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Пособие учебно-методическое для студентов 1 курса Екатеринбург



Пособие учебно-методическое для студентов 1 курса Екатеринбург

Министерство образования и науки РФ

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Уральский государственный педагогический университет»

Институт иностранных языков

Кафедра иностранных языков

Мельникова Е.М.



Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса






Утверждено на заседании

Совета Института иностранных


Протокол № от __________

Автор-составитель: Мельникова Евгения Михайловна, ассистент кафедры иностранных языков УрГПУ

Рецензенты: Казакова Ольга Павловна, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков УрГПУ, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Сергеева Наталья Николаевна, зав. кафедрой немецкого языка и методики его преподавания УрГПУ, доктор педагогических наук, профессор

Белеева Ирина Дамировна, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Института лингвистики РГППУ, кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Д Английский язык для музыкальных специальностей: учебно-методическое пособие [текст] / Е.М. Мельникова. - Урал. гос. пед. ун-т. – Екатеринбург, 2011. - 154 с.

Учебное издание ориентировано на формирование и развитие лингвистической, коммуникативной и иноязычной учебной компетенций студентов.

Пособие рассчитано на студентов первого курса музыкальных специальностей, изучающих английский язык, а также на всех, кто желает овладеть основами английского языка для музыкальных специальностей.




©Уральский государственный

педагогический университет, 2011

© Кафедра иностранных языков, 2011

©Мельникова Е.М., 2011



Module 1. About myself……………………………………………………..5

Module 2. My family…………………………………………………….....18

Module 3. Our flat…………………………………………………………..31

Module 4. My day…………………………………………………………..44

Module 5. Leisure time……………………………………………………..53

Module 6. My friend…………………………………….............................62

Module 7. My hobby……………………………………………………….74

Module 8. Books in my life…………………...............................................84

Module 9. Sport in my life………………………........................................94

Module 10. Art in my life……………………………...………………….102


Module 11. Music in my life………………………………………………111

Module 12 . The Ural State Pedagogical University………………………120

Module 13. My future profession……………………...………………….130

Module 14. English in my life…………...……..........................................141

Тексты песен……………………………………………………………...149



Пособие «Английский язык для студентов музыкальных специальностей» разработано в соответствии с рабочей учебной программой по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» по направлению 050100 Педагогическое образование (Музыкальное образование), разработанной кафедрой ИЯ УрГПУ.

Основная цель настоящего пособия состоит в формировании у студентов необходимого и достаточного уровня языковой коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задач в различных областях бытовой, культурной, профессиональной и научной деятельности при общении с зарубежными партнерами, а также для дальнейшего самообразования.

Основная задача пособия - обеспечить максимально целесообразное, эффективное и экономное начало обучения, так как качество обучения на начальном этапе является определяющим фактором во всем последующем процессе овладения иностранным языком. Именно от качества начала обучения будет зависеть, сможет ли обучающийся последовательно и эффективно пополнять свои знания и совершенствовать умения и навыки.

Задача развития познавательных процессов личности нашла свое отражение как в отборе текстов, так и в системе упражнений, где преобладают интеллектуально нагруженные задания, при этом принцип мотивации обучения положен в основу организации всего учебного процесса.

Каждый модуль рассчитан на прохождение в течение одной пары (2 академических часа). Пособие состоит из 14 учебных модулей.

Тематика текстов учебника и множество заданий творческого и дискуссионного характера рассчитана на то, чтобы создать дополнительный психологический стимул для занятий иностранным языком.

Таким образом, данное пособие учитывает новые методические подходы в теории и практике обучения иностранным языкам в нашей стране и за рубежом. Пособие рассчитано на студентов первого курса музыкальных специальностей, изучающих английский язык, а также на всех, кто желает овладеть основами английского языка для музыкальных специальностей.


Текст : About myself

Грамматика : 1. Глагол t o be

2. Артикли

Тест : What’s your true personality?

Практика: Письмо

Песня: I don t know

1. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму следующих предложений:

Example: That’s interesting

That isn’t interesting

Is that interesting ?

1. He is a good singer.

2. It’s difficult to make a decision.

3. I am from Yekaterinburg.

4. She is at work.

5. That’s a practical idea.

6. He is hard-working.

7. She is my sister.

8. They are his group mates.

9. Her name is Jane.

10. My granny is a violinist.

2. Заполните пропуски формами глагола to be:

- Hello! My name __ Anna.

- Hi! I ___ Anton. How ___ you?

- I ___ fine, thanks. And you?

- I ___ OK. ___ you a first year student?

- Yeah, ___ we group mates?

- I think so. How old ___ you?

- I ___ 17.

- Me too. Where ___ you from?

- I ___ from Yekaterinburg. ____ you from Yekaterinburg too?

- Right. Look, I think those people ___ first year students too and that woman ___ our teacher. Let’s go!

3. Вставьте неопределенные артикли a и an, если это необходимо :

1. My brother is _____ musician.

2. Is she _____ conductor?

3. Do you have _____ lessons today?

4. Is that _____ my English book? No, it’s ___ my book.

5. Are you _____ student?

6. I hope to get ___ answer from her.

7. I’m not _____ journalist! I’m ____ music teacher.

8. This is my _____ e-mail address.

4. Прочитайте и инсценируйте диалоги:

- 1.

