have to and to be obliged to can be used to supply the missing tense forms of the verb must. Yet must can be used after a past reporting verb as if it were a past tense: The doctor said that I must stop smoking.

Must is mostly used to express obligation or urgent command , very emphatic advice. It is also used to express prohibition , and supposition , bordering on assurance.

§ 1 Must to express obligation and prohibition

1. Must expresses obligation, strong necessity:

a) arising out of the nature of things and consequently inevitable: Plants must get water. All experience shows that man must die.

b) due to circumstances (in this meaning it is equivalent to to have to ): He must earn money.

NOTE: Must is not used expressing past necessity or future obligation .

Must occurs in questions to ask about what the hearer thinks is necessary. In this case must may acquire additional shades of duty or necessity : Must I clean all the rooms? Must he do it himself?

The absence of necessity is expressed by need not : Must I go there tomorrow? – No, you needn’t .

2. In negative sentences (must + not or mustn’t ) the modal verb must expresses absolute prohibition . In the opinion of the speaker, there is not choice at all: You mustn’t make noise. The children are sleeping in the next room. You must not smoke here!

§ 2 Must to express a command and

an emphatic request

Must is used to express a command, an urgent (emphatic) request :

You must go. You must tell the truth . (‘It is your duty’ = a command).

You may borrow my book but you must bring it back before six. You must come to see us = (emphatic request).

When you are in London you must visit the National Gallery. You must stop smoking = (strong advice)

NOTE: I must be going means ‘I must be off’, ‘It’s time for me to go.’ It is rendered in Russian as: Мне пора уходить.

§ 3 Must to express supposition

Must is used to express supposition bordering on assurance , the conclusion that something is certain or highly probable: He looks so pale. He must be ill.

1. In this meaning must is used with all the forms of the Infinitive (the Indefinite Infinitive if the action refers to the present and the Perfect Infinitive if the action refers to the past) in affirmative sentences only. It corresponds to the Russian должно быть:

They must want me for something else.

He must be suffering!

What a comfort you must have been to your mother!

She must have been waiting for us for an hour!

2. To express supposition referring to the future the modal word probably is used: She will probably come tomorrow .

In negative sentences supposition is expressed by means of the modal word evidently : Evidently , she did not know my address.

Moreover, must + verbs to fail, to distrust, to dislike, to disapprove, to disbelieve, to misunderstand or words nobody, never, nothing are used to convey supposition with strong probability with negative meaning: She must have failed to pass her exams. Должно быть , она провалила экзамен . I must have misunderstood you. Должно быть, я не понял Вас. Nobody must have told the truth. – Должно быть, никто не сказал правду.

§ 4 Compare must and may for supposition and


Notice some peculiarities in the usage of must and may:

1. May/might denotes supposition implying uncertainty : He may be an actor. His face is familiar to me. Наверное, он актер. Его голос мне знаком.

Must denotes supposition implying strong probability : He must be an actor. His voice carries so well. – Должно быть, он актер, у него поставленный голос.

2 . In negative sentences it is impossible to use ‘may not’ as an answer to express prohibition. In this case must not or cannot is used: May I smoke here? ~ No, you mustn’t (you can’t ). – Нет, нельзя.

E x e r c i s e s

1. Comment on the meaning and the form of the modal verbs must and may . Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) Harry, you are horrible! You mustn’t say these dreadful things. – It is a strong prohibition.

2) Nothing must be done in a hurry.

3) You and I are friends, Basil, and we must always remain so.

4) I’m afraid I must be going, Peter.

5) ‘Perhaps he’s her son…’ ‘He may be her husband’. ‘Oh, but the difference in their ages!’

6) What you tell me may be true, but it happened many years ago.

7) He must have got this wound at the same moment when his horse was shot and fell over him.

8) Mr. Graham may have changed since then. It is very difficult to foresee anything.

9) ‘May I escort you home?’ – ‘No, you may not.’

10) ‘May I smoke in here?’ – ‘No, you mustn’t!’

2. Answer these questions using the modal verb must + a notional verb.

1) ‘Is he British?’ – Yes, he must be British.

2) ‘Are they married?’ – Yes, they must …

3) ‘Is he serious?’ – No, …

4) ‘Were they in a hurry?’ – …

5) ‘Does Ann know a lot of people?’ – …

6) ‘Did Agnes know about that plan?’ – …

7) ‘Do they have much money?’ – …

8) ‘Was he driving carefully?’ – …

9) ‘Are they waiting for somebody?’ – …

3. Read these situations and make up a sentence using the modal must with the proper form of the infinitive .

1) The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. (to be asleep) I must have been asleep.

2) That dress you bought is of very good quality. (to be very expensive)

3) I haven’t seen Jim for ages. (to go away)

4) I wonder where my umbrella is. (to leave)

5) Don passed the examination. (to work hard)

6) She knew everything about our plans. (to overhear)

7) Jennifer did the opposite of what I asked her to do. (to misunderstand)

8) When I woke up this morning, the light was on. (to forget)

9) I don’t understand how the accident happened. (to be out of order)

4. Change the following sentences, making them opposite in meaning.

1) She must have understood that rule, the exercise is done well. - She must have failed to understand that rule, the exercise is done in the wrong way. or She must have misunderstood…

2) Everybody must have noticed that he was not used to speaking in public.

3) He must have written to them of his arrival in due time.

4) She must have bolted the door forgetting that I was to come later.

5) He must have a fair chance of winning, he is in good form.

6) The man must have understood me, so he nodded his head.

5. Fill in the gaps using the modal verbs may or must with the proper infinitive.

1) There are a lot of photographers at the airport today. They must (be) expecting someone famous to arrive.

2) It … (be) a film star who’s come to the film festival.

3) Oh, look! Those three men they are enormous. They … (be) over two meters tall.

4) They … (be) basketball players. Our team has signed a contract with some new American players. It … be them.

5) They are so big! They … (have) a very uncomfortable flight.

6. Translate from Russian into English.

1) Анна, должно быть, заболела, иначе, она была бы уже в театре, она никогда не приходит в последний момент.

2) ‘Где Павел?’ ~ ‘Не знаю, возможно, пошел на концерт’. ~ ‘Ну, это не очень любезно с его стороны: он мог бы взять билет и для меня’.

3) Никого сюда не впускать! Понятно!

4) Детей надо учить плавать как можно раньше.

5) Мы должны пойти домой до того как стемнеет.

6) Прекрати шуметь, уже поздно!

7) Тебе нельзя есть мороженое – у тебя больное горло.

8) Хватит рыдать! Слезами горю не поможешь.

9) Мы обязательно должны встретиться и обсудить все тонкости этого дела.

10) Уж он непременно должен быть в курсе всех событий!

11) Иностранец, очевидно, неправильно произнес название этого кушанья, и официант принес ему совсем другое.

12) Вы, должно быть, не в курсе дела, план какой программы изменился?

13) Вам, наверное, ничего об этом не сказали. Иначе вы бы пришли ранее.

14) Она, наверное, все знала, но не хотела меня расстраивать.

15) Очевидно, она сердита на вас, поэтому она не звонит и не заходит.

16) Он, наверняка, не знает о вашем отъезде, а то бы пришел вас проводить.

Unit 5 N e e d