Porshe 911 (997). Manual - part 656


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Porshe 911 (997). Manual - part 656



Removing mirror insert

2. Pull the mirror insert -3- upwards and remove from the mirror housing -2- .

Removing bulb and contact clips

Removing bulb and contact clips

1. Remove bulb -5- from contact clips -4- . Take the contact clips upwards out of the holder.

Removing mirror housing

Unclipping mirror housing

1. Insert a narrow plastic spatula between the mirror housing -2- and the sun visor -1- on the left and right

and unclip the mirror housing.

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Removing mirror insert


Removing mirror housing

2. Take the electric lead out of the mirror housing -2- and detach the mirror housing from the sun


Assembling sun visor

Installing mirror housing

Positioning the mirror housing

1. Insert electric lead into the mirror housing -2- . Position the mirror housing in the sun


Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Removing mirror housing


Press in mirror housing

2. Press the mirror housing -2- at all four corners until it locks into place.

Inserting contact clips and bulb

Inserting contact clips and bulb

1. Position the contact clips -4- in the mirror housing and fit under the lug. Insert bulb -5- .

Installing mirror insert

Positioning mirror insert

1. Position the lugs on the right and left of the mirror insert -3- in the mirror housing.

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Installing mirror housing


Clipping in mirror insert

2. Clip the mirror insert -3- into the mirror housing -2- on the left, right and in the middle.

Subsequent work


Install sun visor. →  23 Removing and installing sun visor - installing

997110, 997111, 997120, 997121, 997310, 997311, 997320, 997321, 997410, 997411, 997430, 997431,
997610, 997611, 997620, 997621


Gefahr des Verlusts der Text-Bild-Zuordnung beim Ausdruck.

Aus technischen Gründen kann derzeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass trotz
einwandfreier Darstellung auf dem Bildschirm beim Ausdruck der
Zusammenhang von Text und zugehörigem Bild verloren geht.


Wird der Fehler nicht bemerkt, besteht die Gefahr, daß Arbeiten nicht korrekt
durchgeführt werden und es dadurch zu Personen- und Sachschäden kommt.


→ Vergleichen Sie deshalb nach dem Druckvorgang unbedingt die Ausdrucke mit der
Bildschirmdarstellung. Korrigieren Sie die Ausdrucke im Fehlerfall so, daß der Inhalt der
Bildschirmdarstellung zutreffend wiedergegeben wird.


Danger of losing text-figure correspondence when printing out.

For technical reasons, it can currently not be ruled out that the correspondence
between text and associated figure can be lost when it is printed out, even though
the display on the screen is correct.


If the fault is not noticed, there is the danger that work will not be performed
correctly which can cause injury and damage.


→ Therefore, always compare printouts with the screen display after printing them out. Correct
the printouts if they are faulty so that the content of the screen display matches that on the

Diagnostic system: reading out fault memory and activating systems

Installing mirror insert









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