- Give me a dictionary, please.

- Which dictionary? This one?

- No, not that one. The red one.

- This one?

- Yes, please.

- Here you are.

- Thank you.

- 2.

- Give me some glasses, please.

- Which glasses? These glasses?

- No, not those. The ones on the shelf.

- These?

- Yes, please.

- Here you are.

- Thanks.

5. Изучите новые слова:









He doesn’t like to speak about his appearance



цвет лица

She has got a dark complexion




Is your hair straight?




My father is even-tempered



скрытный, сдержанный

Are you a reserved person?




My sister is very calm




They are very modest

to lose temper

[luːz 'tempə]

терять самообладание

He often loses temper

to appreciate



You don’t appreciate my help!

to be good/bad at

быть способным/


I’m good at English and very bad at Physics

to do my best

делать всё возможное

She does her best to study well.




His voice gives me much delight

6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы: What is Alex’s future profession? Is he your group mate?

About myself

First of all let me introduce myself . My name is Anna. I am seventeen. I live in Yekaterinburg and it’s my native city.

As to my appearance I am tall and thin. My face is round and I have a fair complexion . I have large blue eyes, and my hair is black, straight and long.

I think that I'm even - tempered , reserved , calm and modest . But sometimes I can lose my temper and become angry or sad. I like staying alone. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it.

I was born on the 25th of April 1995 in the city of Yekaterinburg where I live now together with my parents and my younger brother. I was born in a family of a teacher and a doctor. I went to school when I was 7, and there I was very good at History, Russian literature and English. I really tried hard in them. But I was quite bad at Math.

I have just left school and now I am finally a student of the Ural State Pedagogical University. I am going to be a music teacher. I like my future profession and I am going to do my best to become a good specialist.

I haven't got any special hobby, like collecting something but I'm fond of reading books. And of course I like music. I'm fond of music of the 60-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly. The songs of the Beatles give me much delight and pleasure. If I have some free time, I go to the cinema. I don’t like television. My favourite sport is ice-skating. My friends and I often get together to play different games, to go for a walk or to the disco.

7. Определите, верно ли утверждение, неверно или в тексте нет такой информации:

1. Anna is very tall and quite fat.

2. She likes collecting stamps.

3. She is very good at Math.

4. Anna hasn’t got any sense of humor.

5. Her favourite sport is ice-skating.

6. She enjoys music of the 60s.

7. There are four people in her family.

8. She is a theatre-goer.

8. Расположите утверждения в том порядке, в каком они следуют в тексте:

· I was very good at History, Russian literature and English;

· Let me introduce myself;

· I like staying alone;

· I have large blue eyes;

· If I have some free time, I go to the cinema. I don’t like television;

· I am finally a student of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

9. Соотнесите каждое предложение с пунктом плана:




Short biography/school

Plans for future


10. Используйте получившийся план для составления рассказа о себе:

11. Пройдите тест и узнайте “What’s your true personality?”:

1. How do you react (реагируешь) when your friend has a big problem?

a) You don’t know how to help him.

b) You ask someone for advice.

c) You find a solution (решение) immediately (немедленно).

2. What do you do, when a person, you know, seems to be angry with you?

a) You don’t dare (отважиться) ask him for an explanation (объяснение).

b) You ask him or her, what’s wrong.

c) You think it’s just your imagination (воображение).

3. What birthday present would you give to your friend?

a) Something that would remind (напоминать) him/her about you.

b) Something useful.

c) Something very original.

4. What is your reaction to a person, you are meeting for the first time?

a) You are very diffident (застенчивый, неуверенный в себе, робкий).

b) You are very excited (взволнованный, вследствие положительных эмоций) and look forward to meeting him or her.

c) You feel you’ve found a new friend.

5. What do you wear at your friend’s birthday?

a) Elegant clothes.

b) Clothes in which you feel comfortable.

c) T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

6. What do you do, if there’s an interesting film on TV, but your television set is broken?

a) You are a little unhappy, but it doesn’t really matter to you.

b) You phone the TV repairman (телемастер) immediately.

c) You go to your friend’s home to watch the film.

7. What do you do when you have an important class left?

a) You stay at home to study for hours.

b) You study for some time and do other things you normally do.

c) You don’t worry about it much.

8. What kind of job would you like?

a) A job that is to your satisfaction.

b) A job that is secure (безопасный) and without tension (напряжение).

c) A prestigious job.

9. What would you like for your birthday?

a) A book.

b) Any present because it should be a surprise.

c) A musical record.

10. What would be the most enjoyable thing for you?

a) An evening out with your friends.

b) An exciting film.

c) Something surprising.


Mostly a: You are Mel Gibson or Julia Roberts in a romantic film. You like building castles in the air. You are sympathetic to other people. You like staying with them and you understand their problems. Sometimes you don’t feel confident of (уверенный в) relationship with others. Don’t be afraid of reality and you can realize your dreams.

Mostly b: You are Colombo or Miss Marple in a detective film. You are a very confident (уверенный в себе) type. You know how to deal with people and difficult situations and know what you want. But be careful, don’t be too presumptuous (самонадеянный).

Mostly c: You are Sylvester Stallone or Sigourney Weaver in an action film. Relax! You’re too much sure of yourself. Many times you don’t realize other people’s needs. You do too many things at the same time. You are full (полны) of energy, but you should think before doing something. Try to understand yourself better and have a sympathetic attitude (отношение) to others.

12. Повторите правила составления английского письма:

В правом верхнем углу укажите свой адрес (имя не указывается). В официальных письмах в левом верхнем углу нужно указать адрес той организации, куда вы обращаетесь. В дружеских письмах это не делается.

Затем пишется дата, сначала число, месяц, год без знаков препинания.

В зависимости от уровня официальности выбираются формулы приветствия и завершения письма. В дружеском письме вначале употребляется обращение по имени:

Dear Mary / John ,

А в конце письма:

Best wishes ,

All the best,

Take care,

Looking forward to seeing you,

Hope to hear from you soon,

Lots of love,

Yours faithfully,


I look forward to meeting you soon,

I look forward to your reply,

Write back , и др.

Не забудь про запятую, после чего ниже указывается имя автора.

В официальном письме следует обращаться:

Dear Mr. Smith,

Dear Mrs. Green,

Dear Dr . Brown ,

Если вы не знаете имени человека, которому вы пишете, или просто обращаетесь в какое-то учреждение, то употребляются выражения:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Dear Sirs,

Официальное письмо завершается фразами:

Sincerely ,

Sincerely Yours ,

Yours Truly ,

Не забудь указать свое имя без знака препинания.

13. Прочитайте письмо, ответьте на вопросы:

25 Harrington Road

South Kensington

London SW7 3EU

14 October 2011

Dear Mum,

How are you? It’s nice of you to write me about our new

country house. I hope you liked it. I wish I were there with you.

I think I’ll be able to return back in a month. Every day I read

up for my lessons and have a lot of work to do. It’s so great to

live in a hostel. I have many friends here. Last Sunday we

went to the cinema, this weekend I am going to spend in a

library because of the seminars. Kiss dad and Mike for me.

Looking forward to seeing you,


a) What is the date of writing?

b) What is the ZIP code?

c) What city does this letter come from?

d) What is the street name?

e) Who is the addressee?

f) What is the district of the city?

14. Используя правила составления письма, напишите вашему другу о себе, своей семье и учебе в университете.

15. Работа с песней:

- Проверьте, знаете ли вы слова данные в рамке:

anymore innocent stronger explanation heaven through

- Какие это части речи? Как вы догадались?

- Переведите выражения: to be in love, to be out of love. Измените эти выражения по лицам.

- Послушайте песню и посчитайте, сколько раз вы слышите перечисленные ниже строки:

But I am not so ready for this world

Now I see things

I didn't see before

I need an explanation tell me more

Why I am in love now

I don't know

How can I live forever?

Where can I find a heaven

What is going to happen

Why I'm in love now

- Прочитайте строчки ниже. Послушайте песню еще раз. Отметьте, в каком порядке вы слышите данные слова:

How can I live forever?

I am not as innocent as before

But I am not so ready for this world

Why I am in love now?

Day by day

I live it through my diary and I read

I need an explanation tell me more

Now are free

Why I'm in love now

What is going to happen?

I didn't see before

Where can I find a heaven?

I am not a baby anymore

I see it in the mirror in my room

And I can feel it stronger in my soul

Now I see things

That all my little problems

I want to live my feelings

I let you give emotions

In my way

Test yourself

1. Закончите предложения, используя данные слова:

married, job, name, address, number, you, from

1. What’s your ________?

2. Where are you________?

3. How old are__________?

4. What’s your telephone _________?

5. Are you_________?

6. What’s your e-mail_______?


7. What’s your_________?

2. Вставьте получившиеся фразы в диалог:

- Hello! ___________?

- Hi! I’m Ann.

- Nice to meet you, Ann. My name is Jane. __________?

- I’m twenty. I’m a student of Ural State Pedagogical University. And you?

- Me too. I study the History of Music. Do you live in a hostel?

- No, I live with my parents. __________________?

- I’m from Novouralsk. It’s not a big city.

- Yeah, I know. My friend works there. Sorry, I must go… I start work at 4. I’ll phone you. __________?

- Oh, where do you work? _________?

- I’m a waiter in a restaurant.

- Great! Here, I wrote my phone number for you. And ____________?

- It’s ann@uspu.ru

- Ok. Bye!


3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях (одно предложение верно):

1. We need book.

2. You are a doctor?

3. Where is students?

4. I didn’t get a answer from her.

5. Mrs. Brown’s father are a teacher.

6. I have got sister, she 24.

7. I would like to buy a car.


4. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. Those men are singers.

2. Kate is a teacher.

3. The students are in that room.

4. My friend is a pianist.

5. These books are good.



Текст : My family

Грамматика :

1.Конструкция have got 2.Определенный и неопределенный артикли

Тест : Are you on good terms with your family?

Практика: визитка

Песня: Hurt

1. Вставьте артикли a, an, the:

1. Every morning I buy ___ newspaper and ___magazine. ___newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where ___magazine is.

2. My parents have ___cat and ___dog. ___dog never bites (кусать) ___ cat but ___cat often scratches (царапать) ___ dog.

3. My ___sister often helps me to do my___ English translations.

4. When you turn into Rose Road, you will see three houses: ___red one, ___blue one and ___white one. I live in ___white one.

5. We live in ___old house in ___middle of the village. There is ___beautiful garden behind ___house. ___roof of ___house is in very bad condition.

2. Закончите предложения, используя the + noun (существительное):

Example: It is dark in the room, turn on ___the light___.

1. There are no chairs so we all sit on_________________.

2. If you see the fire, you call __________________.

3. We don’t have any stamps, go to ___________________.

4. I have a toothache, so I need to make an appointment (назначить встречу) with _______________.

5. Ann need a bus, take her to ___________________.

6. I don’t have any money, so I go to _________________.

3. Подставьте have got или has got в утвердительной или отрицательной форме:

Mary is 19. She ________ dark hair and green eyes. She _________ three brothers, John, William and Philip, but she _________ any sisters. Her brothers ______ brown hair and brown eyes. One of her brothers, John, is married and __________ two children, so she’s an aunt. Mary lives with her boyfriend in an apartment. It _____ two rooms but it ___________ a garden. She _________ a nice study in the apartment. In it she __________ her computer and a TV. She _______ a car but her parents _____________ one because they can’t drive.

4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. Mary has got a family.

2. Jane has got a lot of children.

3. I have got a wife.

4. My children have got a lot of friends.

5. They have got their English lesson in the morning.

6. They have got a dictation today.

7. I have got a lot of work to do today.

8. She has got a lot of work to do this week.

9. Ann’s got a holiday in May.

10. I’ve got a sister.

11. Nick’s got a big family.

12. He’s got an office in Leeds.

13. You’ve got a Spanish lesson at ten.

14. I’ve got her telephone number.

15. She’s got a car.

16. I’ve got an assistant.

17. He’s got a son.

18. I’ve got a black bag.

5. Ответьте на вопросы о себе. Расскажите друг о друге на основании полученных ответов:

1. Have you got a big family?

2. Have you got a nice flat?

3. Have you got a pet? Is it a dog?

4. You’ve got a hobby, haven’t you? Is it stamps?

5. Have you got a car? Have you got a bicycle?

6. Инсценируйте диалоги, заменяя выделенные слова словами, данными в скобках:

- 1 .

A. Have you got a black pen?

B. Yes, I have.

A. Can I have it a moment?

(a map of London; a copy of list 7)

- 2 .

A. Dick’s got a test on Monday.

B. Oh, has he? Shall I tell him?

A. Yes, please.

B. Okay!

(an interview; a seminar)

7. Изучите новые слова. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: Has Anna got a big family ?








My cat is very clever




She is a very kind-hearted woman.

to run the house

заниматься хозяйством

Who runs the house in your family?

to knit



Do you often knit in the evening?

to look like

[luk laɪk]

быть похожим

Do you look like you mother?



радостный, приветливый

Look at that cheerful child!



с легким характером, общительный

I can’t say that my sister is an easy-going person.

to be on good terms with

быть в хороших отношениях

She is on good terms with her boss.

to enter



Have you entered the university?

a hostel



Do you live in a hostel?

to wake up

['weɪk ʌp]


What time do you usually wake up?




My suitcase is not very light.

to go on foot

идти пешком

I never go on foot to university




Is the canteen good at your university?

to read up for

готовиться, «начитывать материал»

You must read up for your exams if you want to pass them

to enjoy


наслаждаться, получать удовольствие

I enjoy skating

a magazine



What is your favourite magazine?




This room is very cozy




Is that a good cartoon?

My family

Let me tell you a few words about my family, the way I live and the things I like to do most of all. Well, my name is Anna. I’m 17 years old. My family is not big. I have got a mother, a father and a brother. So, there are four of us.

My father is a businessman. His name is Alex. He is forty-five years old. He is a clever man, optimistic and has a good sense of humor. When he is free he prefers to read or watch TV.

My mother is two years younger than my father. She works at school. My mother’s name is Tanya. She is very kind-hearted and beautiful. She runs the house in our family. We like the way she cooks. In the evening she often knits while watching TV.

My younger brother Andrey looks very much like my father. He is very cheerful and easy-going . He is only 5 years younger than me. We are on good terms with each other.

I also have got some cousins but I can’t say that we are very close.

This summer I entered the Ural State Pedagogical University. I decided to take music studies. At present I live in a hostel and I’m very busy during the day. My working day begins early. I have to wake up at 7 o’clock as my studies start at 8.30. My breakfast is usually light , as I don’t have time to do it myself. As a rule I go to the university by trolley-bus, but if the weather is good I go on foot . It takes me 15 minutes to get there. We have three or four periods a day. At 12.30 we have a dinner break. My friends and I go to the canteen . Our classes are over at 15.30 and I go home. At home I have supper and read up for my lectures or seminars. I have got lots of friends and we spend free time together.

As for me I have got different interests. I enjoy reading. I read mostly fiction and magazines . I’m fond of thrillers, detectives and humorous stories by modern writers. I can’t imagine my life without music. It helps me to relax, forget the problems of everyday life. According to my mood music may be either underground club or instrumental and classic.

I like going to the cinema from time to time. But more often I watch video at home in a cozy chair. I prefer watching mostly comedies and thrillers and adore cartoons .

8. Соотнесите буквы и цифры, чтобы получились предложения:


My father is


the house in our family


My breakfast is




My mother runs


without music


My father has got


different interests


My brother and I are




I have got




I enjoy


a good sense of humour


I can’t imagine my life


on good terms with each other

9. Закончите предложения, опираясь на текст:

o Anna has got a mother, a father and a brother. So…

o When Anna’s father is free, he…

o Anna and her brother…

o Anna’s mother…

o Andrey…

o Anna’s classes start at 8.30, so she…

o If the weather is good, she…

o Anna is fond of…

10. На какие 3 части можно условно поделить текст? Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант:

1. Let me introduce myself; my family; my university

2. My family; my university; my hobbies

3. My family; my day; my hobbies

11. Пройдите тест и прокомментируйте свой результат: “Are you on good terms with your family?”:

1. You and your brother (sister) enter a competition. Your brother wins. How do you feel?

a) Very angry. I refuse to go to the award ceremony.

b) I am horrible (отвратительный, отталкивающий, противный) to my brother. Then I say I’m sorry.

c) I’m happy for him. Sometimes he wins things and sometimes I win things.

2. Your mum and your English teacher think it’s a good idea for you to spend three weeks living with an English family this summer. What do you think?

a) Brilliant! I can’t wait to get away from my family and their annoying habits.

b) I don’t want to go. I like spending my spare time with my family.

c) I am excited but also worried about leaving my family for so long.

3. Your parents want you to give them some help around the house. What do you do?

a) Help them as much as possible.

b) I help them, but sometimes they have to ask me twice.

c) I have a big argument every time they ask.

4. Your mum loses her job and you have to move to a smaller house. You and your sister (brother) have to share a room. What do you do?

a) Tell your sister (brother) that she (he) mustn’t touch any of your things.

b) Tell your family you’re leaving home.

c) Feel happy that there’s always someone to talk to.

5. Your parents are coming to your University.

a) I can’t wait. I’m proud for my parents to see me.

b) I feel embarrassed and tell my mum not to wear that awful hat.

c) It’s no problem. They don’t come because I tell them the wrong day.


1 a ) 0 b) 1 c) 2 2 a ) 0 b) 2 c) 1 3 a ) 2 b) 1 c) 0

4 a ) 1 b) 0 c) 2 5 a ) 2 b) 1 c) 0

0-4: You have a very bad relationship with your family. You must be nicer to them. Remember they have feelings too.

5- 7: You have a good relationship with your family. Sometimes you find them annoying (раздраженный) or embarrassing (стеснительный, смущающийся), but you always want the best for them. You can try harder to make your home a happy place.

8-10: Wonderful! You are best friends with your family and your home is your favourite place in the world. Don’t forget to make friends too. You must have other things in your life too.

12. Познакомьтесь с визитной карточкой и ответьте на вопросы:



Financial director

9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England

Phone: (0273) 543359 Fax: (0273) 559364

Whose card is this?

What is he?

What company is he from?

What city is he from?

What is his telephone number?

What is the address of his company?

13. Составьте визитную карточку на английском языке для себя. Обратите внимание, что в англоязычных странах адрес пишется в обратной последовательности. Название улицы указывается в именительном падеже (Пример: Repin Street, Lenin Street).

14. Работа с песней:

- Проверьте, знаете ли вы данные слова в рамке. Какие это части речи?

seems to be proud hold forgive blame admit hide look down miss would

- Послушайте песню. Кто ее исполняет? Кому посвящена эта песня? Как вы догадались об этом?

- Послушайте первую часть песни и впишите начало каждой строчки:

________________ it was yesterday when I saw your face

________________ how proud you were but I walked away

________________ knew what I know today

________________ you in my arms

________________ away the pain

________________ all you’ve done

________________ your mistakes

________________ I wanna do

________________ voice again

________________to call you but I know you won’t be there

- Послушайте вторую часть песни и расставьте строчки в правильном порядке:

I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do

Some days I feel broke inside but I won’t admit

Sometimes I just want to hide ‘cause it’s you I miss

You know it’s so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

And I hurt myself by hating you

Would you help me understand

To look into your eyes and see you looking back

There’s nothing I want to do

Are you looking down upon me?

Would you tell me I was wrong?

Are you proud of who I am?

To have just one more chance

- Послушайте последнюю часть песни и впишите пропущенные слова:

I’m sorry for _________ you for _________ I just couldn’t do

And I’ve had myself

If I had just one more day, I ____________ you how much that

I’ve missed you since you’ve been away

Oh, it’s ___________

It’s so ____________ to try to turn back time

I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do

And I’ve had myself

By hurting you

Test yourself

1. Вставьте артикли a, an, the:

1. Would you like ___ apple?

2. Could you close ___door, please?

3. We live in ___small flat near ___ centre of the city.

4. Where is ___ book I gave you last week?

5. Let’s go out for ___meal. ___restaurant I usually go is excellent.

6. Did ___police find ___ person who stole your bicycle?

7. This is a nice house. Has it got ___ garden?

8. It is warm and sunny, let’s sit in ___garden.

9. This morning I’d like ___boiled egg and toast for breakfast.

10. ___President of the United States is elected every four years.


2. Изучите информацию в таблице и закончите предложения с has got, hasn’t got, have got, haven’t got:





Yes (Rex)


Yes (two cats)


Yes (an Audi)

Yes (two)






1. Anna __________________ a dog – his name’s Rex.

2. She ____________________ a car – it’s an Audi.

3. She ____________________ a computer.

4. Sergey and Olga ________________ a pet.

5. They _____________________ two cars.

6. They _____________________ a computer.

7. Anton ____________________ two cats.

8. He ___________________ a car.

9. He ___________________ a computer.


3. Просмотрите информацию в таблице еще раз и закончите вопросы и ответы на них ниже:

1. ________ Anna _______ a dog? Yes, _____________.

2. ________ she _________ a car? _________________.

3. ________she _________a car? __________________.

4. ________Sergey and Olga ___________ a pet? ______ .

5. ________they _____________ a car? ______________ .

6. ________ they ____________a computer? __________.

7. ________ Anton ___________ a pet? ______________ .

8. ________he _______________ a car? ______________.

9. ________he _______________a computer? __________.



Текст : Our flat

Грамматика : 1. Конструкция there is/are

2. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые


3. Местоимения many / much / few / little

Тест : What does your bedroom say about you?

Практика: Резюме I

1. Используя слова, данные ниже, закончите предложения:

a big dog, some little plates, some fresh milk, some cheese, a new pen, some children, a little mouse, a blue vase, two pictures, some English books, a white cat, ten red apples, some pretty girls, a red rose.

1. There is _______________ in the yard.

2. There are ______________ on the table.

3. There is ____________ on the shelf.

4. There is __________ in the bottle.

5. There are _________ in the park.

6. There is __________ on the floor.

7. There is ___________ on the bed.

8. There are _______________ on the wall.

9. There is ___________ on the plate.

10. There are ________________ on the dish.

11. There is ______________ in my pocket.

12. There are _________________ on the dancing-floor.

13. There are _________________ on the shelf.

14. There is _________ in the garden.

2. Подставьте is или are , чтобы закончить предложения:

1. There __________ many people in the street.

2. There __________ much water in the ditch.

3. There __________ little ink in the pen.

4. There __________ few boys in the yard.

5. There ___________ many girls in the room.

6. There ________ little milk in the bottle.

7. There ________ only few desks in the classroom.

8. There ________ so much fresh air here!

9. There _______ little grass in the garden.

10. There __________ some much paper on the desk!

11. There ___________ little sand on the beach.

3. Подставьте many/much/few/little/a few/ a little , чтобы закончить предложения:

1. There is ______ snow on the roof.

2. He has _______ English books.

3. There are ______ flowers in the vase. Take some for your wife.

4. Give me _____ butter, please.

5. Pass me the jug, please. There is ______ milk in my coffee.

6. There are _____ apples on the plate. Take some for your children.

7. Now there is _________ water in the river.

8. Look! There are so _______ people in the street!

9. Open the window! There is so __________ air in the room.

10. I have very _____ books. You can take ______ of them.

11. Give me ______ cheese, please.

12. I can’t drink this tea. There is too _______ sugar in it.

4. Найдите отличия между картинками:

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the flat?






block of flats

[blɔk ɔ flæts]

многоквартирный дом

There is a 20-storey

block of flats next

to our university.



этаж, ярус

This house has

only four storeys.




I’d like to buy an apartment with the modern conveniences

to be centrally heated

['sentr(ə)l hi:tid]

иметь центральное отопление

Houses in villages are usually not centrally heated.



оборудование, приспособления, удобства

I’m glad that there are good kitchen facilities in your flat.

to share


делить, разделять

We share a flat with my group mate.




There are two chairs in the corner of the living-room.

football pitch

['futbɔːl pɪʧ]

футбольное поле

There is a large football pitch next to our block of flats.



преимущество, достоинство

The advantage of this flat is that it’s on the 12th floor.



этаж; пол

We live on the 1st floor.

to water



If you don’t water the plants, they will die.

to take care of

[teik kɛə ɔv]


You should take care of your younger brother.




My room is very light and cosy.


It takes smb 20 minutes to do smth требуется 20 минут, чтобы сделать что-то (It takes me one hour to do my English homework)

To be next to находиться рядом (My house is next to the supermarket)

Our flat

I live in Yekaterinburg in a block of flats . It’s a typical Yekaterinburg 16-storey building. We don’t live in the centre of Yekaterinburg, but we live not far from the underground. It takes us 20 minutes to get to the centre of the city and 5 minutes to get to the Ural State Pedagogical University. There are three rooms in our flat and we have all modern conveniences . The building is centrally heated ; there is cold and hot water in our flat. We have good kitchen and bathroom facilities . There is a big living room and two bedrooms in our flat. My brother and I share one big bedroom. There are two beds, a couple of very comfortable chairs and a lot of space for us to keep our things. In the hall there is a little corner where our computers live. And in the living room there is a video and a fantastic television. Our windows look down on a football pitch , which is occasionally (иногда, изредка) used by schoolchildren. A lot of trees are visible from our windows and we can see the top of the church too.

One of the greatest advantages of our flat is that our block of flats isn’t next to any big roads. So we get virtually no noise from outside. We live on the 12th floor . And I like living high up, because a lot of light comes in. I like to have more sunlight coming in.

My mother always keeps fresh flowers in our flat. They make our flat feel alive. My mother waters them regularly, and I think they are happy, as they are well taken care of .

There is always a very nice family atmosphere in our flat. Our parents are very friendly. And besides, every little detail, every picture on the walls, every vase of flowers gives the place a homely atmosphere. So I can say that our flat is very cosy .

6. Закончите предложения данными словами: take care of, centrally heated, next to, advantages, water, block of flats, storey, conveniences, corner

1. There are many 9-__________ buildings in our city.

2. I like to live _____ ____ a supermarket.

3. If you live in a modern __________________, your flat definitely has all the _______________.

4. In summer buildings are not ___________ _________.

5. I often forget to _______ the flowers in my room.

6. Don’t sit at the _________, come here.

7. What are the _____________ of living in a big city?

8. Do you ____________________ your parents?

7. Исправьте ошибки в сочинении:

I live in Yekaterinburg in a small house. The house is in the centre of the city but it takes us forty minutes to get to the university. The house is centrally heated and we have all modern conveniences.

There are three rooms in our flat; I share a room with my sister. In the room you can see a bed, a sofa and a table. There are also two computers next to the window. In the living room there is a computer, too, and a fantastic television.

We live on the twentieth floor and the atmosphere in our flat is really bad. There are many flowers there. My mother waters the flowers regularly but I don't think they are happy.

Anyway, the flat looks very cosy .

8. Прочитайте текст и определите, какая из трех предложенных комнат (A, B or C) описана ниже:

It is a very beautiful living-room. There is a big sofa and 2 arm-chairs. In the middle of the room there is a small table with some magazines on it. If we look to the right, we can see a large window, so the room is very light. There is also a carpet on the floor which makes the room cosy. On the wall there is a picture and there is a vase next to it. The walls and the ceiling are white and it makes the room look bigger.

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

9. Опишите свою комнату.

10. Пройдите тест и узнайте: «What does your bedroom say about you?»:

1. When you go into your bedroom, the first thing you do is…

a) check that everything is in its proper place.

b) listen to some music.

c) lie down on your bed.

2. On your walls you have…

a) a few pictures.

b) some souvenirs of places you’ve been.

c) Posters, drawings, photos etc. depending on your mood (настроение).

3. You hate your mum tidying your cupboard because…

a) you like to keep things secret.

b) you’re ashamed (стыдиться) of the mess.

с) you prefer to tidy it yourself.

4. Your preferred bedroom decoration is…

a) futuristic.

b) retro.

c) modern.

5. On your shelves you’ve got…

a) a terrible mess.

b) one or two collections of things.

c) lots of things that mean something to you.

6. You do your homework…

a) sitting at your desk.

b) on your bed.

c) on the floor.

7. Your bedroom is messy (неряшливый, грязный). A friend arrives unexpectedly (неожиданно).

a) you don’t let him (her) into the room.

b) you let your friend in, explaining that your room isn’t as tidy as usual.

c) you laugh and say, “I’m not really the tidiest person in the world!”


1. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 2 . a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 3. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1

4. a) 3 b) 1 c) 2

5. a) 3 b) 1 c) 2 6. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 7. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

7-11 points: Your room is always tidy because you are an organized person. You like to do a job well and always work as hard as you can. If you scored 7 or 8, you are a bit anxious (тревожный, беспокойный). Try to relax more.

12-16 points: You are easy-going (с легким характером, добродушный) and nice. You hate arguments and gossip (сплетни). You have a heart of gold that bleeds (кровоточит) easily when it is hurt. You need people to love and understand you because you are very loving and sensitive.

17-21 points: You are lively, sporty and dynamic. You hate sitting around and doing nothing. You are not often in your room because you are always going somewhere else. If you scored 20 or 21, you are a bit disorganized.

11. Прочитай информацию ниже и узнай, что такое резюме и как его составить:

В последнее время при устройстве на работу часто требуется резюме, под которым подразумевается краткое изложение опыта и сути профессиональной деятельности претендента на вакантную должность . Цель резюме - получение приглашения на собеседование, т.е. на очное знакомство с потенциальным работодателем.

Резюме должно быть подробным, но не слишком длинным. На его чтение должно быть затрачено не более трех минут. Оптимальный объем резюме - не более полутора листов печатного текста.

Если говорить о составлении резюме на английском языке, то необходимо отметить, что наряду со словом «resume» часто встречается словосочетание «curriculum vitae» , либо аббревиатура «c.v.» . Пусть вас это не смущает, т.к. это лишь два названия одного и того же документа.

Итак, прежде всего, сверху посередине листа укажите ваше имя, адрес и телефон. Далее, резюме обычно состоит из следующих главных пунктов:

Personal details


Business experience

Special qualifications

Interests and skills

Рассмотрим содержание этих пунктов.

Personal details

1. Дата и место рождения (Date of birth; Place of birth).

2. Семейное положение (Merital status).

- женат/замужем (married);

- не женат/не замужем (single);

- разведен/разведена (divorced).

Здесь также необходимо указать наличие детей (Children).

3. Гражданство (Citizenship).

Здесь укажите страну, гражданином которой вы являетесь.


В этом пункте необходимо указать все учебные заведения, в которых вы когда-либо учились, включая общеобразовательную школу. Укажите дату начала и окончания учебы и присвоенную квалификацию.

Будьте внимательны! При перечислении учебных заведений (далее, также, и мест работы) необходимо соблюдать обратный хронологический порядок. То есть, первым указывается то образование, которое вы получили сравнительно недавно.

Business experience

Соблюдая обратный хронологический порядок, укажите время и место работы, название вашей должности. Если у вас есть какие-либо научные труды, публикации, изобретения и т.д., не забудьте указать и их.

Special qualifications

В этом пункте укажите дополнительные квалификации, полученные вами на факультативах, курсах и т.п. Если таковые отсутствуют, в резюме этот пункт можно не включать.

Interests and skills

В этом пункте дайте о себе дополнительную информацию, как то:

· владение иностранными языками

· навыки работы на компьютере

· наличие водительских прав

Укажите, также, клубы, ассоциации, членом которых вы являетесь, свои увлечения и интересы. Но помните, что представленная информация должна быть избирательной, касающейся ваших профессиональных и деловых качеств . Необходимо сделать акцент на том опыте и на тех ваших качествах и умениях, которые помогут вам в выполнении возможных обязанностей на данном рабочем месте.

Иногда к резюме прилагается сопроводительное письмо ( Covering letter ) .

В некоторых случаях прилагается также письмо-рекомендация (A Letter of Recommendation).

Test yourself

1. Подставьте слова в предложения: apples, books, boys, bread, flowers, grass, leaves, time, snow, sugar, water

1. I have too much __________ in my tea.

2. He has little _________ today.

3. You have very many _____________ in your room

4. There is too little ___________ on the table.

5. I have few _____________ in my garden.

6. There is little _____________ on the square.

7. There are not many _____________ on the trees.

8. There is very much ____________ in the well.

9. We have too few _________ in our class.

10. There is much __________ on the ground.

11. There is little ________________ in this ditch.

12. There are many _____________ on the plate.


2. Используйте much/many/very:

1. Our last two English lessons were __________long.

2. The students had _________ difficulty with the last lessons.

3. Did you have _________ trouble with the homework today?

4. The last question was _____ difficult for everyone.

5. Did you spend _________time on your homework last night?

6. I wrote each new word in the lesson ________ times.

7. Does your English teacher give you __________ homework?

8. Mr. Harris, our teacher has a _________ clear voice.

9. __________ people all over the world speak English these days.

10. On the whole, the English language is __________ easy.


3. Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя there is/ there are:

Пример: This room has two windows.

There are two windows in this room.

The car is near the house.

There is a car near the house.

1. This city has many monuments.

2. Our town has no theatres.

3. This family has two children.

4. Our group has many good musicians.

5. Every week has 7 days and every year has twelve months.

6. She has a lot of English books in her library.

7. The dog is in the room.

8. The students are at the musical studies.



Текст: My day

Грамматика: 1. Объектный падеж местоимений

2. Простое настоящее время

( Present Simple )

Тест : Are you a sleepy sloth?

Практика: Как произносить email и website addresses

1. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

1. Take this book and read ______at home, please.

2. Is he going to speak to _________about his new work?

3. These are very good books. Where do you get _________?

4. My sister knows English well. I often do my homework with _______.

5. Read these words and lean ______well.

6. I don’t know ______. What’s his name?

2. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. I often meet this violinist here.

2. You go to the university every day.

3. I read English books every morning.

4. His sisters always give me books to read.

5. They often go there.

6. I usually read the newspaper at home.

7. They do their homework every day.

8. We play the piano at home in the evening.

3. Измените предложения, заменяя местоимение I на she/he:

1. I work at school.

2. I go to the musical school every day.

3. I write many English exercises every day.

4. I study musical psychology.

5. I get much information from my teachers.

6. I don’t like pizza.

7. I usually watch TV in the evening.

8. I never wake up at 6 at the weekend.

9. I always go to bed at 9.30 p.m.

10. I play the guitar very well.

4. Задайте общий вопрос к данным утверждениям:

1. The students read many books.

2. Mr. Brown speaks very fast.

3. My friend always gets good marks.

4. You sleep very much!

5. Children ask a lot of questions.

6. They know many French words.

7. My sister flies to the USA ever year.

8. He understands that lesson.

9. He drives to the office every morning.

10. They spend a lot of money.

5. Скажите как часто вы:

o listen to music

o watch TV

o play computer games

o visit your granny

o go to a club

o speak English

o smile

o cry

o see UFOs

o go to the university

o enjoy your life

Используйте: once (a day, a week, a month, a year), twice (a day, a week, a month, a year), never, every day, sometimes, from time to time.

6. Инсценируйте диалоги:

- 1.

- Do you like coffee, Betty?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you want a cup?

- Yes, please, Jane.

- Do you want any sugar?

- Yes, please.

- Do you want any milk?

- No, thank you. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee.

- Do you like biscuits?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you want one?

- Yes, please.

- 2.

- I haven’t any small music books. I only have large ones. Do you want one?

- Yes, please. I want a large box of chalk, too.

- I only have small boxes. Do you want one?

- No, thank you.

7. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: Is Anna a very busy person ?








a timetable



Do you know the timetable for today?

to go to bed

[gəu tə bed]

ложиться спать

I usually go to bed at midnight.

to get up

[get ʌp]


I don’t like to get up early.

a major duty